April Fools!

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@p6z38njbqm As ever, thank Fish 🐟💙.

The treats are an important factor remember so make sure you decide on something nice that will make you feel happy 😃👍.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Your friend Pink Lady 🩷🍎

Posted : 26th January 2025 10:42 am
Posts: 641
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Day 300!

As I see it, it’s another milestone and “another milestone” in my eyes = another treat!!😆👍

This treat is a bit of a double edged sword however 🤨. I ordered a lovely Superdry coat and woolly hat in the sale at a great price, which have arrived and I love both of them 🥰👌. Tomorrow however, my dental treatment commences and I have to go for a big bone density scan at another practice where they have this particular scanning machine. When I was given this appointment, I was told that because it was not at the dentist I am having the treatment at, I would have to pay the £180.00 fee!!! 😲😠. This is on top of the 6k I am having to fork out!🤬.

With the above said, I have decided to focus more on my achievement of hitting 300 days g.f, enjoying my treat (just the weather for wearing both of them today as well)! 💨☔️💨☔️. I am also going to remind myself that due to my hard work, perseverance and commitment to improve my financial situation, I do not have to think about where I am going to find £180.00. Prior to this, if I had been gambling, the first thing on my mind would have been “where am I going to get the money for this”. Or possibly, I would have had to speak to my sister for a potential loan. Now however, my first thought was, “thank God I can afford this”! 👍.

Another positive thing I am going to remind myself of today is that I do have the 6k sitting safely in my bank account. Those of you who have read my diary, will know that this came from a tiny pension that I thought basically amounted to nothing or certainly no lump sum but as a matter of fact, it did pay out a lump sump sum which was literally just a tad under 6k!👏. I do believe that “him above” does look after me when he sees I am working hard. Not everyone thinks this way I know and that’s fine but I just do 😊.

It’s comforting to know that also, I have no overdraft facility on both my bank accounts so anything I spend/use is literally my own hard earned money 👍.

Off around to my sister’s this afternoon for a lovely Sunday roast with her and her family and all that comes with it 😋🥂🍾.

Have a lovely g.f day everyone and to those of you who are just starting out/in the early throws of your g.f journey and reading this, I hope you can take some comfort on being able to see that every aspect of your life will most definitely get better if you remain strong and determined👌🙏.

Take care all.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Pink Lady
Posted : 26th January 2025 11:20 am
Posts: 143

@j5a6meyr4z Hey Pink

Been keeping up with your diary and just wanted to congratulate you on your 300 days!! It's a big milestone and you should be proud of how far you've come and all you've achieved along with managing to pay various things along the way like your dreaded dental work.


Keep going and keep smashing those goals, 65 days (or Maybe 64/63 now lol) until you've completed a year 🙂 


All the best

Posted : 27th January 2025 7:24 pm
Posts: 641
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@brownie889 Awh thank you brownie 💙.  

I hope all is going accordingly in your life and you are doing well too?

Take care.


Posted : 27th January 2025 10:02 pm
Posts: 641
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Day 301.

Mood right now is not good 😔.  Took two hours annual leave to go to the dentist for my scan. I got there and sat for five minutes before a nurse came up and told me that the scanning machine had just broken! They said they would have to book me in for next Monday. Although no one’s fault, I wasn’t too happy. I have also had terrible tooth/gum/eye/face/headache all day (and still now), with this ongoing infection in my gum so I think this is also affecting my mood 😖.

I decided to get into bed early and when I flushed my toilet before bed, the water would not stop so I have had to go outside my front door and physically turn my water off until I get up in the morning 🙈. I have just about had enough for today!

I can’t do anything else, other than to just tell myself “tomorrow is a new day and just try to breath through it -pain and all” 🙏.

Good night, God bless all.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 27th January 2025 10:15 pm
Posts: 86

Well done on 300 days, and up to 25 pages on your diary, that's alot of entries! 🤣 

Posted : 28th January 2025 9:46 am
Posts: 641
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@hit0f4l2rn Thank you Eden.  It sure is!😆. 


Posted : 28th January 2025 10:15 pm
Posts: 641
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Day 306.

Not been in the best frame of mind this week 😔. Monday, I wasted 2 hours of my annual leave to go for a scan that didn’t happen. Later that evening, my toilet flush broke so in the middle of arranging to have that repaired.

Thursday I had to go for an emergency dental appointment as I was in so much pain and my face was all swollen 😖. Three minutes in the dentist chair and a course of antibiotics later at a cost of £70.00 🤬. Now I am sitting here, trying to organise a plumber and wondering how much this is going to cost me! It has been a busy and painful week in work as well and working full time has taken its toll due to lack of sleep 😴.

