1st steps

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Well I'm admitting that I have a problem and now have found the emotional support and help I need. Financial support is of no benefit to me but knowing people are there. I have not had a bet since Thurs last week which is some achievement. I go back in work tomorrow and on my lunch or break will be making a trip to a bookies. Not one but several. I will be self excluding myself. My mum has taken over my finances I have told her to get my credit file so I cant apply for finance and I have no credit or bank cards. Am feeling hugely relieved and think I have no set off on my new path gambling free. I know it's going to be hard but I know I have suport. You guys on here are v supportive and should keep up the gd work supporting each other. At 26 I thought my life was a mess but I think I am realising that it will just be starting. I'll keep you posted on my problem.

Posted : 6th April 2009 6:38 pm
Posts: 0


great so see you made a massive leap and have decided to stop gambling, for me the first few weeks were the toughest by far, and i had some great support from people here, maybe it would be a good idea to start a recovery diary, it's a great place to get the thoughts that can clog your brain down in words, get some support and look back as reminder of why you are here.

As for your recovery, from my own experience its a very personal journey, but for me just three months has made a huge difference in my life, it ain't a bed of roses by a long stretch but it's just good to not wake up each day living a double life.

all the best in your recovery, do your mum proud, if your are anything like me i have a lot to make up for, but with each day that passes gamble free I'm making that change and hope you can to.


Posted : 6th April 2009 7:00 pm
Posts: 0

It's great to come on here and see your positive posts. I just hope you can find the strength to see this thing through and resist the urge to go to the bookies. Being in work will probably be the hardest as that is where your "habit" has been carried on - away from the rest of your life. So good luck today - this is the first day of the rest of your life. We were proud reading your posts this morning! And don;t forget - we are awlays at the end of the phone for that extra support. x

Posted : 7th April 2009 6:32 am
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Well I have been in 2 bookies today. I had the best feeling ever coming out of it too. Was it that my 10/1 horse won? No !! it was because I have self excluded myself from both bookies I go in near work. Hard was not the word but what a relief

Posted : 7th April 2009 10:47 am
Posts: 0

Keep excluding whilst you're in this frame of mind. Do not leave any doors open to gamble. Only you know which ones to shut.

Take care and keep posting

Steve E

Posted : 7th April 2009 1:43 pm
Posts: 0

I am sure that the first steps must be the hardest. Keep the momentum going - we are all willing you to succeed. And remember - there are so many good times to look forward to - honest times and times free from worry and debt! xx

Posted : 7th April 2009 4:45 pm
Posts: 20

well done 2 u just keep saying 2 yourself JUST 4 2DAY I WONT GAMBLE good luck 2 u

Posted : 7th April 2009 5:00 pm
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Feeling really good today. 6 days since my lest bet and it feels great. I'v come clean with the people that matter and am finding myself in a good place. I still have money in my wallet and have no intentions of going in a bookies. The road will be long and hard but I have some v supportive people around me. I can't wait for my next trip to the bookies. Tomorrow to drop my pictures in for self exclusion. Thanks for the support and good comments it's good to hear that people dont judge you on your problem.

Posted : 8th April 2009 9:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi There

Welcome to the forum. I have just read your diary and have tears of joy in my eyes.

You are so very fortunate to have your family support. You can be very proud of yourself for going to these bookies and self excluding, all by yourself. You are braver then I was when I stopped. I took my partner with me..for 2 reasons, one, I feared I may have one last bet before self excluding, and two, my man needed to see for himself that I was willing to do something about my addiction.

Don't keep too much money in your wallet my friend, too much of a temptation... only carry the cash you really need for today. Keep the rest in the bank.

Mum - you are great

Keep posting, you are both helping me in my recovery as much as you are doing for your own.

God Bless


Posted : 8th April 2009 1:41 pm
Posts: 0


Just posted this on your new members bit putting it here as well in case you miss it good luck.

I was completely against going to GA , but after 30 years of gambling and turning £150k in the bank to a £60k debt since 2005 I had to get help.

This site and GA have been my saviour. They will most likely do the same for you PSOWM.

You must go to GA it's a bit weird at first but after a couple of meetings you start to understand yourself better.

My ability to think straight has recently returned after years and years of being caught up in gambling hell. Sounds as if you are just coming out of it , try everything that is there to help. GA after a few weeks on here has worked for me. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

Posted : 8th April 2009 5:36 pm
Posts: 0


One other thing I can draw comparison with you is that feeling of elation when self excluding. I was absolutely dreading it , perhaps even more so than telling my wife that I had lost £15k in in one night playing poker.

Three shops near me, I knew all the staff , several I knew socially and one or two were friends . So how could I do it! I spent 8 hours a day in these places. In one hour on Friday 5th March I self excluded from 6 shops in a five mile radius. The feeling unless you have really got it bad can never be explained.

Now 36 days on, walking past the three bookies in town is like walking past the ladies clothes shops. I have no interest in ladies clothes and I have no interest in gambling. I honestly barely notice them.

It is still hard not to gamble but to not go in a bookies is a piece of P***. I see them as corrupt leeches, rapido , virtual greyhounds , the roulette machines, virtual speedway and now virtual go cart racing!!!

I ask you can anyone enjoy that , they have ripped the soul out of enjoying betting. They see a weakness in a person and they exploit it to the hilt.

When I self excluded from Willie *** on line account within days I had an email from them saying £50 will be credited to my account if I return.

I no doubt self excluded for a reason without them trying to entice me back. Watch out for all this s**t from them and steer well clear.

Your doing very well young man and give that mum of yours a big hug.

Take Care.

Posted : 8th April 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 0

Well, it is great to get up in the morning and come on here to see the support that is available. People are amazingly supportive and understanding and I know that together, we will help my son beat this demon. I am meeting him for lunch today and am looking forward to having our first, honest, open lunch without lies and aversions getting in the way. I do realise how hard it is, particularly when you have built a web of lies to cover up what you are diong. I feel that I have done the right thing in being supportive, not condemnig - I am fortunate in that I do not have an addictive personality so am never likely to get in that bad place and I can only imagine the compulsion to gamble. I hope this gets better for me. At present, every waking moment is spent thining about whether he will succumb and whether he would tell me. Oh well, one day at a time. Thank you everyone for your helpful posts. x

Posted : 9th April 2009 6:21 am
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1 Week whoop di whoop. You know coming on here is like a breath of fresh air. Lovely trip to the bookies today photos handed in and on the road to recovery. Got my 11 o'clock feeling after doing loads of wrk in the morning and would normally have gone in the hell hole. Instead went to the museum and took some nice pics of the art work. Was pleased with myself and with free entry had a strangely enjoyable time. There is also a library so I'm thinking if I get any urges I'll sit down in a different place and have a good old read. Really enjoying my journey and my support. Thanks for all your comments they help more than most people would ever understand. I feel like a new person or perhaps a person finding the old person I lost? 1 week and it feel great...

Posted : 9th April 2009 9:17 am
Posts: 0

and i will get better and better. It's called living life rather than enduring hell.

Posted : 9th April 2009 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Brilliant - keep it up - positivity breeds positivity. xx

Posted : 9th April 2009 10:45 am
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