Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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1000 days gamble free today I see Oldham....congratulations!!!


Posted : 19th June 2018 8:43 am
Posts: 506

Hi Oldham

Huge congratulations on 1000 days. Your diary is an inspiration and an example of tremendous determination.

The impact gambling had on your life 1000 days ago is heartbreaking but you can't change the past and you certainly seem to have turned your life around since then.

Best of wishes for your gamble free future life.


Posted : 19th June 2018 9:48 am
Posts: 0

Nice one KTF

Posted : 19th June 2018 9:52 am
Posts: 1831

Nice number Martin....
Have a extra cool one tonight...
Hugs and kisses. ....mwahhhhh

Posted : 19th June 2018 4:29 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I’ve not had a bet today or for the last 1000 days!!!

Thanks for the nice comments guys don’t think I would of got here without yours and other people’s support.

1000 days who’d have thunk it. This time 1000 days ago I had just made that walk of shame with my black bags, I’d have spent the last explaining what an absolute b******d id been, crying feeling sorry for myself. Looking at my parents faces all I could see was a look of disgust and disappointment. At this stage I thought it would all blow over like the other times, make some promises that I’ll change my ways, give it a few weeks and I’d be back home and all would be forgotten.

After a few days I realised this time was different, I’d gone way to far but still I thought show some willing and I’d get through it. I called Gamcare on a Sunday morning I don’t know what I was expecting but it didn’t get the answers I wanted. I started my diary again not expecting much, wow how wrong was I with that. The Tuesday cane I had said I’d go to GA again just trying to show some willingness my dad offered me a lift I declined say I have to do this myself but I wasn’t going to go I gad to fill the time otherwise my parents would know I’d not been, so I jumped on the bus walked down to where it was thought about going in and bottled it. Eventually I thought f**k it what have I got to lose and walked in. That was the best and last gamble I ever took, it changed my life, from that day I realised I had a problem I’d accepted I was a CG and if I opened up and let people in they could help me and in time I gifted that help and support back.

The rest is history if your looking st this thinking I’ll never do 1000 days I thought the same I couldn’t see me doing 1 day. The best advise I can give you is listen and if you really want to stop do everything you can, do every block try all the different groups and counselling.

Only a little ramble tonight thanks again to all the current and last members for all the support.


Posted : 19th June 2018 7:10 pm
Posts: 574

Amazing, great effort and commitment. Great to read how far you've come up to now.

All the best!

Posted : 19th June 2018 7:41 pm
Posts: 1831

Visited primari the other day...
Nice range of tailored shorts in store.....
Perfect for holibobs. ....although ...don't do "an Alan " and wear with socks and sandles. ....poor son would be horrified !

Posted : 22nd June 2018 8:59 am
Posts: 0

Lox (& Martin obvs)...Don’t even joke about socks & sandals! You know the kidz are wearing socks with flip-flops theses days :-0 Finally, my mother is bang on trend!

Massive congrats on your new life mate...You have led by example from the off & I have every faith you will continue to do so - ODAAT

Posted : 22nd June 2018 11:59 am
Posts: 0

Oldhamktf wrote:

I’ve not had a bet today or for the last 1000 days!!!

Thanks for the nice comments guys don’t think I would of got here without yours and other people’s support.

1000 days who’d have thunk it. This time 1000 days ago I had just made that walk of shame with my black bags, I’d have spent the last explaining what an absolute b******d id been, crying feeling sorry for myself. Looking at my parents faces all I could see was a look of disgust and disappointment. At this stage I thought it would all blow over like the other times, make some promises that I’ll change my ways, give it a few weeks and I’d be back home and all would be forgotten.

After a few days I realised this time was different, I’d gone way to far but still I thought show some willing and I’d get through it. I called Gamcare on a Sunday morning I don’t know what I was expecting but it didn’t get the answers I wanted. I started my diary again not expecting much, wow how wrong was I with that. The Tuesday cane I had said I’d go to GA again just trying to show some willingness my dad offered me a lift I declined say I have to do this myself but I wasn’t going to go I gad to fill the time otherwise my parents would know I’d not been, so I jumped on the bus walked down to where it was thought about going in and bottled it. Eventually I thought f**k it what have I got to lose and walked in. That was the best and last gamble I ever took, it changed my life, from that day I realised I had a problem I’d accepted I was a CG and if I opened up and let people in they could help me and in time I gifted that help and support back.

