Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Thanks guys n girls

Goodnight at GA a clean sweep of GF'sbjust a listening brief for me no issue with that get just as much as when I share I'll have my say at another meeting tomorrow.

I must say a thank you to my mum always puts a beer in fridge for me after GA on Tuesday and even came home to so nice homemade soup for supper. She won't see this but one day I might point her here and this will be a nice little surprise xxx love you Mum

Posted : 12th January 2016 11:01 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Martin , I think the day your mum reads your diary She'll be very proud , take care mate and look after that mum of yours !

Night Buddy !

Posted : 12th January 2016 11:35 pm
Posts: 0

Awww, ain't you a good kid...That's really lovely 🙂 There's a good chance my Mum may end up here (a gal can wish)...Maybe about time I stop slagging her off & give her a shout out! Good share & apols but Rochdale a little too far for me I'm afraid!

Posted : 13th January 2016 3:58 am
Posts: 0

Hello Oldham,

That's a nice thing you said about your mum and you can't beat home made soup.

As long as your mum doesn't see toads diary it could put her into shock lol

All joking aside, well done on 111 days. Best wishes.


Posted : 13th January 2016 7:21 am
Posts: 0

Your mum is proud of you:)) because she loves you.

I am proud of you too:)))

Have a good gambling free day.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 13th January 2016 8:05 am
Posts: 0

Morning Oldham. 112 days is good going...reading your diary I can see jusy how far you've come and what a difference it's making in your life. Your commitment to recovery is evident and the support and encouragement you give to others on here is great.

Just picking up on the lady gamblers topic, I thought I'd share my experience. I was an online, comfort of my own home gambler and became addicted to slots. I have been to bingo with friends in "real" life but found it mind numbingly boring. I've never had any interest in sports betting, dogs or horse racing. I never have, and never would go into a bookies. But the hook of those online sites was immense. I know now that I gambled to escape but then it got out of hand and I became unable to stop. I then found myself using it for just about any emotion (stress, boredom,anger,reward) and it has been a hard habit to break. Part of the appeal of online is that it's secret and I was ashamed of doing it, so it being hidden from view was perfect for me. The thought of going to an arcade and bumping into someone I know was enough to keep me out of them. I wouldn't want to walk into a casino on my own (luckily there aren't any where I live). There's no way that I would walk into a bookies to play the fobt as people might see me and I'd be surrounded by men! I actually don't like to be around other people when I'm gambling. I don't want anyone to see the level of frustration I feel when I don't win and I'd be embarrassed to get excited about winning in front of anyone. I've always known deep down that it's a losing game and so to keep it hidden by playing online was perfect for me. I suspect I'm not alone in feeling this way.

As for GA, I totally understand that people can't give up their working time to run a daytime meeting.It's just that if there was one, I would definitely go. I know that if I really wanted to go I could work a way around the childcare and evening routines (and maybe one day I will). It just seems to me that there must be a large number of bored housewives with CG who would benefit by attending in the day when the kids are at school.Being on here I've noticed that many of the people who manage long term recovery attend GA and that many of them are men. If women find it difficult to attend in the evening, or because there aren't many women at the meetings, then daytime meetings might help solve that. Maybe at some point in the future that might change.Ever the optimist!

Have a great day.

LifeBegins x

Posted : 13th January 2016 9:21 am
Posts: 0

I never really understand "I don't have time for GA" if you were offered a money making solution to your gambling problem which sorts your head out. I think you would take it. GA is this but for some reason people are not seeing this.

Posted : 13th January 2016 9:30 am
Posts: 1789
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Thanks for all the kind words I'm proud of myself never thought I would be able to do this long things are getting better slowly but they certainly aren't getting any worse


Posted : 13th January 2016 12:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Oldham,

I read the start of your diary and that was a terrible thing gambling the wedding fund i can only imagine the pain. Thankfully I never spent wedding money but your brave posting that.

I was in the bookies with a 3k
wedding gift but i just watched a race and left. I do have great will power though. You have made the right decision quitting. If you read my diary I have some useful tips on quitting. Well done on your journey so far and overcoming that disaster. Well done in recovery


Posted : 13th January 2016 3:10 pm
Posts: 1789
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Another good day in work decent day all round no gambling thoughts which in pleased about.

A quick turn around again tonight off to GA second meeting in 2 days hopefully I'll get time to re-examine all the terrible things I have done in the past but its only a 2 hour meeting so it might not be fair taking up all the time of the other CG who attend tonight


Posted : 13th January 2016 5:25 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the posts on my diary buddy. And keep up the great work

Posted : 13th January 2016 9:12 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post on my thread. Keep up your good work. I don't even think about gambling anymore. When i think about the money i have thrown away people could buy homes with it it is embarrassing. Still get friends mentioning it at work saying won ВЈ40 won £25, etc but i just say i dont gamble its a mugs game. Nearly 4 month keep up the good work mate.

Oh n lets hope oldham keep higdon hes garbage lol up the blades jason. 🙂

Posted : 13th January 2016 9:14 pm
Posts: 1789
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Well went went to another GA meeting tonight and I have to thank toad for his subtle reminder of what got me into this mess.

The meeting is struggling but one new member 4 I had not met and one other I knew.

I had a great therapy as they say. I went back to what I consider to be my rock bottom,the turning point, The realisation that this could not go on for me on my family knowing what it was going to cost I told my story for start to finish tonight it got a more positive closing of this chapter then it did the last time told it

I feel just as high now as after any big win I should do it more. It's only been 16 weeks but its surprising how many things you block out or push to the back of your mind. Sometimes it's such a relief To bring those emotions to the front of your mind and realise just how far you've come in 16 weeks I for one certainly don't want to go back there.

For ever and a day my name is Martin and I am a compulsive gambler


Posted : 13th January 2016 11:36 pm
Posts: 0

Great post Martin !

Take care buddy !

Posted : 13th January 2016 11:48 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry mate just posted a comment to you on mine ! Can't even get that right , told you I was angry !

Posted : 14th January 2016 12:01 am
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