28/03/21 - 251 Days GF - No Debt

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I love your ode to Hull Stephen.  Having been to Hull, a few years ago, I testify it's a place of character and I especially enjoyed my time down the waterfront.  As the weather slowly changes, with a heatwave on the cards, spring is finally showing us some meteorological highlights! 

Wishing you, as always, a fulfilling rest of the week.


Posted : 26th May 2021 5:09 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Many thanks dear Roch

You are generous and wise

Just one day at a time 

Coping with what may arise ?


Hello Diary



For life to be magical

I must prioritise ?

The answers can be found 

With an open mind and eyes 


What is really true? 

Is life an illusion? 

Can a mind make sense of it? 

Are thoughts a pointless intrusion?


Aum ?

This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Aum
Posted : 27th May 2021 12:28 pm
Posts: 401

Hi Stephen; I enjoyed your philosophical poem. Is life an illusion? Many have pondered that one. In my eyes it’s real, all right, but everyone looks at things differently. Some look to the skies and think.how insignificant we are in the scheme of things and that impacts their worldview and how they live. Others follow sentiments of religion, to varying degrees of dedication, and that suits them. Others have their own take. 

All we can do, in our eyes, is make as best sense of it we can, get peace of mind and give ourselves, and those that know us, the best chance of a fulfilling life.

Here’s to an enjoyable end of May and start of flaming June, Stephen 🙂

Posted : 29th May 2021 10:21 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Roch. Maybe one day we will all understand the meaning of life but in the meantime we can simply live it as we see fit.


Hello Diary.

Too much of yesterday's sun reddened my forehead so waiting a while before venturing out today.


The Moorhen chicks are battling to survive in the city centre ponds. Less than a week old but one brood is reduced to 5 and the brood in the next pond is down to one. Prime suspect is the rats. The mam and dad Moorhens do attack them to protect their babies but being on guard 24/7 is not easy.

Two chicks survived from the first brood and look good as do 5 Mallard ducklings in the third pond. They are very independent but not yet ready to fly. 

They are all pleased to see me when I throw mealworm and its nice watching the parents feeding it to the eager little chicks. That always makes me smile. 


Aum ?

Posted : 30th May 2021 2:51 pm
Posts: 401

Very pleased to hear that some of the chicks are fighting strong and getting there! I myself visited my local reservoir, a haven for around 200 ducks, geese and swan (or is it swans!!!)

I noted five hearty sturdy goslings robustly looked out for by their proud parents. Had I approached I reckon they’d have had me for sure! And so this cheered me as I hope it does you.

Meantime, it’s as sunny as you like here, hoping it’s similar half way up in Hull!

Hoping your week is gonna be a good’un Stephen!

Posted : 31st May 2021 1:29 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you for sharing your observations Roch. I imagine the reservoir would be a wonderful sanctuary for birds and a great place to visit. Hope you and your son have been enjoying plenty of good adventures during the school holiday.


Hello Diary ?

Another day in paradise

? Gamble-free is good ?

Life is a great adventure

So living it like I should


Aim ?


Posted : 3rd June 2021 11:39 am
Posts: 3947
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Enjoying having a telly after several years without.

All kinds of interesting programs to choose from and I enjoy a crime drama called Vera.

It made me laugh because their is no gambling adverts in the breaks for Vera but recliner chairs and mobility scooters are promoted (lol maybe it's my age group). 


Aum ?

Posted : 3rd June 2021 11:23 pm
Posts: 401

I suspect you might be in Vera’s target audience Stephen 🙂

Mind you, don’t deny that your head was turned by that mobility scooter with a “top speed of 6mph” and adorned in “racing green” colours 😀

Hoping this sunny week gets sunnier still for you, Stephen 🙂 

Posted : 4th June 2021 6:37 am
Posts: 3947
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Posted by: RochG

I suspect you might be in Vera’s target audience Stephen 🙂

Mind you, don’t deny that your head was turned by that mobility scooter with a “top speed of 6mph” and adorned in “racing green” colours 😀

Hoping this sunny week gets sunnier still for you, Stephen 🙂 

Thank you Roch. Your post made me smile.


Hello Diary.

A couple of days ago I mentioned to an acquaintance that I was a compulsive gambler and was very pleased that I had been gamble-free for over 10 months.

At first she seemed surprised and taken aback but than announced that she herself gambled online but only £20 per month. However, she than admitted to losing a bit more occasionally when trying to recoup her losses.

It surprised me because the young lady in question was the last person in the world I would have expected to be a gambler. Intelligent, hard working, happy, friendly and conscientious.

It saddened me because she is convinced she doesn't have a problem but something in her eyes changed when talking about gambling and I just hope she is ok.

I pointed out to her the dangers but was careful not to start preaching.


Aum ?

Posted : 5th June 2021 11:42 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Punters seek a place to hide

Give away their wealth

Bookies rub their hands with glee

Ignoring mental health


They care not one iota

If patrons choose to die

Laughing in their palaces

As addicts scream and cry


The solution it is very clear

Addicts should not gamble

So look elsewhere for hobbies

Read a book or have a ramble


Aum ?

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Aum
Posted : 6th June 2021 12:39 pm
Posts: 401

Your story about the lady with a worse gambling problem that she is letting on really resonated with me Stephen.  As you rightly infer, it’s all in the eyes. The sadness in the eyes … it is indeed a really sad thing.

This is a hidden addiction in so many ways because we can hide, to a degree, what we’ve been doing with our money, time and well-being. 

But no longer. And we are now, as we recover, ambassadors to those in similar straits to us. We are all one bet away from disaster. But we can help others and this helps us keep on the path.

Wishing you, as we settle into June good and proper, a thoroughly fulfilling week, my friend. 

Posted : 6th June 2021 3:34 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Roch. You have a lot of good insight and are very supportive.


Hello Diary.

Looking forward to enjoying a  meal in the pub later than watching an outdoor play being performed by local actors.

Been pestered by thoughts of betting on the Euros but I will not give in to the temptation. 

Gamble free day 323.


Aum ?

Posted : 8th June 2021 12:48 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Nothing lasts forever

One day I shall move on

Confused and somewhat fearful

Of where we all belong


This is our great adventure! 

Humans on planet Earth

Questioning significance! 

Do souls have any worth? 


Alas I have no answers

But ignorance is bliss

And bookies everywhere

Can give my rear a kiss 


324 days gamble-free 

Enjoying every day

So long as I don't have a bet

Than life will be ok ?


Aum ?

Posted : 9th June 2021 11:50 am
Posts: 401

Lovely ode Stephen and really like the sentiment re, the cynical bookies.  

We have worth and value every day we're on this planet and then in the thoughts and hearts of those we leave behind.  A fine way to go!  Is there any more? I have faith there is but a life well-lived, especially having lived and learned, is our noble aim 🙂

Wishing you, as the weather really heats up, a really good weekend Stephen.  Lets soak up these rays 🙂 


Posted : 10th June 2021 3:34 pm
Posts: 401

Hi Stephen, just touching base and hoping whatever you're up to, you're Ok, and enjoying life. 🙂

Posted : 13th June 2021 10:01 am
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