Another Go

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Posts: 1226

Hi Slow

Id like to be part of that Skype meeting too, feel I could add value to that but appreciate it will be invite only from your counsellors. 

Interested to hear how you get on tho.


Posted : 30th May 2022 8:00 pm
Posts: 865
Topic starter

Hi Captain,

I'd like you to be part of it too. Not sure how your brutal honesty would go down with partners of CGs but sometimes one has to be cruel to be kind. Maybe you'd give some a short sharp shock totally for their benefit. On the other hand maybe the harsh realities of what's involved is perhaps a bridge too far for some. Here's the thing Captain, on the one hand if I create false hope that someone can change no matter how long they've gambled I'd feel bad if they relapse. The flip side is if some CG genuinely wants to break the destructive circle, their partners after listening to me aren't prepared to invest any more into in their spouse/partners recovery given the time it took me to change I'll feel worse. I want to give it a go yet deep down have serious reservations, one thing's for sure given what god gave me, what I could have achieved & the path I chose anyway was a fine example to no-one. For sure I'm not the perfect example of how anyone should live life.

CGs hate responsibility, & I feel sick to the stomach knowing what I say, how I describe my addiction ( which I refuse to do in a dishonest way ) may have a profound effect on the lives & futures of others. I've never really bought in to the philosophy of MH issues makes CGs, I think it's important to own an addiction, but then again I think to myself often, living the life I have was I normal ?. Was there some mental defect in me ?. I'm none the wiser now than I was the day I turned up here. All I know is I squandered opportunities to do so much better in the same way you've described recently. No doubt some uncomfortable questions will arise & in some split second moments I'll be referencing some of your posts, advice wisdom & input that have added so much to this forum over time.

Like You Say It Ain't Going Away

Sincere Best Wishes



This post was modified 3 years ago by slowlearner
Posted : 30th May 2022 11:45 pm
Posts: 208

Not sure why i`ve only just found your diary sir.

I  may have got to know you a little bit this last 5 or so months, and i believe you don`t like a fuss , hate a pat on the back , and are very unassuming.

Well tough because you are a great role model, i consider you and a couple of others as my g/f mentors , and you are an all round top bloke and inspiration.

Just a shame about your football team (lol)

Seriously keep doing what you do slow, its not just the amount of people you help, but the quality of help and advice you offer and the total honesty which you share, don`t ever change.


Posted : 31st May 2022 8:27 pm
Posts: 865
Topic starter

Hey fella,

Shame about my team ? ain't you heard lids we're in the championship we won at Wembley. Role model ?, well let me tell you to be a good peer or example you got to be a good listener. I've listened to you on many occasions & discussed the lengths we've gone to in order to finance our addiction. I've gained a lot from this forum over the years, some inspirational people have shown me a way to a better life. How long they've been clean hasn't anything to do with it. It's the example they set, you're a special guy, I talked to you in your early days & I've watched you grow from being not happy in life to waiting for the taxi coming on Saturday nights & taking the woman you love out for an evening free from secrets and lies.

Little Acorns Lids They Grow Quickly

Keep Going Boy

Best Wishes



Posted : 31st May 2022 10:04 pm
Posts: 865
Topic starter


It's been a while, maybe you just needed a break. Just wondered how you are & if all's well, even if you don't want a lengthy chat it would be good to know you're ok.


Best Wishes



Posted : 24th January 2023 9:59 am
Posts: 41

Posted by: @slowlearner

KS2 if you're reading I miss you too & sincerely hope you've managed to turn things around.





As you may imagine I've taken some wrong turns over the last few years.

Just skimming my previous posts, seems scarcely credible that I managed 2 years GF.

Can't even remember why I slipped.

Will gather my thoughts and start back on the wagon


Thanks for all your support in the past - it was truly welcome and helped immensely.

Hope you and your family are all well.

(I'm still on the same email if you have it).


Posted : 17th September 2024 4:05 pm
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