Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Hi Martin, it obviously wasn't the same meeting but I could just imagine someone in the magic room that I spent 2 magnificent hours in, extending a similar hand of friendship! Keep the site close @ hand as you negotiate any stressful periods over Christmas & don't be eating too much cake 😉

Posted : 21st December 2015 11:01 pm
Posts: 1789
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Cake, cake who said cake. I love cake do I

Posted : 22nd December 2015 12:31 am
Posts: 0

Looks like we know what you're celebrating your 1st 90 days of freedom with then...

Way to go Martin 🙂

Posted : 22nd December 2015 12:45 am
Posts: 1789
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Day 90

A big day for me my first big goal achieved. I'm not going to say it has been easy by any means I have read back over my diary and they has been some down days but what I will say is now the good days come come along with a far greater frequency than the bad ones. We need them bad days though to appreciate the good ones.

While I'm in a good place with my gambling I can't say the same for the rest of my life while I'm getting on better with my ex and my son has been a great focus for me it's not the same not being in the family home especially at this time of year.

Anyway I'm not going to let that spoil today and we will have a great Christmas last day in work till next year today so that's another positive if things had gone to plan I would not have been able to cancel some holidays that i had planned for my wedding and use them for Christmas instead. Ever cloud so they say.

For those just starting out it is the best gamble you can take to stop gambling as so many on here do wish I had done a lot sooner.

Posted : 22nd December 2015 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Well done

Posted : 22nd December 2015 8:12 am
Posts: 1789
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Thanks Michael

Well I should be declaring at GA tonight uttering those words "my name is Martin and I am a compulsive gambler I have not had a bet for 90 DAYS"but due to that bloke having his birthday on Christmas Day they have closed our venue tonight.

I'll be honest I'm gutted I wanted to stand there tonight and take a bow I'm proud of what I have done and know this is the beginning but for once i can say for the last 90 days I have not had a single bet, told a lie,manipulated a situation decived anybody for my gain, took what was not mine to take. What I have done for the first time in my life is be honest with myself and others around me. I have given and been given support just under one condition I ask for that support if I don't ask, people can't give it me. Wether that's at home GA or on here someone is there to have your back.

Day 68 was the day I started to understand and get to grips with my addiction, after receiving some great support at GA and posting about it on here Day@atime wrote "an so the recovery begins" that was so true.

while without a shadow of doubt I'm doing this for me first I've started trying to give back support to others through GA and on here. While I don't offer my twopenerth on everything where I have an opinion I am now starting to offer that opinion now that won't be the right opinion for everyone but if it is they can take it and use it, if not they can take someone else's advise and make that work for them.

The support we get from GA and this site and it's members does not fail us it is us not putting the effort in that fails them.

KTF and good luck with your battle.

Martin who is a compulsive gambler but has not had a bet for 90 DAYS

Posted : 22nd December 2015 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

I understand that it's disappointing not to be able to be at your meeting tonight on such an important day. Would you have believed 91 days ago that you'd be upset to be missing a GA meeting? Look how far you've come 🙂

90 days is amazing and I know that it's a significant number in GA circles. It might not be the same, but take a bow on here instead....hear the cyber space round of applause...and know that lots of people are pleased for you and learning from your example. Well done! Now, onto the next 90 days. Onwards and upwards, one day at a time.

LifeBegins x

Posted : 22nd December 2015 10:20 pm
Posts: 0

My goodness...What is all that racket, I can hear it all the way down here in Hertfordshire & it true British style, like a good queue, I did indeed join in 🙂

"Hello, my name is Kelly, I'm a compulsive gambler, no gambling to report!"

Posted : 22nd December 2015 10:28 pm
Posts: 1789
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Thanks for your positive comments I'm more than happy to share on here with fellow like-minded people I got few texts from the guys at GA which was enough recognition for me. I use both here and there to beat this they sit me and fit like a hand in a glove. 91 days ago I turned up at me parents with my black bags and I'm still here and never thought I would be 3 months gamble free but I'm a much better person with clear thoughts I was still with my ex she would not recognise me I'm a changed person. Tomorrow is day 91 which is just as important as day 90 every day a winning day.