Ruminating about all of the above is not going to help me mentally so now for the positives:

- It’s is a lovely bright and sunny day here

- I had/have the money in my bank account for emergency dentist/plumber

- I have had a very lazy morning in bed with a cuppa/catching up on diaries

- Me, my brother and sis-law are at my sister’s for drinks/dinner later

- I have just treated myself to some makeup/skincare products I can afford 

- I have another day off tomorrow to recharge my batteries.

Just remember folks - when things seem tough,  turning to gambling will eventually only make things much worse, both financially and mentally 👎.

Stay strong and committed everyone for better days ahead 💪🙏.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 1st February 2025 11:12 am
Posts: 641
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Day 313.

Glad that the weekend is here 😴.  I had to take 2 day’s emergency leave on Monday and Tuesday. My sister ended up in hospital last Sunday. While me, my brother and sister in law were there last Saturday for dinner, she said she was not feeling too well at all. So much so, that she was admitted to hospital and put on two drips as it was discovered she had pneumonia 😢. I stayed over with her when she came home. She has been on strong antibiotics since and hopefully improving 🤞🙏.

Thought I would kill two birds with one stone whilst on my emergency leave and get the plumber around. Toilet flush sorted now and another £90 out of my bank account. All I seemed to have done these past few weeks is spend money on fees for this and that! 🤨. Still, so glad my toilet is now fixed and working as it should be. The things you take for granted but when they break down, you just don’t want to manage without them 🙈.

Going to make some nice leek and potato soup this morning. Then I am doing a bit of shopping for my sister and off to hers later for tea and a sleepover. I am hoping to take her for a short drive tomorrow, to our local garden centre that has a nice big indoor shopping area, for a small walk around, only if she is up to it.

With one thing and another going on this week, both personal and in work, I am going to concentrate on the positives, which are:-

I was granted emergency paid leave

I am only around the corner from my sister

I did not need to book an extra day off for the plumber

Last but most importantly, I had the money in my bank account to pay for a plumber!!👌.

We can all be in a position where emergencies and unexpected costs arise. One thing for sure however (and this is taken from experience), is that when we have stopped gambling, we can deal with/sort out such things much better 👍.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to just keep going on your g.f journey, day by day, week by week, month by month 🙏.

Take care all.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 8th February 2025 10:19 am
Posts: 641
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Day 320.

Another lazy morning in bed with a cuppa and catch up on people’s diaries. I have had a difficult week in work with one thing and another, which has left me contemplating my future 😢.

Whilst this job is great as it is literally down the bottom of my road and everyone on the department are so lovely (minus my line manager - I just can’t handle her mood swings/abruptness with me of late 😤)! I find myself questioning the “micro management” of my role 🤔.

I left my last job last August, after 20 years service, which entailed me basically, being left to my own devices to get on with things doing my job and working flexi hours. This is a big change to my working routine now however. I am ok-ish with being monitored in this way to an extent, however, it is very limiting when you have emergency situations on your hands like dentist, doctors, emergency repairs to sort out as I had done these past few weeks 🤨.

On a brighter note. I had my check in with my line manager (which I was not looking forward to at all). She had been particularly rude and abrupt with me only the day before, which left me feeling extremely uneasy. I was ready to discuss this with her but thought I would wait to hear what she had to say first. Was I shocked!! She went on to say that my stats were really good and “well done and keep up the good work”! 😲. You could have blown me down with a feather! She did however mention my attendance (been off twice since I have been there) - the first time was when I got full blown Covid the week I was due on the department, after three weeks training. I was literally laid up in bed with it for a week! The second time was when my back went and I could not move!

Apparently, if I am off again any time soon, the agency will terminate my contract!👎. This is another reason for not liking a micro management approach. At the end of our meeting, I was stunned when she apologised for the way she had been/spoken to me the day before and added, “I am sorry about yesterday, I even spoke to Nic (her manager) and said I was really abrupt then wasn’t I”. Hmmmmm. I just don’t understand when your role is to manage people, you can then behave in this way???

Not long after our meeting, she came back up to me with a smile on her face and said “good news, your contract has just been extended for another 3 months”! I just gave her lip service and replied “oh that’s lovely news. Thanks for letting me know” 🥴.

So all in all, I have had a very up and down week - one minute liking the job, the next minute, desperate to find something else and contemplating my future, to then trying to tell myself to just stick with it 🙈!

