Morning Martin :)).
I did laugh last night when watching the final of Bear Grylls " The Island " when the Old guy put his " Oldham " sign up in the camp before leaving , now I know where youv'e been :)).
Enjoy your 6 Centuries day my friend :)) x
Congrats on the 600 pal keep er lit!
Wow 600 days Oldham. Congrats!!
600 days wow! That 2 year Mark is in sight 🙂 Hats off to you Oldham.
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
What a day!!!! And not in a good way.
I Attended a funeral of a good mate of mine today taken from us suddenly I was only out with him a few days before he died. The guy was a gentle giant with hands like shovels hence his nickname Paws. He was a true gent in every way always had a smile and was always had good advice for me and stuck by me and never judged me.
I obviously wasn't the only one to think that when the crematorium is as packed as it was with another 200 people outside. RIp Paws I'll miss you mate.
Unfortunately that hasn't been the end of the sad news today. When terror comes to your doorstep you hope and prey that you won't be affected by it personally. All day we've be hoping for a miracle that two local ladies one the wife of a mate would turn up alive but that's not the case. Waiting innocently to collect their kids from what should of been a joyous occasion one individual thought he had the right to tear a family apart with a senseless act of terrorism. I just can't fathom it, I feel empty inside I'm struggling to make sense of it. Rip Lisa.
Martin .
To lose anyone we know is never easy to come to terms with , if indeed we ever really do . To lose a friend through natural causes without warning is difficult enough for those around and your mate's wife, well , word's cannot begin to express how I feel about that ,an Innocent night out with people having fun that was turned into an Horrific experience which will never be forgoten by all those it affected and any Decent human being in the world .
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families affected , to yourself and the City of Manchester .
Love and Piece my friend ................Alan xx
Paw's and Lisa RIP xx
Sending you another hug Martin..
Totally sensless act of barbaric behaviour from a souless machine ....can't even call him person....
My everybody else's
Are with the dear families left in
Such a state of distress. ...
Stay strong hun...your mate will need you x
Thoughts your way Martin.
Hi Martin,
Reading your post was tough so goodness knows how you must be feeling at the moment.
Stay strong. Stay safe. Look after you and yours
Cheers Guys,
Been a tough day all round, went for a walk on lunch to Albert square to have a look at the tributes and pay my respects, an overwhelming response from the people of Manchester and many tributes from further afield, it does warm your heart to see the country as a whole pulling together. Lots of notable police presence on the streets, it disappoints me that we have armed officer patrolling outside my office and all around Manchester unfortunately it’s a necessary evil atm
I suppose gambling couldn’t be further away from my thoughts but that’s the time I need to be vigilant, blocks still in place had a great meeting at GA last night, didn’t want to go could of easily stayed at the funeral but my bud would of wanted me to go he knew how important my meetings are to me.
Thinking of you and sending a little strength.
Julie x
Hi Martin, one day at a time. Hoping you are finding some peace. Helen
Ive not had a bet or since my last post.
Found my diary on page 7 it used to be never off page 1 lol, apologies for neglecting this place, I know I shouldn’t neglect it but since I came here some 600 odd days away my mind has become so much less cluttered. I was on the forum every spare minute I had, I still check in almost daily but only a passing glance im just to far behind on everyone’s diaries I used to be up to date on them all. Now I click on one and I might be 20, 30 or even 40 posts behind. It’s quite daunting try to get back I just don’t have the time anymore.
I suppose that’s a good thing I have other things going on, I’m still active with GA perhaps even more so, I knew it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but its mine I find I’m a lot more hands on with the support to the GA members than on here these days I’ve made some really good friends there, I’ve just counted I have more numbers for GA members in my phone then the rest put together, not all are active members, I can’t bring myself to delete them even if they have not turned up for a while, I’ll always be there if they need me and I do occasionally send out the odd text and most fall on deaf ears presumably because they have been consumed by gambling again but it’s nice when you get the odd one back saying they are still going well. Had another great meeting last night one guy just completed 5 years a real inspiration to me. I was approached a few months ago by a good mate of mine about his son who now comes to GA with me, I’ve taken him under my wing and some of the wise words he’s coming out with after only 7 weeks is a pleasure to see.
Families doing well, I’ve always been close to my Mum and still am, she keeps me grounded and always has an eye on me without being in my face. My Dads health is doing well now and I seem to be getting on better with him, he still has the odd little dig but that’s the culture he’s from banter will be given and taken in equal measure, I used to see it as him constantly having a go but it’s not. He’s not. said and I don’t think he ever will but he’s quietly proud of how well I’ve done. My Lad is doing great shooting up, taller than me already at 14, continues to impress in school and he’s an absolute pleasure to be around. I’ll have to give the ex some credit she’s doing a good job on her own with him despite all the c**P I left behind, were actually working well together now, the boilers blew up in the house we’ve come to an arrangement both of us are happy with for once no throwing my gambling back in my face as in fairness it’s been hanging on for the last 10 years and should have been changed years ago but due to me gambling they was never any money spare. It was me who even said it should have been done but for my gambling and she said well that’s done as long as we sort it now that’s the main thing, I never thought she would be saying that 20 months ago.
As for me I’m quite content with my lot at the minute, a week to go till payday still have money left which is becoming the norm, I do enjoy the summer months, I hate the heat but I like being able to get out and about to different place’s mainly to watch some cricket and sample a few beers along the way at the weekends. Works going well now I concentrate on the job I should be doing rather than gambling while at my desk, I’ve actually got to pay rise on from not gambling and the other from extra commission I earn due to be focussed on work, so much so this month I’ve already hit my monthly target with 10 days to go the rest I earn will be bonus bonus money and no having to play it through lol it will be all mine. I’m having such a good month this month I’m going to start looking around for a holiday when this month commission comes through next month for later this year and use the money to book that if I can find a good deal somewhere.
For those out there starting out remember you can’t win because you can’t stop. It’s not easy but put the same effort in as you did to get that next bet on and listen to others on here and read as many diaries as you can, you can take something from all of them even if its mistakes people have made you can learn from them and hopefully not repeat what someone has done before you. You might not always like what you hear, try and take a step back and see it from another point of view. If what you are doing is not working don’t keep repeating it as Einstein said that insanity. Try something different as the saying goes nothing changes if nothing changes even if it means going outside your comfort zone most importantly never give up on giving up. Take it one day at a time even a minute if you have to It ain't Rocket Science " just avoiding the first bet that way the second, third and fourth can never come. Keep sharing there’s lots of advise out there it’s not all the same as Loxxie would say there’s more than one way to cook a spud if you want to avoid a slip stay away from slippy places as Alan says if you hang around a barbers shop eventually you will get an haircut but one thing that can’t be disputed is that it Better To Ramble Than Gamble.
Hello Me Old mate , I wondered how you were doing and I'm glad to see all's well in your world :))
Do know what , you must have used every bleedin saying on here in that last paragraph of your's , the only one's missing were " If you hang around the Barber's " and my personal Fav " It ain't Rocket Science " , Glad to see you left something Martin :)) .
If your on 600 odd day's then I must still be a couple of weeks ahead , as weve been on this journey together old buddy and I'm alway's glad to look over my shoulder to see you breathing down my neck ( but not in a sexual way of course ) LoL !! .
Glad to hear an update Martin and " Keep on Rambling instead of Gambling "
All the best
Al xx
Edited it just for you Alan
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