Dan's Journey

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Little miss lost
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So pleased for you Dan. Let this be the start of a better life for you. Embrace a gamble free life and let the sun shine through x

Posted : 21st February 2017 4:28 pm
Posts: 119
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22nd February Day 27 GF Today

Really positive day yesterday. Good news on my financial problems and a good GA meeting at the end of the day.

Today is starting where yesterday left, my new boiler is being fitted. Just being able to put some heat in the house and have a shower tonight, the simple things eh, but i'm so looking forward to that shower tonight. I think my colleagues are as well..........

I am starting to feel uncomfortable about pay day though, the thoughts are hitting me about what money will be spare, what i could and couldn't do with it etc. I'm going to talk to my wife tonight about it and let these thoughts out tonight.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

I need to save this money for our holiday, we need the holiday to help repair the damage i have done and to also get away from these problems. They don't have bookies or wifi where i am going so it will be 2 weeks of bliss.

Posted : 22nd February 2017 9:58 am
Posts: 1037

Thanks for your post on my diary page, Dan I had to go through a lot of c***P, constructive criticism and tough love to get where I am now and am still antagonistic sometimes. The days are the days but thank you for the compliment. It's early days for me still along with a lot of people. All I can say from the heart is I don't want to live like that again - one day at a time. Which I believe can mean whatever to the individual despite what people may say. I'm glad and proud of your achievements in the last few weeks - you are doing well. Your friend, Phil.

Posted : 22nd February 2017 8:12 pm
Posts: 119
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23rd February Day 28 GF Today

4 weeks Gamble Free today, wow, the changes in my life in 4 weeks. I am so happy without Gambling.

I need you new forum members to this website to see that.

I am free from gambling, i am happy and i am enjoying life. I gave up on chasing my losses and each and everyday i am now winning, not losing. I am not a loser! I am a winner who has an addiction that i am beating, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

I am getting everything in order to be positive moving forward. Yes, my debt will be paid, Yes my marriage will survive this and yes i am going to continue to be happy.

Today i will not gamble.

Love and peace to you all fighting this horrid addiction.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 23rd February 2017 11:06 am
Posts: 0

Great Post Dan, we will beat this and you are right life is so much better,

Stay strong stay G/f


Posted : 23rd February 2017 11:23 am
Posts: 119
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24th February Day 29 GF Today

Now in my fifth week 🙂

My first pay day since my breakdown, i'm suprised i'm not having any thoughts about what to do with the money this morning, i had this small amount of dread that today would be difficult. However, today i will not gamble. I'm closing in on that 50 days now, i'm over half way and that means more to me than placing a stake.

Councilling today, i think i'm taking more out of my GA group than coucilling. At GA i'm learning and i'm speaking to like minded people who have struggled and slipped and as well as being interesting it helps. Not Sure. Will use it whilst i can.

Today i will not gamble.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 24th February 2017 8:44 am
Posts: 216

Hi Dan,

Glad to hear you're doing well and into week 5. You'll be surprised how quickly the days rack up.

Interesting to read that you get more from GA than your counselling. I'm still waiting on counselling getting organised incredibly, however am struggling a little with GA at the moment. I also find it very interesting listening to other people's stories and the similarities are usually amazing. But I seem to spend so much time worrying about what I have to say that when I do it comes out all wrong. Maybe just have to relax and not think about it.

Have a great weekend mate. PA

Posted : 24th February 2017 9:07 am
Posts: 119
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26th February Day 31 GF Today

Well I'm in my 30's GF now. After being paid Friday I thought these last few days would be tough but they haven't.

Trying to budget this month to try and save some pennies for our holiday before my debt starts being repaid. We are already finding that tough, have to keep trying as much as we can.

Today i will not gamble.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 26th February 2017 12:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Keep moving forward, you make me smile everytime I log into your diary. You are fighting the brave fight everyday. Thanks for your continued support.

Julie x

Posted : 26th February 2017 10:34 pm
Posts: 119
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27th February Day 32 GF Today

Ok, i made it to 32 days GF. Yes im proud, i've done well, i've worked at it, it's not been easy and it's still a work in progress.

I'm just shocked at how in your face gambling advertising is nowadays. Day time TV is full of bingo sites, sports channels have before game and in game bets etc and you just can't watch TV without Barbara Windsor, Ray Winston or some stupid fox talking to you. It seriously needs regulating, even channels my kids watch has stuff on.

On my way to work this morning the radio station i was listening to was even talking about big wins this weekend and had people phoning in to say what their big win had been, the best got tickets to see a popular child star at the MEN arena, VIP stage seats etc etc All this happening whilst children are in the cars accross the area on the way to school. Oh it irates me........

I had a conversation, is ebay/auction sites gambling, i think not as you don't stake to win something, however my friend said it's the thrill of the win, whats anybody's thoughts on this?

Anyhows, it's Monday, the weather is pretty poor and today i will not gamble, but i would punch that fox in the face if i had chance.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 27th February 2017 9:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dan

Just been reading through your diary and wanted to congratulate you on how well you are doing during some very tough times for you. I have also been there so know what it's like to feel anxious about pay day approaching and then having nothing left after sometimes only a couple of hours of being paid! This is going to be one of my mini goals I am going to set myself for pay day this month. Setting (and achieving) my mini goals, helped me so much to remain gamble free for over two and a half years. If you take time to read mine, you will see what got me started again.

Take care, look after you (you have to do this first, before you can look after anyone else)! That's a fact.

Our Lady.

Posted : 28th February 2017 12:24 am
Posts: 148

GFDan wrote:

23rd February Day 28 GF Today

4 weeks Gamble Free today, wow, the changes in my life in 4 weeks. I am so happy without Gambling.

I need you new forum members to this website to see that.

I am free from gambling, i am happy and i am enjoying life. I gave up on chasing my losses and each and everyday i am now winning, not losing. I am not a loser! I am a winner who has an addiction that i am beating, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

I am getting everything in order to be positive moving forward. Yes, my debt will be paid, Yes my marriage will survive this and yes i am going to continue to be happy.

Today i will not gamble.

Love and peace to you all fighting this horrid addiction.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

That's a brilliant positive post. Well done and I'm happy for you. Excellent!

Posted : 28th February 2017 9:18 am
Posts: 148

Ebay is a sales channel masquerading as something else. It's an online shop. Even though you "bid" on something, 70% of the items are sold using the BUY NOW option. Just my opinion though. If you think it's gambling then avoid it. I personally avoid ebay as it is full of scammers now.

Posted : 28th February 2017 9:20 am
Posts: 119
Topic starter

28th February Day 33 GF Today

So today i will not gamble, which means i have gone the whole month of February without gambling which is pretty good if you ask me!. So the start of March comes, payday is a little sooner which helps and hopefully come the end of March the future will look a little healthier.

GA Group tonight, looking forward to it as always, it's part of my routine now.

In two weeks we have an open event which we can take our partners, hopefully it will be an eye opener for my wife and this can maybe help with her understanding of everything.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 28th February 2017 10:35 am
Posts: 0

Dan your so motivated....I am sure your wife will take in the GA experience and support you every step of the way.

Keep smiling.

Julie x

Posted : 28th February 2017 11:15 pm
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