A year on gamble free

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Sounds like your in a good place Ricky. Doing the right things and really reaping the rewards of the gamble free life. That's great to see mate. Hope you have a great weekend.

Posted : 23rd August 2013 7:30 am
Posts: 0
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Day 136,

Hiya thanks for the posts I appreciate you guys/girls taking time to write on my diary and it helps me a lot. Ye Dave I am feeling very good at the moment. Just thinking how my life is changing with gambling not being a part of it brings out a smile :).

I had My GA meeting last night and it went really well. The person who runs it spoke to me and is looking for someone to take it on and run it and I maybe that person to do it. It would be a real honor to be a big part and a lot of responsibility but I am looking for a challenge and if I could help others in My hometown it would just be amazing :).

Well I have not much else to say looking forward to a weekend of socialising and time with my wife then 6 days at the gym things are good and life is good.

Thanks for listening and stay strong


Posted : 23rd August 2013 11:31 am
Posts: 0

Hey Ricky,

for me the wonderful thing about the chat and forum is the fact that you can also give support to others it makes the whole experience worthwhile. Sounds as though you have a real good moment with your GA classes and this is a great reflection of who the real you is!! keep it up mate and have a great week.


Posted : 26th August 2013 1:38 pm
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140 days,

well I am now over 20 weeks gamble free which is 4 and a half months. going very strong in my recovery and still going GA every week got my next one on Thursday which is also my weigh in day still going well at the gym and keeping very positive in my recovery.

Thank you Phil for post really appreciate all the support I get on here 🙂 Ye i am off work for 3 days so making the most of the gym and going well.

I have one thing to say I nearly got caught out a couple of days ago by a bookies site they sent me an email saying i had money in an old account i had with them, There was 2 pound so i thought i wud withdraw it, Turns out they put it in there and you cant withdraw under 5 pound and seriously i was tempted to hit the roulette, but i thought about it and how even though it wasnt my money it wud have triggered me to gamble so i went to there support team and said what you doing. told them i am a recovering compulsive gambler they instantly took the 2 pound out and shut that account down and will not send any further emails to me.

I hope that info helps anyone who has similar emails. just go to there live support chat and tell them you are in recovery as a compulsive gambler and they wont hesitate to shut your account down.


Posted : 27th August 2013 9:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

Thanks very much for your post on my diary. Congratulations on reaching 140 days. You are doing brilliantly.

I hope that you are having a great day.

Best wishes

No more

Posted : 28th August 2013 12:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

U r doing brilliant, I'm just popping in2 say I hope u r ok 🙂

I don't go on chat often nemore, but I really do hope 2 catch up with u soon. I miss my film reviews 🙂

Ur a gr8 guy and u have supported me thru the good and the bad times so thank u 🙂

Have a gr8 day xx

Posted : 29th August 2013 8:16 am
Posts: 0
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Day 143,

Ye I am doing well just had 3 days off work and had a GA meeting yesterday was a very small group meeting but that doesn't matter as long as I go and haven't gambled then I am happy. I am just keeping busy trying not to think about gambling. I just need to keep going in this direction keeping busy work go gym keep in touch on here with people and their diaries and my own and try make the chats and not forgetting the GA meetings every Thursday so a lot happening when I think about it all.

I will keep coming back nothing can stop me I just hope I don't get a weak moment and fail myself and my wife or anyone on here again 🙁 . But I think that is what drives me where I failed once at the beginning of this year I Know I can't make that mistake again. I got to much to lose more then any amount of money and so I cannot gamble again and will not.

So staying motivated and strong willed along with my huge support network things are tight 🙂

Have a good weekend everyone


Posted : 30th August 2013 12:56 pm
Posts: 1172

You sound very motivated. Nice to have a few days off I've got an odd 4 days holiday left and taking them in a couple of weeks - can't wait! Keep that motivation up your doing great mate.

Posted : 1st September 2013 9:10 am
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Day 147,

Well not much has happened since I last posted and that includes no gambling I am happy to write down. I have my Breakeven Counselling tonight followed by the Gym so a very busy evening. Then tomorrow I have a Meta Fit class then Thursday have GA meeting on all these days I have 12 hour shifts as well lol so I am very busy at the moment and no time to even think about Gambling.,

I am very glad to see I am slowly changing my life round for the better. My positiveness is back and I am feeling good. Well Nothing else to say really thanks for the posts on my diary 🙂


Posted : 3rd September 2013 4:51 pm
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Day 150,

Had GA meeting last night and my counselling on Tuesday people are noticing me lose weigh I have now lost a stone and a a bit in total 17 pounds since i started on 28th july. I am just so happy it is pounds in weight down to hard work and dedication instead of losing pounds to gambling. I am very proud of myself for getting this far it is almost 5 months since my last bet and life is just so much better for me since I stopped.

The things I have achieved since then is just amazing. I can put my mind to things I want to do and when you have the chance to fully focus your mind on something other then worries of gambling or lies or where to find money you can do so much more and better yourself. I am feeling more positive and just going to keep working hard i still got a lot of weight to lose before I reach my goal target weight. But I can focus on this and it just puts my mind at rest from thinking about gambling.

I have the weekend off work and got a good line up of fitness for the weekend the weather is supposed to be pretty rubbish.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Stay away from that first bet and reap the benefits of not gambling. 🙂


Posted : 6th September 2013 8:20 am
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Day 158,

Still going strong 158 days now since my last bet been a busy week with work and hitting the gym and no thoughts of gambling. GA meeting went well on Thursday I have so much going on at the moment I don't even want to think about Gambling. I just know I have to much to lose if I ever tried to gamble again. That is all I have to say at the moment.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 14th September 2013 5:35 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 159,

Hi I have something I would like to share I am trying to raise money for a charity called Have a Heart me and my wife are both taking part in a big trek next year round the Grand Canyon and we need to raise money for the charity before we go so I am asking if any of you can help me in this if so here is a link to my page to help us raise the money. I would be so grateful if anyone could 🙂


it explains what we doing on there.

I am just trying to help others and better myself and concentrate on things to make me more active and helping charities has always been a big thing for me. I did a lot of fundraising in the Army so now I am getting my wife involved hehe. Well thanks if anyone donates or reads this. Really appreciate it 🙂


Posted : 15th September 2013 10:27 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya Ricky hope your well mate. It's weird to put a face to the name. Looks like a very worthy cause. You doing some great things, turning your life around, helping yourself and others. It's great to read such stories on here. I'll donate a few quid to the pot and hope that you reach your goal. Good luck.

Posted : 25th September 2013 9:56 pm
Posts: 1172

Meant to add to my last post that the threads coming to an end next week and day 90 falls on next Saturday so that'll be the last check in. Look forward to seeing you at the finish line.

P.S. just donated good luck to you.

Posted : 25th September 2013 10:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

What a gr8 thing u r doing 4 charity as soon as I get some time I will have a look at that 🙂

I am sooooo proud of u 🙂

I saw Prisoners the other nite, it was a good film 🙂

Have a gr8 day xx

Posted : 8th October 2013 10:21 am
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