7 months of not gambling only to return.

44 Posts
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Posts: 458

Hi Dave,  I've not been on much due to personal reasons. Sorry you've slipped. I've personally never been to ga meetings but know quite a few on here that do and find it so helpful. 

I hope you get back on track and find ga helpful in your recovery. Your not alone. Wishing you well. 


Posted : 1st November 2021 7:16 pm
Posts: 369
Topic starter

Well because no one has messaged or posted on the forum I will be stopping my thread from here on out. This site is not adequate to help recovering compulsive gamblers due to its interaction and notification system in which I don’t see replies from other threads I have commented on and have to check each thread individually to see if anyone has replied.

I have been going back to physical GA meetings now in which I have had more help being face to face with people rather than having the cure and gambling problem literally at my finger tips.

I hope this site spends some of the money it receives from casinos and book makers to update it so people who need long term support can actually read replies from other users and support people in desperate need. 

I have been on this site for a while and can understand it being a snake biting it’s tail scenario.

best of luck to everyone on the site and hope it improves in the future to help people.

just for today I will not gamble

David Butler 

Posted : 10th November 2021 5:41 pm
Posts: 369
Topic starter

Thank you for replying Stace.

Posted : 10th November 2021 5:48 pm
Posts: 192

Hi Dave,

Hope your ok, ive not been on much myself recently due to finding myself busy with every day life now I no longer gamble. 

Keep strong, keep gamble free ? 

Posted : 13th November 2021 8:09 am
Posts: 3947

Hope you keep on posting Dave. Admittedly, there is not much interaction on the recovery diaries but your gamcare friends do follow your recovery and send positive vibes in return.

Attending GA meetings along with its support network is well regarded by many. Respect to you for engaging with them and doing everything in your power to overcome the gambling addiction.

D... Don't let yourself be confused and intimidated by addiction.

A... Ask your higher power what needs to be done and follow your dreams with confidence and a renewed sense of hope.

V... Victory does lie ahead. Respect who you are and go forward with hand on your heart plus a longing to be free.

E... Enjoy your time on Mother Earth. It is your one appearance throughout the multi billion year life span of the universe so please stand up proud, embrace all that is good and do not let yourself be led astray by those who mean you harm.


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Aum
Posted : 16th November 2021 1:05 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6163

Dear Dave101,

Thank you for updating your diary so far. We're sorry that you're finding the forum quiet. I will pass your feedback on to GamCare management. We do hope you choose to stay with the forum but whatever you decide we wish you well with your recovery. If you feel you need immediate support at any time, please do contact us on 0808 8020 133 or by Livechat to get support from one of our advisers. We're here 24/7 for you. 

Take care

Forum Admin

Posted : 16th November 2021 4:41 pm
Posts: 369
Topic starter

@aum thanks for the positive vibes Aum, it’s been well over 450 days since I last gambled and today I recently went to a ga meeting. Which showed me in person the pain many people are going through and trying to avoid the insanity of gambling. I myself wonder if I am in my own sense in denial about things but the main thing is I am not chasing that win or constantly thinking of gambling.


thanks for those who posted and shared there thoughts also, I will try again and try and help people on here where I can, some times I feel I am out of my depth in terms of some people’s journeys or problems but it’s truely I pleasure to see the more experienced members share there thoughts and potential help others.


I truely have a mountain to climb in the months ahead with things I would like to keep private for now, I just hope I can do it and be the best person I can be.



Posted : 27th January 2023 1:18 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6163

Hello Dave101

It's good to have you back on the Forum and well done on your achievement of over 450 days gamble free!  

Please continue sharing your experience, strength and hope with others, which not only reminds you of how far you have come, it also gives HOPE to those still suffering! 

All the best - One Day At A Time


Forum Admin


Posted : 27th January 2023 2:06 am
Posts: 369
Topic starter

500 days of not gambling so far, it feels more like 500 miles in a sense. The freedom I have gained mentally has been good but I still have some major character defects and maybe some I can't change due to my bipolar disorder 

I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and all I can do is promise to folk I ll do my best and be the best person I can be to my little one who is due in 4 days time.

I have actually enjoyed savings for the first time in my life which has been fun having small pots for different things. I kind of wish I earned more but the reality is I am in my own financial position and I have to own it regardless if it's favourable or not in what ever perception I have when I think about it.

 This has to be key and for me to keep calm so I don't go back to gambling. I am trying my hardest to not be interested in old projects which are gambling related but a part of me hopes they do well as I would benefit. Anyways enough of that. 

Main focus is my little one and of course my partner who I haven't treated very well and I have been feeling awful not being good to her.

