Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Now that's much better Martin , you can't beat a nice tidy and complete post can you !! .

Stay safe my friend :))


Posted : 21st June 2017 10:06 pm
Posts: 0

Its been suspected for a long time Martin but really didnt want to be the one to say it. This is in regards to putting your reply to Alans on your diary rather than his ! Most of the worldwide footy econimicsphychotherapy experts have been studying this phenonemal sickness within Oldham supporters for the past 90 odd years, but with such a sly insiduous desease didnt want to scaremonger the LUFC in denial Oldham supporters. From reading your posts and witnessing this slow evolution within yourself, im thinking your now ready to take this hard path to footy redemption and to start redemption from all your past sins of chanting the nasty Oldham Athletic anthems. To start, what some may describe as a exorism you first need to swear allegiance to the mighty Leeds, then you need to sway all the other traitors and sing in unison

I wish you well in this latest worthy journey on the true path untill atleast the world stops turning round. Happy to march on together with you Martin

Posted : 21st June 2017 11:18 pm
Posts: 0

Getting old is better than the alternative. Glad to see you're doing well.



Posted : 22nd June 2017 7:50 am
Posts: 832

Great post #903 - solid stuff pleased to see your living life fully.


Posted : 22nd June 2017 7:58 am
Posts: 1831

Glad to see you're shoes are comfy !

Posted : 22nd June 2017 3:22 pm
Posts: 264

Great positive post Oldham!

Know what you mean about the 'neglecting' part but as you say being busy with postive things going on in your life isn't a bad thing. There was a time when we couldn't focus on anything else because gambling had taken over every spare minute of our existence. I'm like you, regularly log on but often find it hard to construct posts on my own diary - mostly because I sometimes worry I'll appear as a gloater how better my life is now that 14 months ago but then I remember these stories gave me hope in the beginning when someone was a year or 2 down the line and had turned their lives around like you mate. Sometimes find it easier in chatroom when its quieter, you have GA which you have embraced to the full so its natural as time goes by you will get more from your meetings than maybe you do here. You are doing what's right for you that's the main thing.

Good to hear you are well.

Onwards and upwards!

Posted : 25th June 2017 9:41 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

That's me finished work for the week been sent home and taken the next two days as holiday. The reason if been sent home is that I've hit my target in work, well not just hit in 150% to target and they won't pay me any more commission after 150% as I'm capped at that. No one has ever hit 150% it was said it wasn't achievable.

Well the non gambling Martin proved them wrong. No way would this have happened when I was gambling I had the stupid idea gambling was where the money came from, I'd be sat there with my phone under my desk betting on some Chinese div 2 game watching the screen dangerous attack,2 more corners needed, betting suspended this is the goal I need only for a dangerous attack at the other end GOAL!!! another bet down. Onto the next one some u23 game in Kazakhstan who was I kidding

maybe it won I'm might go on a streak but it was never my money just more gambling tokens a loan from Ray he'd get it back soon enough any winnings was never my money but once I'd lost it all it felt like it was and I'd want it back the chase would begin the begging texts to friends and family the numerous payday applications the cycle begins again.

What for I had it there in front of me, since if stopped I've never missed target at work, I earn more, im respected at work, the majority of the time I enjoy work. Wished I'd realised it earlier but can't go back now as duncs says stepping forward never back.

That turned into another ramble I suppose what I'm saying is I thought I was gambling to get money but it was there already just had to work for it like everyone else no shortcuts just like stopping now no shortcuts.


Posted : 28th June 2017 11:02 am
Posts: 0

Maybe change that name to mr achiver? Fair play Martin you've earned yourself those 2 days r&r I'm a tad late but I hope you e put them to good use. Pub? Let's see you get it by the 27th next month lol enjoy the extra coin and hopefully mother has chucked in a few extra dumplings this week? Have a golden one bro x

Posted : 1st July 2017 10:46 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I've not had a bet today or since my last post.

As I've said before I don't Update my diary as much anymore but when I do you I always go back to this 12 months ago in my diary. I was just hitting 300 days and I could see a real change in my thinking. I was starting to get it confidence was coming back dare I say I was actual enjoying a gamble free life.

That's still the case life is pretty good, occasionally I think of gambling a fleeting thought it passes as quickly as it comes. I just can't comprehend going back to that way if life.

