Andy's road to recovery...

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Thanks Drew mate, means a lot.

Day 2 and no gamble. Not even thinking about it. Going to speak to a counsellor i have been recommended by a friend and maybe look to do once a month sessions with him.

I know i have it in me to stop. I need to recognise when i feel vulnerable to gamble at times when im possibly low or bored or an occasion is coming up and then from there be able to combat those triggers.

Im sick and fed up of losing well earned money more than anything.


Posted : 6th February 2014 3:16 pm
Posts: 88

Keep going pal, you defo have it in you to stop. I just want to function normally again, rather than worrying about money and looking at everything as a stake. For example going into tesco, looking at buying something for dinner for like £4/£5 and going na, thats too expensive for tea. But then id head next door to ********* and put £80 into a FOBT for no reason at all.

Need to learn that money isnt a stake, its your hard earned cash.

Bordem is a tough one like, when bordem sets in, we need to find something new (Excerscise, new hobby, etc) to fill the gap. Take it easy man,


Posted : 6th February 2014 6:34 pm
Posts: 144
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Day 3 and no gamble.

Have a throat infection and on antibiotics so going to be bed ridden all weekend, not fun!!

Not even thinking about gambling, have no urges whatsoever. Would rather keep my money and use it to buy certain things and enjoy myself, not feed this horrid habit.


Posted : 7th February 2014 6:31 pm
Posts: 88

Sorry you are not feeling well mate, but seriously well done on the no gambling and no urges. I'm going strong too, no urge to gamble at all, that's even with a lot of football on tomorrow and I don't even know who's playing except for my team.

Some things defo changed this time bro and long may it continue.

Stay strong and get better soon boss,


Posted : 7th February 2014 10:47 pm
Posts: 88

Hope your still going strong man.

Saturdays have always been a gambling day for me, but day 4 and still goin strong. Hope you have had no urges and are feeling better bud.


Posted : 8th February 2014 6:49 pm
Posts: 144
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Hi All and Drew

Day 6 and no gamble and no urges. Forum was down yesterday so couldnt post. Feeling much better now too and back at work so minds a bit busier. Looking forward to taking the Missus out on Friday for Valentines.

Stay strong everyone.


Posted : 10th February 2014 10:57 pm
Posts: 88

Hey mate,

Glad you are still going strong bud. I am too, that'll be a week tomorrow my friend. Good wee achievement for us. Having the site down was weird yesterday - I didn't want to gamble, not had any urges at all, but really wanted the site to be up, hah. Odd!

Good effort on taking the other half out on Friday mate, things like that really put it into perspective. Thats the stuff that matters, enjoying time with your girl - Not staring at your mobile watching a simulated dog called 'Smudger' chasing a hare to win £20 from staking a hard earned fiver. Gutted that ive done things like that, but onwards and upwards - Never EVER again.

Keep going my man and check in soon!


Posted : 11th February 2014 12:29 am
Posts: 144
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One week and still going strong. Looking forward to the rest of my life now without stress and worry of when i can next bet or what money im losing or not having. Not got time for those things in my life.

Posted : 11th February 2014 5:04 pm
Posts: 88

Hey my man,

Hope you are good mate.

The sites been playing up a bit, but finally got on now (Night shift really is a drag and reading people posts help hugely)

A week and a half now pal, i strugged today, i put why on my thread. Through it tho, it was more so the regret than actually gambling if that makes sense..

Let me know how your doing bud, i really hope your doing sound.

Enjoy today with your missus, thats the real stuff that matters. Truly matters, all this gambling stuff is tripe (A nice wee Scottish word for you manm haha)

All the best Andy,


Posted : 14th February 2014 3:59 am
Posts: 144
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Day 11 and still gamble free.

Had a lovely time with the missus last night.

Just read your diary Drew and commented on there mate. There will be hard days but those are the ones which will give us the strength to overcome this poxy addiction. Need the hard days as much as the easy days to show us how s**t we felt when we had nothing.

Life will get easier if we stay on track and money will become available again this time to spend how we wish and not feeding those scumbag bookies.

Have a good weekend mate and everyone else.


Posted : 15th February 2014 11:07 am
Posts: 88

Good going my man, coming up for 2 weeks.

Glad you had a brilliant time with your girl man, as you said thats the stuff that truly matters, not this rubbish addiction.

I hope you are still strong in the head bro, i'm doing good, had no urges or nothing over the weekend! Just got to keep going and never let my guard down. I really hope its it this time bud, got to be positive and stay on top of it, but really really glad you are doing good mate.

Take it easy,


Posted : 17th February 2014 6:06 am
Posts: 144
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2 weeks free and feeling good!

Got to keep the guard up like you say. I have gone months before then BANG, lose hundreds. I'm never going to think im ok, always going to need to put the tools in place to not bet.

Hope everyones doing well.


Posted : 18th February 2014 7:02 pm
Posts: 88

Hey Andy,

Good going my man.

Thats 14 days for me too, even with 2 big games on tonight, i had no urges to bet on it...

Got to keep that guard up pal, because it could so easy rear its head again boss.

If you have time mate, id recommend reading the boy KRS's thread pal as its very good and hit me quite hard. His Dads story, the music volume and his story Sure Sharp are all a brilliant read,

Big help mate.

All the best my man,


Posted : 19th February 2014 12:45 am
Posts: 144
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Cheers Drew mate, means a lot. 17 days free for me. Keeping my guard up.

Need to get on here a bit more but ben really busy at work.

Thanks everyone.


Posted : 21st February 2014 9:14 pm
Posts: 88

21 days mate - Hope you are still doing well pal...

Do you find it gets easier as the days go on? I have to say im feeling that 🙂

All the best bud,


Posted : 26th February 2014 1:10 am
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