Dan's Journey

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JI35 wrote:

Dan your so motivated....I am sure your wife will take in the GA experience and support you every step of the way.

Keep smiling.

Julie x

Thanks Julie

I have to be motivated. The alternative is now not an option. I don't want to be that person again. Today I will succeed, tomorrow I will not gamble.

Join my bandwagon Julie. It's non stop to a gamble free life. Jump aboard!

Posted : 28th February 2017 11:34 pm
Posts: 119
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1st March Day 34 GF Today

The whole month of February done without Gambling. = Happy Face

No on to the next day. Today i WILL NOT gamble.

Had GA Group last night, another three new people, over 16 people most weeks now. I weird seeing new faces, especially when they declare themselves as having not gambled since the current day or the day before. On the one hand, it's oh no another one who is having problems, then it's i'm glad someone else is coming to sort their problems out. I feel their pain and the situation they are in. I'm way off trying to give much advice but i listen and i react accordingly, thats the best i can do at present.

I didn't get home until 22:15 from it so it's adult tv time in the house. During the three adverts for an hour long tv programme i watched, they showed 7 adverts for bingo/casino/betting websites. Shocking!

Anyhows, another day nearly done, been rushed off my feet today at work.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 1st March 2017 3:01 pm
Posts: 119
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2nd March Day 35 GF Today

Not a lot to say really, very busy at work yesterday and home life is moving along quitely with a tight budget this month but coping.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 2nd March 2017 9:22 am
Posts: 0

I have joined your bandwagon, if you will take me with a chest infection! I am very serious about it all. I can see the misery it brings to others, and it just isn't worth it. Glad things are okay at home, we are all on tight budgets, but that is where the quality moments are. Have a great eveing.

Julie x

Posted : 2nd March 2017 3:39 pm
Posts: 119
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23rd March Day 36 GF Today

So i had my counciling session this morning. I spent 45 mins stuck in traffic but got there 10 mins early. Waited 25 mins and she wasn't there. I called and text and to now haven't had a reply. I must say it is a good job i didn't really NEED that appointment to deal with something major.

Life seems pretty good at the moment. I have a smile on my face and look forward to time with my family without the lies or excuses to leave the room etc. I am sleeping well, i'm not really thinking of gambling and things are just ticking over nicely. However i am aware of the devil on my shoulder and am ready to flick it off as and when needed.

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 3rd March 2017 1:38 pm
Posts: 0

Good job you didn't really need that appointment, maybe a simple diary error. I hope it resolves itself...

Good to see you on top form...I am 7 days today....won't take me long to rack up them days.

Have a beautiful weekend with the Family Dan, and mabe see you in chat over the weekend.

Julie x

Posted : 3rd March 2017 10:58 pm
Posts: 0

All is great Dan, just sat reading and replying to a wedding invitation for Summer, which is exciting. Things look more hopeful everyday. I don't why, it seems different this time around..

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Julie x

Posted : 4th March 2017 6:36 pm
Posts: 0

Dan this is so inspiring to read. I'm only on Day 9 but this has given me hope that I am going to be able to keep going.

Posted : 4th March 2017 8:45 pm
Posts: 0

Dan lovely,

Thanks so much for your message on my diary. The email as you heard in chat kicked off. But it is done now, and I am happier for it. Wear my uniform to work tomorrow with pride....I worked hard to get there.

I also read your diary everyday, I look forward to seeing how you are and how things are going for you. Let me know how that meeting goes on Tuesday, and if it doesn't work out to plan, then there is always Plan B, and Plan C..

Thinking of you at the start of another week.

Julie x

Posted : 5th March 2017 9:03 pm
Posts: 119
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6th March Day 39 GF Today

Jeez, I am 11 days away from half a century........WOW

Taking it easy this week, family time and try to lose some puppy fat ready for my jollies.

Don't have much to say to be honest, nothing has wound me up as i'm tackling it head on as it happens. Nothing has upset me.

Onwards and upwards then i suppose.

Today I will not gamble

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 6th March 2017 9:09 am
Posts: 0

Hello there,

Just wanted to leave you a message, your really marching on Dan. I am so pleased for you. Wore my new uniform today with great pride...Tomorrow is a difficult morning, I am trying to keep positive but I have to go and spend 3 hours with a bully.....I will just keep head down, march on....Hope tomorrow night goes well....am thinking of you and Mrs. Dan


Posted : 6th March 2017 11:11 pm
Posts: 119
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7th March Day 40 GF Today

whoop whoop, 40 days, choo choo i'm on the train to hapiness.

In seriousness, it's not been easy, for all forum new comers, you have to try your best, thats all. I have tried to eliminate all negative stuff in my life to stop me from reaching for my comfort blanket / comfort room of gambling. It's nice, i'm not taking BS from anyone, i'm dealing with it head on.

Yes i might upset people but i'm not destroying those that mean the most to me.

Each day i feel like i'm winning. I'm not losing money, i'm not chasing money in fact i basically don't give a monkeys about money at the minute. The calls, emails and letters are starting to come now from my creditors and now i can say, i haven't the money and i'm working with Stepchange to resolve my issues. At that point they respond in a warm positive way.

I owe barclaycard £12k, they have just announced £3.2billion profits, so it's not like i'm a big issue to them.

I'm waking up happy, i'm going to bed happy, i'm not telling lies and i'm not being deceitful. I am however still being caught out with lies i have told and they are unraveling but now i can say. Listen you know the score, i've told lies to hide lies etc etc, but all that matters is, you know the facts. I am a gambling addict, i am a complusive gambler, hoever i got there, i am over £50k in debt, i am working to resolve them and i am getting the help i need. I cannot change this, this is the past. Now i'm working hard to have a future, work with me to help me have a future.

I just want everyone to know people are here for you. I have spoken with many on here and there is a few i seem to connect with, similar stories, similar ages, similar feelings etc etc, there is someone who is going through simlilar to you. read the diaries, speak to them, listen to the advice. I think there is nothing better than speaking to someone, expecially when they know first hand what you are going through, even better when they are not getting paid to speak to you.

Today I will not gamble

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 7th March 2017 10:25 am
Posts: 0

Great post very true, great work on the 40 days I am not far behind you and in a similar postion with the debt hopefully that will be sorted soon.

Keep going like you say not easy but at least we are not gambling.

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 7th March 2017 10:36 am
Posts: 119
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8th March Day 41 GF Today

Not a lot happened yesterday, had a bumpy morning but got through it without the BS and by speaking out, nothing serious just an anoyance that was resolved. Normally i'd stew on it for several days but yesterday it didn't last 15 minutes in my thoughts, i just dealt with it.

I went to my GA group last night and more faces i'd never met. I think now if everyone turned up on a weekly basis it would have circa 25 members whom are at varying stages of abstinence. I got picked on for a therapy last night. I don't say much as i'm not keen on big groups and talking in front of people. Don't get me wrong, i do participate and have had my own talks but not in the spotlight as such. Once i got talking, i didn't stop. It felt good to get things out and get some advice and be reassured i'm doing the right things.

Today I will not gamble

All the best to everyone for another GF day. Let's smash it again!

Posted : 8th March 2017 9:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi GF Dan.

Just wanted to say well done on your progress so far. Have fun on that train and stay safe.

Take care.

Our Lady.

Posted : 8th March 2017 11:54 am
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