The rest is history if your looking st this thinking I’ll never do 1000 days I thought the same I couldn’t see me doing 1 day. The best advise I can give you is listen and if you really want to stop do everything you can, do every block try all the different groups and counselling.

Only a little ramble tonight thanks again to all the current and last members for all the support.


Massive congratulations on reaching 1k! Very inspiring words too, just shows what can be achieved when you put your mind to it.

Carry on Keeping the Faith

Posted : 22nd June 2018 4:57 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

1000 days - what can I say. . . Your story must give hope to those who feel hopeless and your words and advice gives help to those who feel totally helpless.
Thank you for sharing and proving that no matter how desperate people may feel, never give up because it can be done. Take it a day at a time and those days will add up.
Massive congratulations Martin
May you continue to KTF.

Posted : 22nd June 2018 8:12 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

Ps. I remember your posts from long ago when you said how your mum used to get you a beer ready for when you came in from GA and how you would remember to thank her for being there for you. Don't know why it stuck with me but it did. Maybe it was because i was a mum and I hoped that I could be there when needed for my children. The chances of that have massively risen now that I've got blocks in place - listen at me, now look who's rambling!! Haha!
All good wishes

Posted : 22nd June 2018 8:26 pm
Posts: 390

Congratulations on 1000 days Martin - great achievement

Posted : 24th June 2018 5:35 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I’ve not had a bet today or since my last post.

Thanks for all the messages guys 1000 days who’d of thunk it.

Thought I’d do a quick catch up as I’m sat in the back garden on the deck chair under a tree avoiding the rain showers lol. I stayed at my old house last night and forgot my keys, mums normally up early but must of fancied a lie in so not going to wake her up she must need it.

It’s easier to sit out here than wait at the old house as the ex has got home from work. It’s not that we don’t get in these days can’t remember last time we had an argument but this probably because we keep our conversations to a minimal.

Anyhow all’s good in my world even nearly 3 years on I still get the fleeting thought of a bet every now and then I think everyone does, the voice in the back of your mind to say this time would be different. I know that’s not the case and I never come close to date but still keep my guides high and keep adding to my blocks, must be 200 bookies now got Gamstop in place, there no worries excuse not to do it if you are serious about stopping.

I see the Chatroom is back, I’ve missed that not that I went on it every night like I used to but always liked to pop every week or two. I’ll give it a go when it’s back on in the evening as can’t do the day time slots, no pun intended.

Got a few days off next week so a few days out with my lad, Jodrell Bank a trip round Manchester to do the Bee trail I looked at a few night away but so expensive for hotels just to sleep there we’d rather spend the money on doing things rather than thinking can I afford that.

My lads final year at school next year if his mock results are anything to go by hrs got a bright future all A and B’s apart from French so he better not want to move there.

Got a trip out today one of those that always puts a smile on my face, taking a GA member to so bookies to self exclude, cant let him go in on his own, I’ve done it a few times and it’s weird going back in the noises do bring back memories, were only doing a few local ones in person as I get the impression he’s well known in them so I’ll be making them aware they ain’t to let him in. Last time I did it they pulled me to say I’m barred but ince I explained why I was in they let me carry on lol.

I’ll go and have a read of a few diaries while I wait for sleepy heads to get.


Posted : 28th July 2018 8:06 am
Posts: 0

Once met never forgot eh?!? Kudos to the staff that pulled you!

Really good to hear your updates my friend 🙂

Amazing what can be achieved if we put the work in to our recovery - ODAAT

Posted : 28th July 2018 8:43 am
Posts: 1831

I wrote a bleedy long post...then lost it !
Basically saying....topman...
Hugs and kisses....

Posted : 28th July 2018 9:31 am
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