Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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I write this post knowing the response I should get.

I’ve drunk in the same pub as my Dad for years and he’s just come in an hour after me and asked where Gary was. I knew why it’s so he can put his bet on. He’s not been in the best of health so struggles to get to the bookies he would have asked my in years gone by but won’t now for obvious reasons. I’ve seen him when I’ve walked in on him hide the paper and the slip lol I’ve known he still has a bet be he tries to protect me from it it’s not big money as you’ll see in a minute.

He has a lucky 15 at the weekend maybe at a festival or major meeting. As Gary wasn’t going to be here before his first race he’s asked me to text him to put it on for him. I don’t mind I’ve no interest if they win or lose but it gives him a bit of pleasure he’s in control always has been he can’t understand why I am not. Because he can do that 10p lucky 15 and leave it till next week he doesn’t know why I can’t.

He’s supported my through this I’m not going to take away that but if fun he has and that’s what it is fun. The fun stopped for me but not for him.

I’m comfortable in facilitating a bet for him it will be a one off. Anyhow I rambling now.


Posted : 28th July 2018 3:18 pm
Posts: 72

Nowt wrong with rambling

It sure beats gambling!

Wow just checked your profile (just being nosey), and read your first post, on what I think is your first thread (Better to ramble than gamble). Hopefully I'll have time to read the whole thread in the next day or two.

I'm pleased you've managed to turn yourself around.

An inspiration to many, I'm sure.

Was that post the start of this period of recovery? I'll know the answer once I've read it, just curios.

Take care, and thanks for sharing.

Posted : 28th July 2018 3:53 pm
Posts: 264

Good to catch up today Oldham. 1000+ days who would have thought. An inspiration to many. Your phrase 'better to ramble than gamble' has always stuck with me. Interestingly I found it hard to do in real life now I know I need to open up more to those around me. Easier now they know what's going on in my head.

Posted : 16th August 2018 3:22 pm
Posts: 1789
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I’ve not had a bet today or since my last post.

Well I’m coming up to the 3 year mark, when I first started I couldnt go 3 hours without thinking of a bet. I have to post this here as they don’t have active Gamcare diaries anymore but if memory service me correctly my old mate Alan should be hitting 3 years in the next day or so, I’m sure he will be lurking in the shadows so hopefully he will see this, well done bud if you need anything you know how to get in touch x. The same thankyou goes to Deano who was still going well the last time I spoke, need to give him a text to check in with him, he will be 2 years in a couple of days. Cant thank both these guys enough I’m sure they are out there fighting the fight and hopefully hitting these milestones.

As for me all’s going well, just booked a break for me and my son in October to Cologne, looking forward to it was nice to book and chose the hotel we wanted without any worry about the cost, we’ve not gone mad but not gone for the cheapest.

Had a catch up with my brother at the weekend not had a one to one talk for ages normally were always with family when we meet so was nice to be able to have a chat and thank him for all the support he’s given me these last 3 years. He paid off a few bits for me at the start and I’ve never really paid him back, he doesn’t want it back but one day I want to give it him. He’s just a top lad always there if needed to keep on the straight and narrow. To this day I have still never set up a bank account in my name, I see this as a massive block but I need to get one set up if I’m to move on, he asked me why I hadn’t and I just said its working without me having it now and one less temptation in the way. He’s said get it put in place and he will monitor it for me. Just little things like that show how good a guy he is.

Not much else been going on still attend GA weekly, all going well there we changed venues which was a bit of a nightmare but everything seems to have settled down and the room is going from strength to strength now. All is just generally going well life’s much more manageable without gambling in it. Ill leave it there.


Posted : 3rd September 2018 12:58 pm
Posts: 0



Posted : 3rd September 2018 1:16 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Thanks I’m Not there yet so won’t count my chickens but I’ve no reason to go back and lots of reason to stay away

Posted : 3rd September 2018 2:03 pm
Posts: 0

Not really congratulations on your day count but congratulations on a life in recovery which is such a gift to your son, your parents and most importantly yourself!!

You are an inspiration to both sides of the forum.


Posted : 3rd September 2018 2:48 pm
 A 9
Posts: 504

That's quite strange that I've only just logged on again in the last few day's because someone caught my attention and although I'm not day counting anymore it must be the whole 3 yr thing coming up as I new it was in September ish ? A 9 wasn't going to take long to work out was it 1+3+5 = ? but there again you were alway's good at the maths wer'nt you Martin :)) .

I was going to come on with a 3yr speech but you know how I go on and there's really not enough time in the day for most people with job's to read it .!! .

Sooo glad to hear thing's are going well for you mate and that your still gamble free but I never really doubted that of you buddy and also great to read of how well your son's done with his education and I imagine your so proud of him and all he's achieved which comes accros whenever you mention him :)) .

