A year on gamble free

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Hiya ,

I havent been on for a while now. Would just like to thank you dave for the sponsor I really appreciate it mate so Thanks big time 🙂

I have been training hard now have lost 2 stone still a lot of work to do been raising money for the charity and the event. Now upto 650 pounds so far a really hard challenge but appreciate anyone who can spare a few quid towards a great cause.

My gambling recovery is still going very strong think i am almost upto 6 months and pleased to say it 100 percent gamble free not one lottery ticket or raffle ticket which makes me so happy to say I have got this far.

Charlotte I went and saw Filth today was really weird quite funny but i dunno if I would recommend it. Oh A film you have seen before me lol I havent been to cinema in a few weeks lol I want to see Rush so that might be my next film 🙂 I hope you are well.

Keep strong and stay away from that first bet 🙂


Posted : 10th October 2013 12:49 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya firstly no worries on sponsership thats a pleasure, its nice to give something to such a good cause and i wish you all the best on whats gonna be one heck of a challenge but will be a brilliant thing to do. Losing 2 stone mate well played obviously been working hard for it.

Well done on the 6 months, that really is something to be proud of, i think we forget sometimes that what we are doing here is hard, its a tough addiction to give up on so i think we have to appreciate these milestones and give ourselves a pat on the back now and again. So a well done from me on those 6 months and heres to many more months to come.

Thanks for being part of the thread it really was great to have you on board and im glad i could help in some way to keep you focused. I do plan on doing another one and you said about running it up to the end of the year, i did think of that and to be honest it would be a perfect finish date but im now leaning towards running it from nov 1st till jan 31st. So its 3 months again but has that first month of the new year, one reason is to start the new year on the right foot but also i think xmas can be tough, with all the added expense and i think in january that can be a month were you really feel that aswell so thats why i thought it might be an idea to run it through to jan. Thinking about it that could be like the first goal of the challenge getting to the end of the year - I cant believe that were talking about the end of the year!! What i'll do is put some details up sunday as ive got a bit of time sunday and we can always move things about and change a few bits with it. Be good to fire some ideas about with people and see what comes out.

Have a great weekend mate.

Posted : 11th October 2013 10:56 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya Ricky. Thanks for the post on my new diary. Great to have ya on the new thread I'm hoping it can get us all through what is usually a tough time and also to really start the new year right. I really wanna kick on with my recovery I've played around with it to much it's time to get serious and I hope this thread can give me that. Hope your well and look forward to seeing out the thread with ya.

Posted : 22nd October 2013 9:36 am
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Hiya it has been a long time since I have been here.

I have been having other issues that life throws at us so been sorting things out. I am now looking at working the steps because i have reached over 6 months so i want to look at myself in more detail and make myself a better person. I am moving to my new place in a couple of weeks so have a lot going on they aren't wrong when they say moving is one of the biggest stresses in life haha. I am just glad i have had the chance to buy a place with my wife and b gamble free for over 6 months I will do all I can to keep on this path of my recovery and thank everyone for their support here

Hope everyone has a good weekend

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 9th November 2013 6:06 pm
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Hope everyone has had a good day gamble free christmas. I have been working today just looking forward to getting home and spending christmas evening with my wife in our new flat.

Things are well in terms of not gambling it has been just over 8 months now since my last bet. I have good news about my job that it is secure for another year. The only thing holding me back is some kind of depression which i can't shift and it is so frustrating So i plan on getting some proper help wen the practise is next open other then that things are OK. I did have urges today cus i did feel down earlier but i know what is at stake if I was to ever gamble again so it not going to happen.,

Hope you all enjoy the rest of today and have a good new year gamble free 🙂


Posted : 25th December 2013 6:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

Thanks 4 all ur support 🙂

U r doing gr8, stay strong!

