good luck on your first day. may it be the first of many.
Good work, keep it up
Well done Dith, you have the right attitude which will help see you through. You are right when you say it was a destructive relationship but not only that it was a selfish fecker which took your money, your time, your self esteem ​without anything in return and if our addiction was a person we would not even consider a relationship on those terms.
Best wishes with your recovery xxx
Hi Dith, day 7 already - that's fab. You are doing a great job, those bad days are behind you so it's time to look forward - if you are shuffling and looking at your feet you are bound to have a wobble. Now hold your head up high Mr and stop shuffling and you'll get there. It's also a rotten feeling when you have nothing to help your nearest and dearest out financially but you can't give what you don't have. Does your girlfriend know about your gambling addiction? If not, perhaps you could consider it. Any way pal, I wish you all the best xxx
You've been through a lot. I really feel for you. I'm sure you don't want my sympathy but all things considered you seem to be holding up better than I would
Have you had help with counselling from the army? I've heard that support isn't always great. I'm no psych but experiences you've described in AFG are going to deeply disturb anyone.
Reason I'm suggesting speaking to someone is that it can be tough keeping stuff inside. I kept my gambling secret for 14 years did no favours. Opening up to others has been opposite and helped get me on track
Very best wishes
Shoot Dith.
Thanks for sharing that post.
Truthfully, stuck for words. I really can't fathom the S****e you've seen and experienced but one thing I can see, is between the lines of your posts that you have a strong spirit you possess.
I've said before on thus forum that adversity is akin to a lsd trip, and you my friend have taken more pychedelic trips that all the bands of the 60's took in a life time.
For sure your going to have dark days but just the fact you being here shows your strength and I would agree without knowing you, that your also a good man.
You've a big chance in breaking the cycle of shi.te with your children and you will beat this sly addiction, just like you've beat the other c.rap in your lifetime.
I know the army breaks and makes the man and I really believe, that it's time to take back. You can't do it alone and nows a case of reaching out, whether it's through the services therapy or on the civvie route.
Either way I wish you well. Stay connected and dump your S****e on these diarys, rather than let it swirl round your head.
Strength and honor
Hi Dith, that is a lot to be dealing with, no wonder you are struggling.
You are doing a great job staying clear of gambling and your finances will improve due to not spending your free cash. If you have debt, like me, you can contact debt management organisations for help - I use StepChange and it is a free service (there are others available but make sure they do not charge you for their services).
The road of recovery may be long but when you are walking with friends the obstacles on the way are much easier to deal with. Take care friend xx
Without being over dramatic. It's the race of life, some are going to fall, yet there will be some in front and some behind to help pick each other up.
We all deserve a cr.ack at a good life. And being good to others costs nothing, it just seems to get returned.
Push the water up hill and sooner or later you'll be going with the current..
Hai Dith...I think as your diary title says ' commited to change ' I think with your spirit that you'll go all the way....
Your last post reminded me off this mans poem. A friend introduced me too him via youtube a few years back and now i'll introduce him to you. I listen too his stuff for half hour or so every couple of years....
Affected by gambling?
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