Anyhow enough of this soppy c**P I'm of to scare myself shitless and watch Luther with a cold beer

Posted : 22nd December 2015 11:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Martin , Just looking back on post's and weve pretty much taken this path of recovery side by side , just wanted to say I'ts been a pleasure and an honour to walk alongside you during the dark early day's and now also into the light and coming up to your first 100 days .

How far weve come my friend , well done Martin and KTF !

My name is Alan and I'm a Compulsive Gambler !

Posted : 22nd December 2015 11:53 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 91

Finished of the Christmas presents today not spent what I normally would but that doesn't matter. My son will have s little bit of his Dad back and I know he would prefer that than the previous version with his head stuck in the phone stressing over some game in Iran or the like

Looking forward to Christmas Day I've got him from lunch off to the pub for a few hours family tradition then to my brothers to tuck into the bird with the rest of my family even the ex is join us in the evening, I'll see how that goes but we was together for 20 years so they are her family as well now so I'm sure we can be in the same house for a few hours.

Posted : 23rd December 2015 9:12 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 92

Well I'm sat in my bed feeling a bit sorry for myself a little drunk but thonkong tomorrow morning will be the first Christmas morning that I havd not Woken up or should I said been woken up by my son. to be honest it's killing me a little bit I can't wait to see him tomorrow and I am grateful that I have the majority of the day with him

but I'm just missing those little things like getting new pyjamas on Christmas eve watching Elf and A Mupoets Christmas Carol.

I know It's my own fault the choices I made the path I chose but for the last few months i've chosen a different path and long may that continue I know what I'm doing will make a big difference in the long run but right now i'm feeling very selfish and just want him with me.

Discovering I can just press a button on my phone and talk to it and it types out the message I want to say means I might waffle on a bit but it helps me get my thoughts down

I wish each and everyone are you are very Merry Christmas and a gamble free New yearly

By the way I'm still Gamble e free 92 days WOW 92 days that's impressive even if I do say so myself

Posted : 24th December 2015 11:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Martin , I guess wev'e all ballsed our live's up a bit mate and I've had a few mixed emotions today myself .

Went up to the Crem today to talk with me old mum and dad , told em all about the shiiit I'd caused this last couple of year's , didn't get much of a response as you can imagine but I know they listened and felt much better for letting it out again .

The feeling's youre going through mate are just tempory , I really feel for you that you miss your son so much but you have the rest of your life to spend what will now be quality time with him ,simply because you don't gamble anymore.

If a few days of pain for both of us here and there, mean we get to have our live's back in order that they get us and we get them for as long as were all around , well ! I'll take that mate !!.

And 92 day's , is effing brilliant buddy !

Merry Christmas Martin , to you and your's .........................................Alan

Posted : 25th December 2015 12:18 am
Posts: 7071

Merry Christmas to you Martin. As tough as it feels right now, not all is lost. You have most precious time lined up with your lil man the morning, for the day. This is a blessing as it is.
You're doing all the right things, believe in you, keep making the change for the better. You are doing it!

Very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones

Sandra x

Posted : 25th December 2015 12:24 am
Posts: 7071

It's ok to feel low...don't start punishing yourself over it. We all have days like that, but not much we can change there...being kind to yourself comes bk to mind...sometimes sounds like impossible task huh...but it's doable! ...and now you are fully on recovery journey - you can reach for that state of mind. Forgive yourself about the past, look ahead...not even that far - few hours away (god help you with a hangover lol...but as you say hopefully turkey and a hair of a dog will help 😉 )
You need to remember that you are making the change now, it's not all dark and's shaping new future in front of you...sometimes things happens for the reason, we cannot change something what is out of our hands.
You have control of many things in life....use those to build up new future, the rest will start falling into correct slots & you will see how big impact you made of all the good in ur life. No regrets - foot in front of another! ☺

Sleep well and have a lovely day more beating urself up, be friend with YOURSELF 🙂

S x

Posted : 25th December 2015 12:51 am
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