There r lots of good films in the cinema atm, we will have 2 share reviews soon lol

Happy new yr xx

Posted : 28th December 2013 10:45 am
Posts: 1172

A late merry Christmas and happy new year to you. 8 months is fantastic. Really well done and be proud of that. Sorry to hear your feeling a bit depressed its understandable with our situation that we would get that way (I've been in a similar state) but you have to remember what you've got and realise that it could certainly be a whole lot worse. Be happy and proud of the situation your in even if it's not ideal and not as you imagined you've dug deep and I'm sure it's improved from 8 months ago and certainly better than how you'd be if you were still gambling so try to look for them positives. Best wishes I hope you get the help you need and 2014 can be a bright year for you and the mrs.

Posted : 8th January 2014 8:59 pm
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Hi it has been a very long time since i last logged on to my diary, but things are going well I am still attending GA every week and now i am coming close to a full year gamble free the actual date will be 10th April so I am really pleased by how far I have come in my recovery.

Next weekend I am running the Hastings half Marathon so concentrating on prepping for that which will be a nice achievement for me and my wife and I will continue with my fitness and carry on with the 12 steps in my recovery. I am still working full time now have an Ipad so i can come back on here and try aid others who are setting out on a similar path. But want to thank everyone who has followed my journey on here so far and been so supportive this site is what you make of it and can really help in aiding you on your recovery so thank you and hope everyone else is doing well.

Catch up with some of you soon I hope

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 16th March 2014 7:37 pm
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I am now just over a year Gamble free.

Can't believe i made it to a whole year being gamble free. Never thought I would be saying this ever. But i am so happy I got here. Got my one year coin at Ga and all my family attended the open meeting was very emotional because some of them didnt realise how important this is to me. They were very proud. I feel like this is only the beginning of something much bigger though because I am now working the 12 steps to help me along in my recovery.

So far it is going well. I am secretary for the GA meeting in Eastbourne and have introduced the twelve steps into the meeting things are definitely looking up for me and I will continue to work on the steps and better myself but try to help others who are just starting on their road to recovery.

Thanks to everyone on here who has supported me since i started out on here a long time ago will never be forgotten 🙂

Kind Regards


Posted : 24th April 2014 11:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky

Thanks for your post and a massive fat well done to you, I know you struggled with it in the beginning but it sounds like you have embraced g.a . It's an amazing thing isn't it and you sound to be like your steps 11 and 12 right there .

Well done mate. Really pleased and proud for you

Blondie x

Posted : 24th April 2014 5:04 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella recovery really is the gift that never stops giving,today you gifted my resolve to carry on making the right choice.

I salute you

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 24th April 2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi RIcky,

How r u?

I hope u r ok and staying strong 🙂

Take care xx

Posted : 6th August 2014 4:32 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi ,

it has been so long since I came on here and wow so much has changed it is amazing. I am now 580 days gamble free. Which is a little over 19 months. It's been crazy and I am now part running a GA meeting which I go every week and have since the day I officially stopped gambling.

it has been tough but now I have managed to get a hold of this problem and stop gambling I have opened my eyes to the real problems to who I really am and why I drove myself to gamble, I am now trying to work this problems out to help change who I was and become a better gamble free person bp who can be happy and feel real emotion. I can't list all the positives of stopping gambling but I can't think of one negative reason which is great. Life is so much better without gambling being a part of mine.

hope everyone is going strong and staying on that road to recovery. I also know a difficult time of the year is coming up so I will try to come on here more and share my knowledge of what I have experienced and learned since not gambling,

best wishes Ricky

Posted : 18th November 2014 2:28 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

It was lovely 2 hear from you on my diary. U r doing amazing I am so proud of u. I also wanted 2 thank u 4 all ur help and support on this journey. I will never forget it. U r a gr8 inspiration and I hope u r ok 🙂

I hope u have an amazing Christmas and I look 4ward 2 hearing some more film reviews soon 🙂

Stay strong and take care xx

Posted : 10th December 2014 3:01 pm
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