I dont even know why i do what i do , i can go months at reducing my gambling be sensible then all of a sudden have a massive blow out, im in debt theres no secret about that how much however is another story , i can get out of it as long as i stay away from gambling for me its defintley something i see as a stress reliever but in the long term its this that causes my stress , im going to make a conscious choice to write daily here the long term goal being to stop gambling be debt free and happierÂ
Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you can certainly move away from the gambling for extremely lengthy periods once in the the right mindset.
If you need further support with your gambling please know we are available 24/7 via live chat or helpline (0808 8020 133)Â
kind regards,Â
Tom (forum admin)Â
@chasing-slots Hi there. You don't know why you do it for the same reason that I did not know. Gambling is a mental health issue that forms a pattern of behaviour in your brain. It is very intoxicating.
Posting daily on here is an excellent idea. It can really help you to remain focused.
In addition get as many blocks in-between you and the gambling as is possible. Gamstop, self exclusion, close cards and bank accounts where you can and get restrictions on any gambling transactions. Even better, get someone else to take control of your money.
I am assuming that you are in the UK? Have you spoken with Stepchange about your debt? They have been excellent. They organised a breathing space for me of 60 days where my debtor can not change me interest or contact me while I decide how to handle the situation.
For now, just keep posting here. We are all either in the same situation as you or once were. You are in good company.
Affected by gambling?
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