Another days off has passed and today I spent most of the day on the computer playing free chip poker, its not for money so not gambling but I was playing it for like 8 hours today (cant be good) I think u get the same excitement from it as gambling but without the money, best have a break from it tomo. Star wars tomo afternoon horray then another couple of days of relaxation then work then Christmas day. I have a lot to be thankful for.
First day back at work today, feeling a bit down today! Not sure why. Had voices last night for a couple of hours before I could get to sleep.... Managed to get to sleep tho which is good. One more day at work tomo then Christmas holiday for five days.
Evening Adam, I hope you get a better night's rest tonight x
Rigt have to take stock and learn something from yesturdays visits to pubs. Now I was with a mate who gambles every week, he doesn't have a job and when he gets paid every other week he pays his bills, buys food then gambles the rest away. He says he's gonna change next year but I seriously think he wont be able to he's done it for too long. Now I like the guy and hope he improves but I cant see myself seeing him as something I can do whilst he's gambling! I found myself with him lending him money when he run out then watching him play. I also wnet with him to the social club I used to go to to play snooker, now I was thinking of joining up again next year to play snooker but with the 500 pound slot machines in there I really don't think I can handle it, I mean I was watching them , the flashing lights, its all that goes thru my mind the whole time. I mean why I will eventually lose everything I have on me and go to a cash machine until I cant withdraw anymore then the depression kicks in. Everytime. So luckily this time ive reached the conclusion of not going to play snooker there this year, or any other year until there aren't any machines in there!!!!! So as I said earlier this month I think ive spent 140 pounds on gambling this year plus drinks when doing it so entertainment as we call it about 300 pounds, that's a huge step in the right direction. 2020 this is my year!!! I can get to the year mark within this new year if I don't gamble. I must find a new hobby other than the gym.  Â
I must say that last nights really shown me I have a real problem one that I can beat but will take a lot of effort to keep on top of if I keep frequenting pubs.
Another successful day, went into town and bought some clothes half price in the sales, spent fifty two pounds quite a lot but was worth it. Hadn't thought about my budget tho and going to be tight whether I can go out to visit friends on new years. The last time I was over budget for the month was December last year so ive done well but hopefully I get paid enough to go out new years and not go over budget, we will see. Very pleased I didn't gamble Xmas eve, if I did I wouldn't have bought the clothes and would no doubt be very depressed right now. Not up to much tomo hence why I'm up soo late. Listening to music chilling out. Got till twenty nineth off so another three days. WA
Fantastic to read this Adam, it's great to know you had a great Christmas mate!
Hello neglected diary, back to work tomo for two days then off on Wednesday for new years. Thought as I going to work tomo I best go to the gym tonight to get back into the swing of things, my arms and legs felt like jelly at first so I really need to get back into the swing of things. Done some weights , twelve mins of rowing, burnt fifty calories on the treadmill then down some sit ups and push ups. Felt good aftwRds but was super hungry and ate quite a bit for dinner after. When I was there I thought I'm I'n a better shape than if I was drinking and smoking so that's a plus. But my main goal for the first three months is to lose my belly its got to go need a health kick and that's my goal, one goal is enough at the moment.
Well that's 2019 done and dusted. To sum up, jan - may no gambling, smoking or drinking, May - Nov Pub poker and odd fruit machine spending 140 pounds in total and then dec No gambling. So all in all not too bad for a year I can take many plusses from this on to 2020. Many thanks to all who helped me thru 2019 many times ive been given advice and im glad to say that the gamble free December which as we know can be a mindfield is all down to you. My goals for this year are as follows:
1: No Smoking.
2: No Drinking Alcohol.
3: No Gambling (Trying to hit that glorious 100 day mark first, then half year then glorious year mark on the 3rd December 2020.
4: Improve fitness.
5: To have a meal out with friends once every two months.
6: To manage my money well with the target of paying off my mortgage quicker to help with my retirement.
This is a lot to aim for and will not be easy but if it was easy it would not be a challenge and life is a challenge.
Finally number 7:
LETS DO 2020 😉
changing tittle
Having a bit of a thoughtful moment thinking about life. I'm going to try to spend more time with family and friends this year as u never know what life's gonna throw at you. Got to think about money less this year as its important but there are faw more pressing things to think about. Also with everything going on in Indonesia flooding wars between Iran and america fires in Australia I think we should all be far more grateful for the benefits of living in the country at this time. Well I'm rambling but I'm sure I will not take any peaceful day for granted and I will aim to spend time with friends and family.
Hello neglected diary, just thinking I must read back mg journey on here some when I've posted thousands of posts and not really thought to read them back.
I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling low. I know that you have the strength to recover quickly. You have achieved so much over the last few years. It was lovely to read your most recent reflections. You are an inspiration to us all on here. We are here for you as much as you are here for us. Take good care my friend xx
Hi murlo, thank you very much for the post means a lot!!!! thankfully ive got thru the bad reflection time (low time) and i'm out the other side. I haven't gambled in that time and have just stayed at home, watched dvds and football and saved my money for better activities, ones with real value. I looked into a boating holiday with friends for this summer but unfortunately friends weren't up for it as they have families and wouldn't be able to get away. Don't really want to go abroad as last time i got unwell when in isle of whight so i've lost the appeal of it. I'm just going to knuckle down to two things this year: 1: losing weight by training in gym (increasing length of time in gym each time). I've had a great start to this in January i've already been to the gym 8 times in the first 19 days!!! horray lets keep this up ey. 2: my Work (i need to get the balance right between my health and the number of hours i work, slowly getting back into full time work again hopefully. In order to have my meal out with mates this month im going to get take out with friends next Saturday and ply some games, prob get a pizza or curry will be nice.   Â
Hi Adam,
Great to see you on chat, your optimism gives me so much hope. I really hope 2020 is gonna be a fantastic year for you.
Best Wishes
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