Day 6

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Thank you Secret Addict, it helps to know someone is reading and I’m not just rambling to myself 🙂 , 36 days today and for Some reason I am really struggling, have a nagging feeling in my head that just won’t shift. I’ve spent so much money these last 2 weeks, not a penny on gambling but on days out, weekends away etc and I always try to gamble convincing myself il win what I’ve spent back and have free days out etc. We all know it never works like that. Back to work in an hour which hopefully will help me stay on the right path and stay gamble free for today. 

Posted : 7th June 2021 3:28 pm
Posts: 192
Posted by: Herewegoagain20

Thank you Secret Addict, it helps to know someone is reading and I’m not just rambling to myself 🙂 , 36 days today and for Some reason I am really struggling, have a nagging feeling in my head that just won’t shift. I’ve spent so much money these last 2 weeks, not a penny on gambling but on days out, weekends away etc and I always try to gamble convincing myself il win what I’ve spent back and have free days out etc. We all know it never works like that. Back to work in an hour which hopefully will help me stay on the right path and stay gamble free for today. 

Totally understand where you are coming from.

Its nice that you have been able to utilise the money you would of spent on gambling on days out. Its money spent but memories created. Whereas putting that same cash in the slots or bets doesn't give us memories just shear sadness and misery.

I am on day 46 today. I have found the journey OK, I spent 12 years gambling daily and a lot of money. I've not had any urges but like you the back of mind plays tricks sometimes like you said above about thinking oh if we played we could make that money back in minutes. But as you also said we may win but then we don't stop and pour the winnings straight back plus more and end up with nothing. I'm sure we will soon get over these ways of thinking as the the days progress.  


Posted : 7th June 2021 6:30 pm
Posts: 47
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Well done on 46 days that’s amazing not far off 50 now 🙂 You are totally right the only memories I have from gambling are the sick feeling I felt when I played my final spin and my balance was zero wondering how I would cope. I once watched a programme on gambling addicts and they did a study and it was proven addicts brains work differently which explains why we have these silly thoughts and urges to gamble knowing what the ending will be. Today’s been another hard day, the first time I’ve attempted to load a gambling site up, my gam ban saved me as I really do think I would have caved had I been able to, really would recommend gam ban to anyone. Here’s to another day, 37 days now. I pray I make it to 50 and then set my next target...

Posted : 8th June 2021 5:44 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Herewegoagain

? 40 Days Gamble-Free ?

Wishing you success and happiness on your wonderful journey of recovery. 


Aum ?

Posted : 11th June 2021 12:18 pm
Posts: 192

Well done on day 40 ?

Posted : 11th June 2021 6:34 pm
Posts: 47
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Thank you Aum and Secret Addict. Been the longest 40 days ever if I’m honest ? but here’s to 50! 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Herewegoagain20
Posted : 12th June 2021 7:04 am
Posts: 47
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42 days gamble free, my first proper target is 50 days and I don’t feel too far away but at the same time still feel like I’ve lots of struggles ahead. Strange feeling at the minute with the euros, so excited by it all even if it does mean not having a bet on it, spent the day in the pool with the little one watching England and ordered us a takeaway. Enjoying life but at the same time I feel like somethings missing as sad as that sounds? I do miss a football bet but I know if I placed one I’d soon be back on the slots losing hundreds/thousands again so I need to stay away. Here’s to 50 days. 

Posted : 13th June 2021 6:00 pm
Posts: 47
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46 days! feeling a bit down today , relationship wise life’s a bit Rocky, 9 years I’ve been with my partner and an amazing little boy we have together and I just don’t feel happy. Been like this for a while but normally I’d take my mind off it by gambling, almost like I’m giving my brain something else to worry about instead (lack of money) rather then the reality. Been unhappy for a while but i can’t do it to him and walk away, that and my little boy needs all the routine /stability he can get, so again I try push my happiness to the back and try my best to carry on with life, a gamble free life at that . Sorry for the ramble! But here’s to 50 days 

Posted : 17th June 2021 10:49 pm
Posts: 3947

Dear Friend.

Best wishes for peace, calm and fun-filled adventures over the  weekend and congratulations on your excellent progress.

On Monday I will look up to the heavens and applaud your half century. 


As compulsive gamblers in recovery I believe we need to remain vigil, treat ourselves respectfully and be aware of our vulnerability. 


Reasons To Be Cheerful ???:

1/ The addiction may come along masquerading as a friend but we are fully aware of its evil intent and can thus ignore its maliciousness and deceitful lies. 

2/ We only ever need to remain gamble free for today and if we are ever struggling than we just need to hang on tight to our recovery until the day is over. 

? Nothing lasts forever and the wheel of life keeps turning ?

3/ After stopping gambling we may become aware of other issues that need addressing but Rome wasn't built in a day and likewise, we cannot expect to rebuild shattered dreams overnight. Some days we are better equipped to make important decisions and on days when we don't feel so good than we can bide our time until we feel better. 

4/ We are not perfect so it serves no purpose making impossible demands upon ourselves but I do believe we are capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for. 

5/ Herewegoagain is your chosen name

You venture forth renewed with a sense of hope

And by your side are gamcare friends 

All helping each other to cope


Respectful best wishes

From Aum ?

Posted : 18th June 2021 11:30 am
Posts: 47
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Thank you Aum, your post is so true, I totally agree with it all but especially number 3, I think as you say I expected my life to become perfect over night when stopping gambling, not taking into account all the other problems we deal with, which I suppose seems daft that gambling been my biggest problem in life now seems to be what I’m finding the easiest. I think this maybe the fact that I am someone who always worries and if I don’t have money worries I’m worrying about everything else in life, my brain never turns off. I am beyond happy though that tomorrow I will reach 50 days, it feels like it’s been the longest 50 days but at the same time I never thought I’d reach it so can’t believe i have. I do believe that I will struggle more these next days as time goes on and after I’ve initially hit my target but here’s to 50 days tomorrow and then I will set a new mental target 🙂 thank you! 

Posted : 20th June 2021 12:58 pm
Posts: 47
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52 days and still not gambling 

Posted : 23rd June 2021 7:03 pm
Posts: 192

Super well done, its surprising how quickly those days start ticking by once you get past those first few weeks isn't it. Keep it up, you have got this. I'm now on day 63 so not to far away. I find the forums and chat are the 2 most important things in my recovery. I look forward to evening chats and this is the time I would spend gambling so it keeps me focused 

Good luck with rest of your journey


Posted : 24th June 2021 5:55 am
Posts: 47
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thank you Secretaddict and well done to you too 🙂 I’ve not yet tried the online chat but regularly read people’s diarys/posts and seen a lot of people recommend the online chat. I will have to try and get on one weekend as I work on an evening so would struggle! good luck in the rest of your journey 

Posted : 1st July 2021 1:02 pm
Posts: 47
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Wow 60 days! 2 whole pay days completed (3rd due tomorrow) where I haven’t spent a penny of my wages gambling!! I did struggle a few days last week and the thought did cross my mind, but it stayed as just that, a thought and here I am 60 days later! A fair bit of overtime was done last month and normally the spare wages would be spent on gambling but this time they are going to our day trips in the 6 weeks hols and summer trip to Butlins! No more wasting money and time, only making memories 🙂 

Posted : 1st July 2021 1:04 pm
Posts: 47
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61 days since my last bet/last time I lost hundreds on the slots. Pretty chilled day and night off work so took the little one for a game of after school bowling and a kfc, my life /time is spent so differently just now and I hope that continues...

Posted : 2nd July 2021 7:55 pm
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