Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Afternoon Oldham

just checked your profile, wow 257 days, well done, huge achiement!
Keep it going and big thumbs up for self exlcuding as soon as a new bookies opens 🙂

Posted : 6th June 2016 2:13 pm
Posts: 1789
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Really enjoyed chat tonight some relatively new guys showing sone good early signs. It's a great help to the new guys shame more don't make full use of it. Although tonight was well attended.

Posted : 6th June 2016 8:26 pm
Posts: 222

Hi Oldham thought I'd pop by. I am going to start attending chat. Is it everyday?

Posted : 6th June 2016 8:40 pm
Posts: 0

It got a response from you me old mate , so it can't have been that bad , although it was prob from an old xmas cracker , look not all of us are as good as drawing bleedin birthday cakes as you are , so give an old sod some credit ok ? :))

Posted : 6th June 2016 8:44 pm
Posts: 1789
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Just posted this on another thread but copying it here so I can look back on it

used to get upto all sorts of tricks it's was all part of the game not proud when I look back.

I used sneak the ex's bank card from her purse I'd start by running the tap to hide the noise then I'd check the exact position of the the purse remember where the card was go get the cash put it back in the same slot at the same angle put the purse back in her bag make sure it was lay the same put the scarf back over it.

I broke the house phone so she wouldn't get calls from payday loans or the bank and said we've got mobiles we don't even use it all we get is cold calls.

I used to up th overdraft only on a Wednesday as the letter from the bank came on a Saturday I'd say you lie in so I could intercept the post.

If she wanted to check the online banking I'd flick the wifi off and say the site was down.

On e tme she wanted to check the wedding fund in the isa I showed her what was still available for us to deposit and said that was our balance.

I was so deceitful how I got away with it for the final really bad 2 years is beyond me.

The best byproduct of me not gambling is my honesty. I was lying conniving secretive sod I could go on.

I have not told a lie in 257 days well I've told a few whites lies like the food was nice or your b*m doesn't look big. You know what I mean.

Love my honestly now could not imagine going back to living my life that way.


Posted : 6th June 2016 11:12 pm
Posts: 390

Great mini therapy...the details are a little different but the story is the same.

Glad you are doing so well- a great example to all

Posted : 7th June 2016 6:27 am
Posts: 1789
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Not had a bet today or since my last post

looking forward to GA tonight chairing the meeting which I enjoy I'm sure we will have a good turnout got a few guys who are 1 to 2 months in who seem to be sticking around which is good

be nice if we got a new member tonight not had one for 3 weeks always good to take another one out of the gras P of the bookies and selfishly good to hear the raw pain

One of guys says it would be great to take a picture of someone on the first day and then another one a month later the difference you see in people in the appearance of people after just a few weeks is unbelievable


Posted : 7th June 2016 11:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi Oldham

Well i started to read your diary before.... I have found things you have said very similar to the situation i am in and was a bitter pill to swallow and i couldnt continue. But i have read though your diary and i really will be proud if i can reach over 250 days! I went to a GA meeting on your suggestion and i really love the place. It is a room full of people and there is such postive energy in there. people who have been off the bet for a while offer great advice to the newbies! I used my phone list for the first time this weekend and am part of my GA group whatsapp group so supportive! it will be my 4th session Thursday and long will it continue. Your doing such a great job hope you realise us people who have only really started our recovery look up to guys like you! Keep it up and thanks KTF!!

PS Have had to google what a leo sayer is haha.

Posted : 7th June 2016 1:17 pm
Posts: 1789
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Say outside enjoying my Tuesday beer. Really good meeting tonight I chaired and really enjoyed it again very busy again all good bar 1 who hadn't been since April he's a guy who really struggles great he came back but his hearts not in it. Such a great lad to see the difference in him when he's been back on it is enough to keep me away from going back. Will he be back next week I don't know that's down to him GA will go on without him but I'm not sure how long he will go on without GA.

