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Things like that certainly bring back the bad memories that we have. Lets just hope that the poor guy finds this site sooner rather than later.

Going to study at uni has to be better than reforming that group that you and your sisters used to have. Never liked the Nolans--used to like that song in the 70's 'You got me hanging' by The Dooleys!!!!

Hope you enjoyed your walk in the rain.

Stumper x

Posted : 31st July 2010 11:33 am
Posts: 0

Morning Jas,

Must have been hard to see that guy the other day.

I know Lincsman had confusing feelings about his GA meeting the other night, but its not as if we are feeling good about other peoples missfortunes, we merely use them as warnings as to what can happen if we become complacent.

Keep up the possitivity


Posted : 2nd August 2010 10:54 am
Posts: 180

Hey Jas

I have been a bit lax since I got back,feeling a bit blue I think.

Great stuff on going to uni who would have thought that in April 2009 🙂

Looking at the pain caused by gambling never gets any easier does it, what a sad story. I too hope he finds some help soon.

Take care

love to you and P

W xxx

Posted : 3rd August 2010 6:14 pm
Posts: 2967

Hey gorgeous,

Wow. It is really shocking when you see a gambler from the 'other side' of the fence. That used to be us, and its just like watching our past played out in some sort of bizarre street theatre.

I know what you mean, that poor man. Your post made me think, and you know there are 4 homeless guys in our city centre (Im sure there are more, but 4 that I have noticed wandering the city for many years now) and I have seen all 4 of them walking out of a bookies at some point.

I hope you are still riding that positivity wave! because its lovely to see Jas as she should be - with the sky as the limit 🙂

f x

Posted : 3rd August 2010 6:44 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Thank you so much for the posts. Will try to catch up on diaries soon.

Just plodding along nicely...seems a bit boring but I guess that's stability for you lol

P is having issues at work. Took a pay cut during the "recession" which has never been reinstated, no pay rise for 3 years and now he is having to fight for his bonus which he has worked hard for all year. Won't be getting paid as a form has to be signed. It's just not fair what employers are doing these days. If our money wasn't in such a mess he could tell them to swivel. Sometimes it seems we are firefighting all the time.

I found a brilliant site the other day...friendly lending. It's where people lend to each other...no greedy banks involved. It's called Zopla....you may have heard of it? Anyway...you can ask for a loan and tell them what you need it for and your circumstances etc... and peeps can lend you money and you pay it back with interest. I haven't got much spare but I thought it was a superb idea so i have set up a lending account...only 50quid but I've already lent someone 20 quid and so will get some interest back. Thought you guys may be interested?

I'm going out tonight...a pub that plays motown...so I'd better get my dance moves ready.

There are no gambling issues for me which is good but i still need this diary and this site to help me continue with my recovery. For as long as i need it i will continue to post.

Hope everyone is ok...love from Jas xx

PS Studying starts 7/9/10..really excited :-))

Posted : 6th August 2010 12:11 pm
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I used to have amazing concentration levels and unbelievable amounts of patience. Gambling destroyed this. I have tried this evening to do some knitting.....no sniggering now. But I'm so mad at myself for having little or no concentration. Very frustrating but I am adamant I will get it back.

Hope you are all ok? Jas x

Posted : 11th August 2010 8:59 pm
Posts: 2967

Hi Jas,

What did you choose to do at uni? you were still pondering last time I asked. Exciting times for you! I can just imagine you sitting there all agitated with your knitting needles!!! lol 😀

Im going to check out that website - what a lovely idea. Society all helping each other out now the fat greedy bankers wont lend us anything. Hey if it catches on, we might all take our business elsewhere then the banks would be stuffed! I would flippin love that 😉

Post soon, take care,

f x

Posted : 13th August 2010 1:54 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Freda 🙂

Still working on my concentration. Will need this when I start my studying in September.