A trip to Cologne eh?? , sound's great . I went there when I was a kid with my parent's , it's a lovely city and the Dom cathederal stand's out in my mind , full of bullet holes in the walls from WW2 , I also went to Hamburg with them and can remeber a trip to the Reeperbhan with my dad who wanted to show his 14 yr old son certain ladies of ill repute ? . That was an eye opener ( no pun intended ) and questions to my dad like " What are the ladies holding in the windows" and " Why are the lampshades Red " ? Then one guy comes running out obviously without paying and the lady chasing him shouting in a thick "German accent " Vhat abouut my Mark's " ( pre euro) and him replying " Sorry... I'll give you 4 out of 10 " Sorry mate , you knew there'd be one in there somewhere right ? and no they haven't got any better :((.

Glad to hear Deano's all good as well :)) He's probably built a thousand houses since we last spoke , HA HA, HA , HA, HA, HAHAHAHA, sorry couldn't stop then and have you heard from that other woman Lorry , Lottie , ?? You know the one with the Pub ? Oh yeah , Loxxie that's the one , I hope she's well and still screaming at the punter's " Get aaaaat muy Puuuub " :)) xx.

So now you can see why no 3yr speech :)) but I am doing well and like yourself still on the straight and narrow although I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't think of it still but it's a fleeting moment now and soon passes and I'm all to aware of how it would end and it's somewhere I never want to visit again .

2 more foster children have set up home with us and we still have the eldest boy from our original batch ( makes them sound like Gremlins ) all with a different set of emotinal issues but as with us on here with a bit of TLC and shown the way forward everything will be well :)) , my kids are all well and my grandson's just turned a year old with walking being imminent and grandad having to do lots of chasing but I love it :)) .

Anyway I'd better let you go now if your still awake and let you know that as alway's it been a pleasure to walk this recovery road with you and that the support youv'e given along the journey weve walked has been greatly apreciated ( not by me but those youve supported you understand ) LoL , LoL , youv'e missed this be honest .

Take care my oldest and dearest and keep up the Northern soul dancing :))

Love to you and your's and I'll talk to soon old friend

Alan x

Posted : 3rd September 2018 2:52 pm
Posts: 0

Sooo happy to hear you are doing well Alan 🙂

As they say... recovery looks like recovery!


Posted : 3rd September 2018 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Martin.

Firstly, 3 birds one stone as your diary is the conduit - Good on you, Alan and Dean for your continued rediscovery. Pass on my regards to the slasher Dean.

It’s superb that you continue to respect this addiction, and yet strive on as well as passing on and giving back.

Said that as I sit on my bucket and look down from this lofty height of championship leaders. Thinking my rediscovery is in tune with the mighty Leeds returning to the summit of world domination.

Cologne a cool city, but keep your hands in your pockets. A pun there, as last placed I lived in 2 hand days.

‘ Ein Kolsh bitter ‘ about as much left of my German but will keep you in good stead.

All the best

Posted : 3rd September 2018 6:22 pm
Posts: 0

A9? And there was me thinking you’d gone all upmarket with your new chip wrapping.

Well done both on the upcoming treble, double for me tomorrow. Time flies huh?

So I guess in a way this is one of those old American school reunions.

Me I’m doing well and it’s good to see you guys are too, thanks for all the help you gave me over the time we were here.

I’ll keep it short as I don’t want to take away from Oldham’s post and wish you all well on recovery road.

Until next time

Almost forgot volcano, line up


Posted : 3rd September 2018 7:13 pm
 A 9
Posts: 504

In the absence of a page to call my own ( sorry martin hijacking your thread )

Hi Jason ? Yeah gone all digital instead of anolog :)) Good to hear your doing so well mate and congrats on 2 yr's XX

Cathy and Paul , thank for your kind word's and thought's and good to hear from you both :)) xx

Love to all x

Posted : 3rd September 2018 8:53 pm
Posts: 0

Big up you all - ODAAT

Posted : 3rd September 2018 9:35 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I knew you’d both be lurking great to here from you and pleased to see you’re both on target for the next milestone.

Nice to see you offering words of wisdom Al and even better to see you still fostering nd helping them youngsters to a better start in life.

Just sent Jason a text to congratulate him and will have a catch up with him after work

Good to hear from you too Paul nice to see you taking up a few months less nice to see those who’s name I can’t mention pushing for the premier leagues,all I’d say is there’s a long way to go so plenty of time for you to implode again.

Hey Kelly big up to you to x

Posted : 4th September 2018 6:28 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Dear Oldham,

as you sort of kind of started celebrating your three year gamble free mark, a huge congratulations from us Forum admins as well.

Your contributions have been invaluable here on the Forum and in the Chatrooms as well and you are an inspiration to all.

A huge congratulation to Alan and Dean as well.

Keep posting and keep enjoying the fruits of your work and efforts.

All the best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 4th September 2018 10:48 pm
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