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I will do the same, go a few weeks forget about the mistakes and then go hit it hard. I will normally start feeling terrible about halfway through and then do anything to get even for the day when i start to lose my bottle. Its happened to me so many times, and ive had so many chances, just keep letting people down. I would be happy now just to live a simple, clean good life, without luxaries. I see a nice plasma tv and think if i hadn't piled a wedge on the FA cup final i could have bought this. You don't need money in this world. forget about what has been and gone. Be happy and make the ones you love happy.

Posted : 26th December 2010 7:27 pm
Posts: 52
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53 days without a bet!

Wish it was 53 days without thinking about betting!! I've calculated that my debts will be paid off by June if I keep my head down. Seems like forever but I know i'm lucky compared to a lot of people so have to remind myself of that!

Stupid thing is I want a 'big win' but there's nothing I particularly want to buy. Stupid really! I mean if I needed the money for something important I could understand it but I dont!

Posted : 28th December 2010 12:04 am
Posts: 52
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Still going, clean since 5th Nov 2010!!

Sounds harsh but distancing myself from all gambling, including reading about it on here seems to be helping!

Hope everyone is doing well in their recovery

Posted : 21st January 2011 12:42 pm
Posts: 0

i felt this way. and stoped coming in and stoped post and it help me for 3 months i stay out of this sight. becouse it hurts to raed what you have now am back. 6 months free and still fighting.

if you think this is the way for you, good on ye, but remember we are allways here if it get to much. and it dos get to much at times. be strong and fight all the way.

you will win

remember a gambluer can olny win by "NOT GAMBLUING" eche time we dont gambul we win.


Posted : 21st January 2011 12:53 pm
Posts: 52
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Got my 90 day pen at GA tonight, felt very proud. My wife was proud too and 90 days might not sound like much but it feels like an eternity.

Hope everyone is doing well in their recovery and like coming on here to check on everyone but feel that a daily diary just makes me more focussed on gambling which I want to avoid.

Remember-we never lose at gambling we always 'nearly win' which is why its so addictive. Stay strong

Posted : 8th February 2011 2:48 am
Posts: 52
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Over 100 days now without a bet. Seems like an absolute eternity to be fair. Having strong urges today but not gonna relent as I know I'll be back to square one.

Wishing everyone well!

Posted : 17th February 2011 1:54 pm
Posts: 52
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Still going-4 months clean now and already things are so much better!

Hang in everyone and keep going!!!!!

Posted : 23rd March 2011 9:41 am
Posts: 52
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170 days and counting since i last gambled and things are so much better I cannot even remember how bad they were (which is a good/bad thing). i still get urges, still regret what I did, still rue the losses but you cannot buy piece of mind. I just want to stay humble as I know I havent and will never *** this, just stay on top of it! Keep going everyone

Posted : 25th April 2011 12:03 pm
Posts: 52
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This is my checkin (even if its just for myself) to say I have not gambled since 5th November 2010!

Posted : 1st June 2011 6:50 pm
Posts: 6

Remember, remember the 5th of November! Or more appropriately, how you felt on the 5th of November.

I'm using the memory of how I felt after my last bet to quash any small feeling of betting again. Like you, my "binge gambling" on occasion was the problem, rather than a need for a daily fix. So it is even more important to not get complacent when thinking of the timeframe since your last bet.

You seem to be doing great though, as a "newby" it's nice to see someone very similar to me who has been clean for a long time, seems to be sorting things out, and still posts on here!

Remember the rhyme to transport yourself back to day 1 if you ever feel tempted though. Now, are there any rhymes out there for "remember, remember the 7th June?!" 😉

All the best matey....

Posted : 14th June 2011 12:22 pm
Posts: 52
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Just chckingin, still gamble free though i'd be lying if i didnt still have to fight urges, particularly when im bored or something triggers it. Life is so much better than my inception date of 5th november. Just been to Miami for two weeks and treating myself to a vespa as i think its important to treat ourselves once in a while. I used to scrimp and save nonstop then blow it all binge gambling so at least im getting some real value in my life even if it sounds extravagant.

Hope everyone is doing well

Posted : 15th July 2011 10:24 am
Posts: 52
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Just checking in (on myself if no-one else!) now I've surpassed 280 days! Cant wait to get to a year (5th November) and really hope that year 2 will be easer than year 1 (cravings wise)

My life is so much better without gambling, emotionally, physically and spiritually as I no longer have the rollercoaster highs and lows that gambling brings. The highs were amazing but the lows were terrible-much better to be feeling good constantly.

Posted : 15th August 2011 2:24 am
Posts: 0

Congratulations Croboy, keep it up.

Posted : 15th August 2011 3:09 am
Posts: 0

Well done Croboy.We have been 69 days gamble free and your hard work and determnation gives us the inspiration to carry on!Give yourself 280 well deserved pats on the back!Best Wishes Chris and Jayne

Posted : 15th August 2011 9:35 pm
Posts: 52
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Just worked out I'm 54 days shy of a full YEAR gamble free. Been getting some really bad urges in the last week or so but determined to keep going and not undo my 'sobriety'. I'm very, very far from the finished article but if anyone was to ask me the way to get here is:

1. Put barriers in place (gamblock software, exclude from betting sites or shops or whever you gamble, restrict access to cash and credit)

2. Get support from like minded abstainers (I go to GA each week and come on here quite frequently)

3. Keep busy-fill your time whether it be doing mudane things like cleaning, throwing yourself into work or finding a hobby you love

4. Realise you cannot win because you cannot stop. If you're a true addict then you cant go from alcoholic back to social drinker, a drug addict back to recreational user or gambling addict back to social gambler.

I am really proud to have got so far and will be even prouder once I get to a year but it does sadden me that I can never 'relax' as I know the urge to gamble will always be there.

Good luck everyone

Posted : 10th September 2011 11:45 pm
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