Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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" I thought I saw someone following your advice " , Why so suprised Martin ?? LoL :))

Thank's for letting me know Loxxies ok but like yourself she's made of tough stuff so I kinda knew she would but pass on my regards to the old gal when you speak :)).

I did see the post from admin which was nice , I think for you like me the day's arn't as relevant as they were but it's nice to have it documented , I don't know how it works but I'm assuming you get another pin from GA ? perhaps you could let me know if that's the case but congratulations to you my old friend in any case . 7th of sept you say , tbh I wasn't 100% sure but I'll always remember my daughters birthday on the 4th as the time it all came to a head , dark day's but like you it lead me to better things .:)).

Stay well Old buddy and we'll talk soon x

Posted : 5th September 2018 2:41 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I’ve not had a bet for 3 years and 11 days.

Obviously I would of posted sooner but haven’t been able to due to the issues with the site. Would I have got to the 3 years if I couldn’t log or sign up 3 years ago? Maybe I would as I also had GA from day 1. I know 100% it would have been a hell of a lot harder.

I emailed Gamcare a few times and could sense there frustration, I wonder if it was one of the betting firms site had similar issues it would have taken this long to sort out, I think not!!! But they have the money to sort it.

Moving on, things are going well, no thoughts of gambling well non to mention the odd fleeting thought.

Families good my lad doing great looking forward to our little breakaway in Cologne at the start of Nov, parents are good actually on there jollies so house to my self a bit of Barry Horne on the big telly although don’t need that so much these days 😉

GA still a massive part of my recovery and had some great meetings recently, I did lose a little love of GA a few frustrations but really enjoying it recently been some new blood coming through door who seem to getting it quite quickly.

Work going better than ever over achieving constantly, to think I actually used to constantly gamble to try and earn more money all the time I just need to do my job, gambling is just madness.

Hopefully the issues with the site are resolved now, I hope it wasn’t as simple as removing CAPTCHA. Saying that I suppose ever problem looks simple once you no the solution.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the last 3 years. I’ll leave it there as always it’s better to ramble than gamble.


Posted : 4th October 2018 7:33 pm
Posts: 1701

Well done Oldham! Great 3 year stint! Very supportive forum member over that period.

Posted : 4th October 2018 8:06 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6164

Dear Oldham,

huge congrats from us Forum admins as well on your 3 years and 12 days gf!

So good to hear how good life is for you and your family and good to hear that you are still working your recovery.

Really sorry again about the log-in issue, it looks like it has improved.

All the very very best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 5th October 2018 8:11 pm
Posts: 1831 forgot about dear old Barry. ...I'm just intrigued to know why you've not bothered with you're old mate so much nowadays.....something you want to tell me mart
Mwahhhhh x

Posted : 5th October 2018 10:22 pm
Posts: 1831

Wow....that really was some cake....huge effort martyn...I'm totally flattered....
I do like the odd cryptic clue....probs cose I'm a nosey old bat. ...but if it's what I think ....I'm made up ....thanks for always being here xx

Posted : 9th October 2018 7:55 pm
Posts: 2937

A blast from the past, well done mate we joined at the same time and shared many a chat. Ive finally managed a good 2018 and couldn't be better due to it. Huge congrats adam


Posted : 9th October 2018 8:08 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I’ve not had a bet today or since my last post.

Thought it was time for a quick update. It’s Over 3 years since I last had a bet and without sounding to confident I’ve never felt further away from a bet. That’s not to say I’m getting complacent I still attend GA at least once a week I’ve missed 4 meetings in 3 years and with genuine reasons, I’ve renewed my SE from the bookies, I have Gambian and Gamstop in place my finances are still monitored it just makes me accountable.

Got a lad and Dad holiday with our Jacob next week, 4 days in Cologne really looking forward to it all booked and paid for well in advance I’ve even got the euros sorted. A few days out planned but more just looking forward to a chill with my lad.

So 1125 days ago my world came crashing down around me, my gambling caught up with me and the only thing I collected was my black bags. I did the walk of Shame to my mum and dads thinking I’d be back in her bed within a few days. That never happened at the time I was gutted but I soon realised the relationship was over and to be honest it’s the best thing that happened to me, I’ve id got away with it if have been back lying and gambling.

So I thought I was destined to become a lonely old man but things have change a bit, now I not saying I’m in love it’s early days just around a month but I’ve started to see someone, she knows all about my gambling history I’m an open book these days told her very early on and she seems fine with it, I’ve told my lad and he seems ok his mum moved on a few years ago so knows we ain’t getting back together. So we’ll see how it goes not getting carried away and just take it ODAAT.


Posted : 22nd October 2018 5:09 pm
Posts: 1831

I just knew it ! 🙂
Couldn't be happier for you ....nothing more than you deserve.....
Enjoy that special break with you're lad. ...I know you will. ..
Big one of my musketers. .
I've seen a nice hat. ....#justsaying#...xx

Posted : 22nd October 2018 5:58 pm
Posts: 0


I wish you every suçcess.

Bal x

PS - keeps you out of that shed with the mags Barry

Posted : 22nd October 2018 10:05 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I’ve not had a bet today or since my last post.

Just arrived home after a great break with my lad. First time I’ve been abroad with him since I stopped gambling. We had a blast just me him the sites great food and and few beers along the way. Cologne is a beautiful city well worth a trip.

Had a bit of a nightmare when I arrived at the hotel and the payment had been processed and as I don’t have a bank card(one of my blocks) I had to pay cash there and then fortunately I had plenty of money on me to be able to pay the hotel bill and still have enough to do what we wanted. Back in my gambling days then would of sent me in tilt but took it all in my stride.

I was refreshing to walk around and not see one bookies I only saw one fruit machine in the bars and I went in lots of bars.

Back to the grind tomorrow time to save up for another trip


Posted : 4th November 2018 12:56 pm
Posts: 1831

You've made me smile. ...I pictured you and yours swaning round and having fun...
It's lovely to be able to treat them now we're not gambling ....
High five martyn. ..
Saving for next trip now you say...
I reckon it could be one with Barry's replacement. ...
Lovely little b and b near me ...

Posted : 4th November 2018 4:36 pm
Posts: 0

Think may you and deano need a trip to see

So glad you had a fab time with the lad and i am sure you behaved. You have come so far mate.

Now stay out of that shed.

Hugs x

Posted : 4th November 2018 9:15 pm
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Mate

Just to let you know I haven't had any contact from admin yet?


Posted : 20th November 2018 12:29 pm
Posts: 2937

Hi Oldham, just read back my first diary, first year on here . Wanted to thank you for all the support and advice u bal and man up gave me. Ive slowly got there since putting all the blocks in place and have realised that I've not only now taken all the advice given ie no cash card when going out, all exclusions possible, gamstop, and when i go out I leve my bank card at home and just have a bit of cash. I also transfer all my pay after bills away from me. Ive also managed to do all my goals ie losing weight, stopping smoking, stopping going to pubs, stopping pub poker,


Posted : 27th November 2018 7:59 pm
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