Open meeting in a couple of weeks which I'm looking forward to anyone round the oldham/mcr area who is curious about GA why not come and visit it will give you a great insight into what it's about and how it can make a huge difference


Posted : 7th June 2016 9:10 pm
Posts: 1831

Get what you were saying about appearances ktf. ...when I look back at photos of me when addiction was at its worse. makes me cringe. ...don't leave home now without the lippy and hairspray ! Lol ; )
How bowt you ...? Lol x

Posted : 8th June 2016 11:36 am
Posts: 1789
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Just had a text if someone telling me my payday loan is ready just need to click here. Not had one of these for ages thought I'd blocked them all then 6 mins later j get another one. Used to get half a dozen a day. they better not start up again. I'm sure they will follow up with a phone call. Blocked them now but they just keep coming not had payday loan or requested one for 9 months night be time to get a new number

Posted : 8th June 2016 7:48 pm
Posts: 0

hi oldham thanks for ur post i only have one betting account im more or used to be more of mug punter standin in the bookies socilaising whilst throwing me money down the drain keep up ur good work keep plucking away it will all be worthwhile in the end

Posted : 8th June 2016 11:49 pm
Posts: 151

Hi KTF I will come the meeting on Tuesday. Good to see your still going. You'll be at a year before you know it

Posted : 9th June 2016 12:15 am
Posts: 0

Thanks so much for your post and the link to GA. There are a couple of meetings near me (one's a newcomers meeting, but I'm not sure if that applies to me given I've been battling away for a while). You're a great advert for GA (as are many others on here)...I'd be mad not to consider it as I can see the difference it makes. And there has to be tea and biscuits so what do I have to lose?!

You're so right to pick up on my husband giving me the go ahead for the £50. He doesn't fully get it (obviously), but that's because I haven't told him the full, unadulterated truth...more a watered down version of the truth with a few key omissions. The whole warts and all version scares me to be honest. However much I might at times want to blame him for enabling me (hate that phrase) you're correct that the responsibility lies with me. I shouldn't have asked him for slot money and if he knew the full truth he wouldn't have given it to me.

Thanks for the advice and support. It's really appreciated. LB x

Posted : 9th June 2016 4:48 pm
Posts: 1789
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Well the Euro’s is upon us, I have noticed a few concerns around the forum and chat and people not looking forward to it.

Thant’s not the case for me, I cant wait for it to start.

I used to be a big sports better and football was my main choice, I have had a bet at every tournaments since the last time a major championship was in France in 98. In previous years I would have been building up to this and actually saving money to gamble with once the tournament started. Strange for a compulsive gamble that I could abstain in the weeks leading up to it but once it started I was bang at it.

I would have a bet on every game, doubles and trebles, FGS, corners, over/unders. As the saying goes throw enough sh it at it something will stick.

Yes I had a few good wins and yes I had just as many bad losses. At the time I never remembered the losses just the wins that’s dot the case now. Did I go and book a nice holiday with any of my wins or even buy a nice bunch of flowers for the ex, don’t be silly, the winnings where never my money just gambling tokens till it was lost. I remember England winning games and I should have been celebrating let’s face it we don’t win many, instead I would be down and p*s sed off because we didn’t get that one corner I was waiting for or Rooney scored second instead of first.

I would make excuses to friends why I was watching it at home and not in the pub with my mates, things like I like to watch the game and get to distracted in the pub, let’s be honest all my money was invested, (lol invested you do have to laugh at the way our mind worked).

This time I’m looking forward to watching every game with no added pressure on the outcome just watching it for the sport it was invented for no cursing if Dickenov from Russia concedes a penalty in the last minute.

Its also going to be nice being single for the tournament no compromise over what game to watch, no arguments if id like to go and watch a game in the pub.

I tacking this different I really struggled with Cheltenham but this time I’m going to meet it head on and not try and avoid it and enjoy it, let’s be honest I’ve got more blocks in place than a jumbo box of Lego, I have to trust them they are there for a reason to give me time to think, and I’m confident not complacent with that thinking time and the knowledge if have gleamed from here and GA if I did come close to a bet I would make that the right choice.


Posted : 10th June 2016 11:07 am
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