2 years ago I was playing out the end game to gambling life, the walls were closing in every turn I took ended in lies and deceit, sad times.

I've had a great few weeks, works still going well. Treated myself this week and have felt no guilt bought some new trainers and clothes, got rid of my old battered phone and got a nice shiny new one, the it was old and battered due to the last upgrade I got ended up in cash converters that won't be happening with this one. To top the week off I've only gone and booked a holiday, just 5 days a lads holiday to Benidorm not my normal holiday but I know I'll have a great time really looking forward to it.

Right time to update the challenge before bed.


Posted : 16th July 2017 11:34 pm
Posts: 1831

Hey mart. .
You've mad me smile this morning. ...great post..
Soooo you've had a blow out in primarni ?
Or like me...upgraded to peacocks ?
New phone...instead of deals in cash converters !
And now a darn deserved boys holiday ....
Fanbleedytastic....I'm mega chuffed for you on all those posative've earnt them...
Now.....some advice for the boys holibobs....
don't forget to wear a sock !
Watch out for marj on her scooter.
Rinse you're mankini after each swim....the salt will cause chaffing !
Dark shades are a must...knowbody can see what your looking at !
Ohhh.....and have fun !
Much respect to you for how far you've come. ....mwahhhh xx

Posted : 18th July 2017 10:05 am
Posts: 0

Nice post Martin :)).

I have to ask though , " Lad's Holiday " ? Can you handle all that excitement at your age ? :)).

Forget what Mrs L said , except the bit about a "Sock " or maybe 2 just incase you end up on a roll ? I was going to say " Incase you get lucky " but as you don't like that word maybe take your inflatable woman just in case eh , as 5 day's can be a long time mate :(( " OLE " .

Seriously though Martin, have a great time , youve certainly earnt it through hard work ( well work anyway ) and deserve some good things to come your way .

Have a great time mate and I'll catch you soon :)).

Posted : 18th July 2017 6:15 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I've not had a bet today or since my last post.

Had a good day a great GA meeting and rounded the night off by popping into chat.

That's it, shortest post my in history not even a ramble in sight.


Posted : 8th August 2017 9:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hey there " Big O " ( Is that what the ladies call you ) ? . Thanks for the post buddy and the kind words , it's always good to hear from you and know that your alway's breathing down my neck when I look over my shoulder ( do the ladies say that to you as well ) ? LoL .

That last post from you was the shortest " Ramble " in history but I guess if all's good then there's no news :))

Take care Martin and I look forward to an epic post quite soon :))

Posted : 9th August 2017 5:31 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I have not had a bet today or since my last post

So the football season is back. The live games soccer Saturday with Jeff and the boys.

Don't let that little devil in your shoulder kid you into think that a cheeky little football acca will be ok, it won't. The amount of times I'd spend all Friday night and Saturday morning studying and planning my bets convinced this would be the day that I would win big and change my life. It never happened well I suppose my life did change but not the way I thought it would.

I don't know how many times I did all the planning got to the bookies and lost it all on some random dog race or stupid cartoon race. Nip next door to the bank and do the same stupid thing and that was only for the show bets the little pretend bets to cover the fact I was gamble 100's multiple times online.

When I was "lucky" enough to win, lucky your having a laugh it only prolonged the misery I could never win because I could never stop, I'd be on to the Dutch Portuguese Spanish if that didn't take all my money and more I'd be on to the South American and US game.

All that from one cheeky little harmless football acca just to spend an afternoon with Jeff and the boys with false promises of riches that never materialised.

If you get that urge today just look back and think did gambling ever make you really happy, maybe for a short while but it never did in the long term.

Just avoid the first bet and then the second,third, fourth, fifth, sixth....................... will never come

Posted : 12th August 2017 10:45 am
Posts: 0

Hey Old buddy , I just stopped off to wish a very happy 700th birthday :))

I haven't seen much of you about these day's and not rambling at all ,so I'm hoping your Keeping the faith instead :)).

I hope all's well with you and your's and if I don't speak with you before we'll no doubt have a catch up on the 2yr marker .

You know I'm no good at all the cake and bubbly stuff you do on here so you'll have to make do with me saying . " Cheer's Martin it's been a pleasure to walk alongside you "

All the best

Al xx

Posted : 22nd August 2017 11:05 pm
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