Again I am back to ground zero or day one, a slip is a slip no matter how much is spent.
I didnt want my partner to keep checking up on me but needs must so insead of asking me have I had a bet she looks at the calendar, if she sees a circle in the corner then I have had a bet free day.
I currently have 3 circles not ncluding todays.
Small steps.
I will beat this, what can be my reward for 30 days etc?
Hi Cocobear,
Well done for those circles!
Setting targets and thinking up rewards is all good - but bear in mind that seeing your partner exhibit greater peace of mind will be a tangible reward in itself.
Try to visualise situations which might make you vulnerable (perhaps a bad at work or some other sort of setback, for example), and try to have a plan for staying in control.
Just talking often helps - so feel free to call us on our free number (0808 8020 133) for support.
Forum admin
True, I do keep busy and will bear in mind my partners feelings more.
Upto 39 circles, its been hard but worth it.
Well done 39 circles is an excellent effort and you should be proud of yourself 🙂
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