a new way of thinking

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Hi Libby

Must be a relief for you that things are being sorted and that your family are rallying round and giving you the strength to deal with it all ..

Sleep can make all the difference and also be something that can make things more clear...keep posting Libby and keep drawing strength from the forum and your family and the boys xxxxx

Posted : 9th November 2013 11:06 am
Posts: 0
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thanks rach,

Well i dont feel relief just yet as nothing is actually sorted,its all being sorted but until i get answers on certain things i just cant relax no matter how hard i try.Once again no else to blame except me,so im trying not to dwell and beat myself up which isnt easy as i really dont like myself very much at the mo.

off to stand in the cold later for a fireworks party dont want to go but forcing myself as the boys really want to go.

Just went back and read my very first post over 2 years ago and i may as well have written blah blah blah b******t,as im in excatly the same position as then if not worse financially and emotionally.

L xx

Posted : 9th November 2013 3:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya chook...

I Like you !!!!! ((((( L)))))))


R and D x

Posted : 9th November 2013 5:06 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Rach 🙂

Struggling today,woke up in a cold sweat as reality hits home and it all starts to sink in this one is going to take a while to sort out and get back on track.i'm in financial s**t up to my neck and have put everything i've worked for on the line.

The worse thing for me to do deal with is my boys.how could i put them on the back burner for my own selfish need/greed.I know the are feed.warmed and loved but at the same time my mind has not been with them but else where,little one is playing up because he is reacting to how i am at the moment which is tired,stressed and unhappy its just not fair on them and if i saw someone else acting like me i'd be the first to criticize.

This really is my last chance to get sorted as if i do this again i could lose my home,job and maybe my boys i cant risk it anymore.God i've got a headache.


Posted : 10th November 2013 4:12 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Liz,

And cmon girl..i don't know you that much but i can see how much you want it all to work out. You are right...if you don't feel well..kids will spot it in an instance...so why don't you try and relax and do everything in ur power to prove them how loving and sweet and caring u are. How you can smile and make ur little ones smile...you have a lot to deal with...i fully understand but by looking after yourself you gonna bring the joy into ur loved ones lives too.

Please keep strong..use any help possible..you can come out of this..you need to believe...for yourself...and ur little ones...

I know you can do it..never give up giving up..just do it!!!

Let us hear you roar...i see you are real fighter and deserve the best in your life...go and get it girl...fight for what is rightly urs..

Day at a time

Sandra xxx

Posted : 10th November 2013 9:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby ..

I know you feel like it's gone backwards but the difference is now you have the knowledge and tools to get back up and on the level again. I think this recovery may be resolved sooner than you think . The amount may take a wee while to clear but you will be in control of the repayments and that alone is a relief.

Try to not think too far ahead and I know just tying that that it is very hard to do when you see a big mountain ..bite size chunks and chip away at this bit by bit.

In my experience so long as whoever you owe get something consistently no matter how small it's better than nothing to them. I pay all my creditors £1 a month and I owe 17k.

With the rent side my pal got in a mess for different reasons so she pays her rent now to her private landlord plus a small amount extra to get the shortfall down.

Keep in constant contact with debt advisors as they can reassure you, daily if necessary.

Keep posting top lady ...ROAR Simba xxxxx

Posted : 10th November 2013 10:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hey sweets ...

Just driving by and checking in xxx

R and D xx

Posted : 12th November 2013 8:46 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Liz,

Hope all is OK with you and you are feeling better..Drop us a line if you can.

Look after yourself and keep strong!

S x

Posted : 12th November 2013 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

Just driving by Hun xxx

Ps ..is ex mug hiding at yours? Lol



Posted : 12th November 2013 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hai Simba

Trust this Lioness is roaring on and back on the Up.

Wishing you well

Posted : 13th November 2013 7:41 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks guys.:)

Not feeling great to be honest,really struggling this time round to lift myself from the sludge,i've been in this position before and when i start sorting stuff out and making plans i normally start to relax and feel ok about stuff but not this time round,all i want to do is sleep except i cant,i'm still not eating as food makes me feel sick.That sick feeling in the pit of my stomach just wont go away and i feel completley tied up in knots.Putting a face on for everyone but i just feel like s**t.

Still putting one foot in front of the other but its a struggle at the moment.

L xx

Posted : 13th November 2013 9:04 am
Posts: 0

Hey Libby

I know that feeling of just wanting to hide and not eat running on empty. Try and get some soup down you and just cover the absolute basics if you can..eating,sleeping,a regular routine and pace yourself with small goals.

I know that 2 years ago I really pushed it beyond what I thought I could salvage back . In my mind I always thought I could get out of trouble but when the events of that year happened I knew I was way way out of my depth and had gone beyond my limits and it was not going to be the same bounce back as before. The full consequences of a lifetime of me not looking after myself came home to roost.

Just getting dressed was my goal for a long time and keeping a very simple routine. Even now emptying the bins and doing the washing still give me a sense of achievement as having a small routine will keep you going.

I'm not sure if that's the feeling you describe there but it took me a while of just running on automatic to feel back in control again and the process took a lot lot longer than it had when I was younger. Even now it sounds dramatic but what happened has really changed me for life.

I can promise you you will come through this Libby and maybe what this is saying is that we have to put self care first.You will emerge changed.

I know you will be worrying about Xmas but try not to.

I am remembering a certain teddy bears picnic on your living room floor from last year and what can be achieved with very little but lots of love .

Get everyone you love involved this year when you feel up to it, BYO if necessary, everyone can bring a plate or make something ..a secret Santa and lots of love.

Keep close to your mum and family and accept support in any way it comes ..

((((L)))) xxxxx

Posted : 13th November 2013 10:03 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks Rach xx

The sludge is still all consuming at the moment,was supposed to go to my first counselling session yesterday but couldnt go as my childcare cried off so had to cancel which really P***** me off.As i had a s**t day at work getting blamed for other peoples mistake.It seems that the cr** is piling on and every where i turn there is another problem to do deal with,nothing is easy at the moment.have truly had enough and the feelings just to runaway and hide forever are strong.obviously i cant as the boys have school etc im fighting myself as much as everything else.

L xx

Posted : 16th November 2013 11:36 am
Posts: 0

Yo Simba

Easier said than done but you need to stop fighting with your self. In extremely hard times your walking tall and facing the S***e. Just by taking care of you first and foremost, it will filter down to nearest and dearest.

Keep standing and roaring, tackle things head 1st as they come along. Your a good person, daughter and top mah. Get the momentum going again, don't let the external S***e drag you down. There's many who believe in you, now you need to believe in you too.

Take care

Posted : 16th November 2013 12:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby

Wondering if you managed to reschedule your counselling and if it went ok?

No pressure Hun, just letting you know you are in my thoughts xxxx

Posted : 20th November 2013 9:55 pm
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