I guess all in all I am a bag of emotions and I just got to work things out.. try to get a better job and keep it all together and stay away from gambling and associated things 

Thanks for reading 




"I walk the mile"

"I walk with a smile"


"The miles behind me"

"Keep me on straight type rope narrowly"


"I keep my head balanced and level"

"All I can do is but care"






Posted : 15th March 2023 9:20 pm
Posts: 369
Topic starter

@forum-admin after nearly 3 years I am back to zero now 


Posted : 22nd September 2024 7:06 am
Posts: 76

Hello Dave101


Welcome back to our Forum.


If my assumption is correct based on the timing of your previous comment in March 2023, it appears you've recently gambled. If this is the case, it takes strength and courage to reach out at this current time and please don't let this dampen what has been a fantastic and amazing achievement for you. 


Coming back to the Forum to post this shows your determination. Your recent activity takes absolutely nothing away from your achievement so far, and returning to that path away from gambling as soon as possible ensures that this brief, momentary hiccup remains just that. 


I noticed you tagged us in your comment and our helpline is accessible 24/7 if you would like to reach out for a chat about things. Perhaps we could discuss the protection/support you have in place and whether you feel this could be enhanced, or simply to ensure you have a space to reflect on recent activity and reaffirm your goal moving forward.


Either way, we are here for you.




Many thanks,


Steven, Forum Admin. 

Posted : 22nd September 2024 10:17 am
Posts: 369
Topic starter

Day 1

No casinos

No crypto

No gambling 

There's No limit to my freedom, I still own some crypto but I am taking that out when I can. No more deposits to crappy projects. The irony is eventually all my fiat cash will be worthless and I ll end up reverting to one I suspect in the end lol

I guess if you can call it a gamble I spent some money on silver coins yesterday before the debasement of are currency here in the UK which is sterling silver. 128 three pence coins the coins are over 100 years old. I see them as a retirement project of sorting them out in 30 odd years time. I doubt I will be able to afford that many in that time period. Hence my purchases now.

Anyways my health side is ok, I feel awful for a post I put out there towards some one else. I guess brute force isn't best with recovery or help for that matter. I have decided to just post a script for each new post to say admin will be here soon to post resources to help them.

I went for a swim yesterday and today and I am feeling good. I gained 4 lbs recently and now hopefully on track to lose more weight.

It's hard with my bipolar medication and weight gain from medication but I want to be fit and strong for when I move and make things easier.


I guess now all I have to do is try be a better person but I seem to becoming a worse person the more I quiet addictive things like tea and coffee at work, alcoholic drinks, smoking. I am more of a d**k head now than I was when I did all those things.

I guess deep down I am just a d**k.

Until the next deep post



Posted : 23rd September 2024 12:22 pm
Posts: 369
Topic starter

Day 5, did a YouTube video on my thought's covering topics like silver and gold, sound money and the problematical issues surrounding the fiat money supply we use which is basically a gamble holding it knowing it will depreciate over the long haul.

thankfully I am not purchasing any crypto or gambling in that regard. Buying some old coins recently which are silver probably is a smarter move for me in the long run… I don’t feel like that’s a gamble but a investment which I hold and own.

said my prayers for the terminal I’ll person who I posted a commit on which got deleted. I never intended any hurt with what I wrote, I was being forceful and enthusiastic in which I apologise for unreservedly. That’s the last time I try to be forceful and from now on just share my experiences in the relation to any one else. I can’t tell anyone else what to do, they can only learn hopefully from my experiences from now on.


i am keeping up the swimming at the moment and logging my swims, it’s hard but I am not loosing weight fast enough so I am just going to have to revalueate my eating habits. good bye ice creams and sweets I think.


i doubt anyone reads but keeping up good spirits regardless of the struggles ahead.



just for today I will not gamble, and understand that society’s system is supposed to be for the betterment of the human race. 

Posted : 28th September 2024 11:24 am
Posts: 369
Topic starter

So it's now been 28, days since I changed my date, I am still checking out the price of cryptocurrency and gold and silver. That's kind of a psychological block for me I ll repeat that for years and just check it with no action towards it. 

The reason I do this is because back when I used to do reading and lose a lot of money I used to focus on the price, so this is me focusing but not acting on thoughts. Eventually I will stop searching it and leave it be

.I am still swimming at the moment but taking it steady, when I mean steady I mean not as many sessions but going harder for short periods of time.

.I am looking forward to the United States election coming up, it's been interesting seeing both sides so far. I believe trump will win it but apart me thinks it would be nice to have there first woman president. 

Here in the UK it's all a bit silly with the budget coming up at the end of the month which will affect me.


Anyways I am not gambling, trading or buying crypto anymore. I feel better for it now 



Just for today I won't gamble and look forward to tomorrow 

Posted : 21st October 2024 2:18 am
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