The voice of logic....
Finished work late,my husband has just gone to bed, the voice in my head says find a site to gamble on,this would have been my normal routine. Finally the voice of reflection is there also.."if you gamble you will lose, you will feel low, depressed and full of despair". Needless to say today I will not gamble neither do I want to.
Just checking in on you Katiecoo to make sure things are going ok 🙂 fast approaching 4 weeks gamble free.
Yes all good Moorey, keeping busy with work and enjoying the buzz of Christmas. Days are going faster now that I am not concentrating on them as much.. I have holidays next week which will be a testing time. I am also making payments on my cc then immediately reducing the credit limit to leave my without money to burn.
I cannot get gambling out of my head. I actually don't want to gamble no urges but the sequence of wheels and imaginary situations are consuming every part of my day. It's so weird like a voice saying gamble and then the other saying but you don't want to? (As I don't). Its with me as I do my chores, shopping , school run. This is so not a normal way to live. My grain is so so damaged and my money counting has started again!
It's very difficult to shake off those thoughts, but you have to know they will come, you was addicted and you are trying to break a chain that your Gambling Mind does not want you to break, its difficult as it will try so many methods to lure you back, know its there and the longer you abstain the more it will try all sorts of mind power to get you back. Keep on resisting it's not a normal way to live but the longer you resist the happier you will become. Stay Focused.
Hi Katiecoo, these urges will come and go love!...
Despite us being at 32/33 days, this is still relatively early on into our recoveries.
So long as we keep batting away those urges and adding to our daily count, that’s all that matters.
Each day that passes we’re getting stronger and stronger.
Keep going! 🙂
I know, I just feel low and fed up. Early night for me
How are you getting on Katie? I hope the gambling thoughts will start to lessen for you.
Hi katie
Coming by with massive THANK YOU and a hug!!!
This addiction is ridiculous and it's soo hard tobreak the cycle it's unreal!
However we are here...& ranting away,sharing, doing things what helps us, asking for support...i guess we do want to get better!
You're doing great! A month in huh..this is fantastic! Little steps, That's all we need to do.
I know myself how nice freedom feels, I never had it for long enough to feel better within myself but I'm not the one to give up!
I am sure you're a fighter too...lets keep fighting the good fight dear soldier - we are worth it amd rewards recovery offers are endless!! ☺
Stay safe just for today...thanks for your support.
S&B xx
Another day, pushing away gaining days. Went onto YouTube and watched more videos from the people who design the slots and graphics and tell you exactly how the online games are rigged. Keeping that at the forefront of my head. I hate to feel cheated. Hopefully that thought will stay my rock... To my companions struggling with online slots, these videos are worth a watch
Katiecoo wrote: Another day, pushing away gaining days. Went onto YouTube and watched more videos from the people who design the slots and graphics and tell you exactly how the online games are rigged. Keeping that at the forefront of my head. I hate to feel cheated. Hopefully that thought will stay my rock... To my companions struggling with online slots, these videos are worth a watch
I’ve been doing a lot of YouTube watching about these sort of videos too!...
Although slots were never my thing (never understood them lol!) it’s fascinating to see just how much they favour the house.
I agree, a must watch for online slot addicts.
Well done on 5 weeks, Katiecoo.
Doesn’t seem that long ago we were getting excited about double figures.
It’ll be 50 days soon 🙂
This evening I have struggled. A friend of mine has won a huge sum of money at bingo and another friend states she has won a big amount on the slots. I wonder how much truth is in the later statement as the amount keeps changing, however both statements have prompted me to move money out of my account to savings to avoid available funds being available. If I gamble and loose Xmas will be spoilt as all my finances are tied up until end January. Hard though isn't it hearing winnings of others. Tonight I will stay busy
Hi Katie you mentioned your 2 friends being winners , but what about the thousands of losers you share this site with , for instance if you were to book a holiday and the hotel had thousands of bad reviews and only a couple of good reviews, would you feel you missed out by not going to the hotel?
Well done for moving the money smart move
Thanks Josh, very valid point you have made. Tonight I will focus on reading others journeys. Thank you for this.
Busy week ahead, not a bad thing I guess ..its good to stay busy. Love Xmas determined to sort out my finances but must stop thinking of money
Affected by gambling?
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