I have decided to just take it week by week, get my full time pay and in the meantime, now that I have a bit more breathing space (my contract was due to end on 30th March but now extended until 30th June), keep my eyes peeled for anything else more suitable.

An important thing to note is that with all the ups and downs I have faced/I am facing right now, this in the past could have been a trigger to gamble and try to “make everything better”! Well not this time - no way Hose’ 👊💪. Couldn’t think of anything worse as a matter of fact 👎👎.

Take care all. Roll with any punches you are being dealt right now and like me, just try to take things day/week at a time 🤞🙏🙏.

Have a calm weekend everyone.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 15th February 2025 12:03 pm
Posts: 641
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Day 327.

Work has not been great again this week 👎. Well I say “work”. I am referring to what I believe to be “playground behaviour” from my line manager! I mean what do you do when you say “hiya” or “good morning” and they don’t respond?🤷🏻‍♀️. My sister said to just give her a wide birth but it’s hard to do this when the person line managers you - mores the pity 😢. I wouldn’t mind, our other line manager is so lovely and we get along just fine.

To add insult to injury to my week, I got a letter to say our service charges on our apartment block are going up by 125% from this April! I mean just how?😡🤬.

Just this week alone, I have had emails to say my service charges are going up from April, along with my road tax, council tax and my Sky t.v.  I am sure the rest will shortly follow suit 👎.

I returned to full time work last August to gain some more money for “me”. The thought of this now being swallowed up on ever increasing utility bills etc fills me with dread/anger 😡. 

I am sure many of you on here will no doubt be experiencing the same? I remember back in the day when I worked full time, paying bills/having money to myself/treating myself was never an issue. Now it seems most of us are just going to work to just about keep our head above water!👎👎. At this rate, I will be having to ask my son to move in with me and share the bills! Perish that thought however 🙈.

Can’t end my post on a negative with all of the above so……….

Right now, the beautiful sunshine is coming through my apartment 

I am just about to make some homemade leek and potato soup

I will play some nice music whilst doing so

I will go and get a nice frame to put a picture of my late nephew in it

I am off to my sisters later and she is cooking dinner 👍.

Just keep reminding yourselves folks that life and a work/life balance can be tough and as the years pass, it seems to be getting harder and harder. However, one thing for sure, is that if we continue to gamble/return to gambling, this will eventually make our financial situation even worse. We all know that on here 👎.

Stay strong everyone and when you feel like I do right now, just try to breath through it and distract 🙏.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 22nd February 2025 11:25 am
Posts: 641
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Day 334.

Thankfully, I have had a better week in work this week. I have been hitting my targets and have continued to get 100% on my pieces of work monitored by QA 👌💪. My line manager has actually spoke to me/called me by my name/even said in a message that she was “so so sorry” for something I queried with her, where she disagreed but then realised I was right and she was wrong! I am not trying to make this a competition, I just want to be treated fairly and with respect.

We all had a nice day in work yesterday (my line manager was on half day - thank you God) 😊. It was pay day for the permanent staff. Every Friday is pay day for me so that was good also.

One of my colleagues was leaving to go to another department and it was also his Birthday so there were mounds of goodies to be had. Including my homemade contribution - salted pretzel and three chocolate bark which by all accounts, went down a storm 😋🍫. When I was wishing the guy who was leaving, all the best, he said something lovely to me.  He said “I really hope you get kept on permanently or at least a FTA as you are an asset to this team, you really are”. How lovely was that?🥲. I believe we all respond better to praise and not being put down/being abruptly spoken to/ignored.  No need!👎.

I have a nice weekend to look forward to which is:

My son is here for the weekend.

I have been invited into my neighbours this evening for drinks and nibbles

My son and I have been invited to my sisters tomorrow with her family for a Sunday roast 😋.

I am on annual leave on Monday and next Friday so a nice short week for me (the same the following week and then the week after, I am off on the Monday), so 3 shorter weeks on the bounce to look forward to. Some of it is also for the dentist but at least it is a change to my routine and I will make sure I do something nice as well.

Take care all.

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 1st March 2025 10:23 am
Posts: 86



Great to hear you had a better week 🙂


Nice of them to make that comment as well. Its the little things in life

Posted : 6th March 2025 11:39 am
Posts: 641
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@hit0f4l2rn It certainly is Eden 👍. Thank you. 


Posted : 6th March 2025 11:22 pm
Posts: 546

Couldn't agree more with your colleague Pinky. You are an asset to this forum too. So good to hear you are doing well. Not been on much lately due to a very busy work life balance but always nice to see things going well.

Stay strong 👍 

Posted : 8th March 2025 2:56 am
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