Off this week. Not going anywhere in particular...just relaxing. I have made a list of "to do's" in my life. One was to go on a train. Yeah...sad i know lol. Booked some tickets for P and me for yesterday. Only cost £9.80 for an open return for us both. Walked to the nearest little train station to us and jumped on the train. I was like a kid. Went to a small little town for a nosey round. It was great, small pleasures.

My sister has had the all clear from cancer but still has to take meds for 5 years. She had her op a year ago this Friday.....our wedding anniversary actually.....so we are going out to celebrate. Unfortunately, my sis is still choosing to gamble. She has been very quiet of late which means she is still very much at it. I did manage to speak with her a few days ago and as usual there were the stories of all the big wins. To me now the big wins are only more fuel to continue the gambling. Her talking about gambling doesn't bother me at all anymore...which I guess is a good thing eh?

Since I stopped spending ALL my time on gambling (and money too!) I have sort of opened up and become human again. I seem to have made quite a few new friends recently and I am really enjoying it. part of me feels a little sad though as I used to spend all my time with my sister but we just don't have the same interests now........

Keep going everyone. Jas xx

Posted : 17th August 2010 7:41 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jas

Dont realy know what to say, hope you are well, thanks for posting on my diary. Lifes just a grind at times init!

take caare jas, lots of love from me and my boys. ands xx

Posted : 19th August 2010 11:48 am
Posts: 0
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My wedding anniversary today. A very special day indeed. A good day for reflection.

P is an amazing person. Very quiet...unlike me...lol. He doesn't comment much but when he does have something to say it's profound and makes you listen.

Something stuck in my mind. P told me that he felt I had put "us" as risk by my previous gambling madness. I can't get the words "at risk" out of my head. They were hard words to swallow......but they did the trick.

I do not dabble in risky behaviour any longer.

Today is going to be a good day, I just feel it in my bones.

Keep going everyone.........

Bye Bye from Jas x

Posted : 20th August 2010 6:19 am
Posts: 0

Happy aniversary Jas and please give my regards to P.

Have a good day Jeff.

Posted : 20th August 2010 5:59 pm
Posts: 1057

yes happy anniversary jas...having an understanding partner is one massive step in defeating this evil...best wishes,enjoy your weekend we can do this 🙂

Posted : 21st August 2010 10:52 am
Posts: 180

Morning Jas,

hope u had a lovely anniversary.

You are so right hearing the words putting us at risk. Was the same thing that did it for me. Couldnt do a thing without my soulmate and thank god we both realised it in time.

Thanks for your post, I am working on it, getting the mojo back that is 🙂

I think I have been fighting the mundane parts of life instead of accepting them.

I don't like my job but still I havent been valuing any of what I do and thats a big mistake. Next week I am going to make a proper effort!!!

You only get out as much as you put in afterall.

Nothing to report on thre gambling front

Have a good weekend both of you.

love W xxx

Posted : 21st August 2010 10:58 am
Posts: 0
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I'm still alive and kicking and still reading everyone's diaries and offering my support even though I am not posting so much these days.

I still have regrets about the financial f**k up I have made and the years of pay back that stretch ahead of me. I guess those feelings will come and go and ultimitely lose their intensity. I am planning for my future now which will hopefully involve an opportunity to earn money in order to provide a means of payback. That's my master plan anyway lol

I am forever grateful for all the support and help this site and you guys have provided me with.....and continue to do so too.

It's sunny outside so I'm going for a walk.

Take care all.....love from Jas x

Posted : 31st August 2010 5:19 pm
Posts: 2967

Hi Jas,

Just popping by to say hi, and hope you had a wonderful anniversary 🙂

I think we sometimes need to hear some sobering stuff. Keeps us focused. I think to get a man to refer to himself as "us" rather than "me" is a wonderful achievement - tell me your secret?!

Only joking! Hope the nerves are holding up and you are raring to go when your course starts.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 2nd September 2010 1:39 pm
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