A chorus of f*** em Simba, to greet you this Saturday morning.
f**k all to say really Simba, but just make sure them other robbing b******s of the gambling demons don't get your hard earned dosh.
Roar like you've never roared before. That tree in the back will be in season soon.
Marching on together
Hey Hun
Too right ..you are absolutely right to feel angry..
The wrong people get snagged up in all these changes as it seems to me that the goalposts keep changing.
You have always been determined to stand on your own 2 feet and support the golf balls and not sit around doing nothing ..your a grafter ! .It's like they don't want you to be self sufficient but when you try and get out there and improve your life they make it harder..
Makes me mad as one of my work pals now cut back to £ 19 a week ! (She does 4 hours only with us ) ..
All I know is that when your backs up against the wall hun you always come out fighting and on top..and you always find a way....
To echo the guys...ROOOAR and keep posting...and big hugs coming your way (((((((((((Libby)))))))))) xx
Rach and little paw hugs from Dotski xx
Maybe not today but a lioness never loses her roar.
Tomorrow is another day .
Take care
Blondiie xx
Thanks guys means alot.
Having to write this on my phone as my computer keeps turning it's self off.
Still fuming today really struggling to lift myself but after some chats there are a couple of plans of action in the pipeline.
At the end of the day I was expecting my rent benefit to go down but not virtually wiped out and the overpayment was a real shock.
Well it has to be paid and pay it I shall but so much for being better off at work h*r f*****g h*r.
Thankyou for all the kind support it really does mean alot to me.
Trying to be strong
L xx
Hey Libby
Just a quick catch up at 3.22 am..lol
Thinking of ya and hope your anger is subsiding and that you can sleep at least ..
Always support here as you know Hun xxx
Thanks rach xx
Certainly sleeping but thats more to do with avoiding having to deal with or think about the problems.
I've had a couple of days of self pity and woe is me so now i have to pick myself up and start again.
My life seems to be a constant round of one step forward and three back.Some of it my own making some of it not.I need to find away of keeping the momentum going forward,obviously not gambling plays a major part as when i'm gambling it affects everything and its when everything starts going wrong.
So the hard work starts again.
Strong for today
L xx
Hi Lib,
Thanks for your post on my diary.
That's more like it hun.
Remember you're a fighter and you have to keep strong for those golf balls.
Things will get betterer girl!
Ade xx
Thanks Ade xx
Ok today's a new week and like I said I've had my couple of days feeling sorry for myself, sat last night and did the finances and I can pay everything just, tryed to speak to my housing officer but he is on holiday, you really couldn't make this stuff up lol.
Feeling stronger today no point in complaining and shouting I've just got to get on with it and deal with it like the adult I'm supposed to be instead of a sulky child.
So another weekend has gone by with no gambling although it was a tough one to fight.
Staying strong
L xx
Thanks Ade xx
Ok today's a new week and like I said I've had my couple of days feeling sorry for myself, sat last night and did the finances and I can pay everything just, tryed to speak to my housing officer but he is on holiday, you really couldn't make this stuff up lol.
Feeling stronger today no point in complaining and shouting I've just got to get on with it and deal with it like the adult I'm supposed to be instead of a sulky child.
So another weekend has gone by with no gambling although it was a tough one to fight.
Staying strong
L xx
That's the spirit Lib. ;0)
One day at a time.
Keep strong, always here if needed....
Ade xx
Well ive managed to f*** up again,i hate gambling i really,really hate it right back to where i was,i worked so hard to climb the slippery pole and now ive slipped all the way to the bottom AGAIN.
Havent paid my rent for 2 months eviction notice on its way,debts up to my eyeballs,arrears for just about every bill thats going and all before christmas.
What a great person i am .
Spoken to rent officer(witch from hell)so thats sorted,have filled in forms and sent paper work off to CAB for debts and arrears,tonight i spoke to Rob from gamcare and he has fired off an email for referral for counselling.
Emotionally on the floor,havent eaten for two days as im so stressed,financially in the crapper, admitted everything to mum she still loves me.Cried buckets although no point as crying dosent help.
Not Strong
L xx
No words L
((((((L ))))))
You are great in my eyes ....no matter what...if it wasn't for you I would be probably dead and I mean that seriously....you saved my soul.
This will get resolved I promise , do it in small chunks as you are doing so you don't feel overwhelmed. It won't come to eviction as there are 3 people just on this site I know for certain who won't let that happen..I'm one of them .
Roar !!! ....you always find the strength from somewhere xxxx
R and D xx
Thanks Rach.you dont know how much that means to me.
Things will get sorted they always do but at the monent I feel ashamed and emotionally on the floor.
The eviction notice is coming but its been put on hold while I try and sort stuff out.
I cannot believe I've let things get out of control to this sort of stage
Hey Hun...it will get sorted , just deal with what comes up in small chunks,one by one and try not to let your mind race ahead..
Keep posting and draw strength from the peeps on here who know...
(((L )))) ...still our lioness and I have a feeling a certain volcanic postee will be along very soon ..
Ps....I am going to search back on the posts when I get in work as I feel your birthday is either just gone or just coming up xxx
Yo Simba
f**k em!!
Firstly your still and always a tough strong lass. Rather than dig your head in the sand, you got straight into to CAB, the witch, ur reiki mah and came back here. These are the actions of a roaring lioness. This society of ours is quite frankly here to f**k us and drag us down, your a worker and top mother.
Any eviction can go f**k them selves, as ExD has said you've got pals here right behind you.
One day at a time hai, 1st begone gambling demon. Now lets hear that familiar roar
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