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Hey Ade,

Thanks for your post! Am smiling ear to ear hearing from you ☺
Ah hah....handbag huh :-/ ..good stuff 😀
Glad you didn't need that pacemaker..it sounds like pain in a b***..one of my managers who is 33 has one for 10yrs now so that's where i know all the stories from. Tell ya what, i never come to see him with bad news...god forbid, don't wonna see that electric shock in reality 🙁

I am just glad you're on a mend and yes..the experience you went through was weird and uncomfortable but it gave you a purpose in life didn't it? Its clear to see..things like that can change more than a physical health...you got it inside out!

Go go go my friend ☺
Only one day at a time and keep breathing 😉

Haven't google your condition yet, but will do shortly and come bk with my thoughts..bless ya... 😉

S x

Posted : 5th September 2015 12:17 am
Posts: 0

Seriously Guv'nor, did they give you a bird's heart? (Now you know what we go through bursting into tears for no apparent reasons/that particular post!)

Man up you big jessie 😉

Posted : 5th September 2015 5:17 am
Posts: 0

Morning Ade,

Great to read you are going home today, safely on the mend.you have had some op(just googled it :0

You are on another recovery journey now, but I I know you will navigate the two journeys safely together.

Just one bit of advice my friend, waterproof mascara is a must :0hhh lol.

Take care

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 5th September 2015 7:27 am
Posts: 0

Thanks, and I will definitely drink to that, you staying 201 steadily behind me :)))

(Tut tut me, any excuse for a drink lol :0hh lol) in moderation of course, xxx

PS don't apply too much mascara (especially waterproof) else you will be going home blind lol, it sticks like glueeeexxxx

Posted : 5th September 2015 8:13 am
Posts: 7073

Ohhhh...Adrianne ☺

Just seen your posts around the forum...you have a heart of roses as i see..

..let me help you to shed few happy tears away while you say all your goodbyes to amazing staff at hospital, apply your lovely make up and fill that handbag with girly stuff 🙂



Posted : 5th September 2015 12:59 pm
Posts: 7073

Ps..how could i forget your favourite


S x

Posted : 5th September 2015 1:03 pm
Posts: 7073

Pps...heh heh..

And now just breathe..cause time time for some upbeat stuff 🙂

Watch that ticker dear friend and best wishes to your golf balls 🙂

Stay safe


Posted : 5th September 2015 1:07 pm
Posts: 0

Haaaaaaaahhhhhhhh (lol) forgot that one...Nice one Sandra!

Hope you got home safely Adrianne 😉

Posted : 5th September 2015 3:27 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for your kind supportive posts Suzanne, Sandra and Juuuuuuuune. Home safe and sound to my cosy king size bed and million tog duvet!! Just listened to all those three tunes Sandra, and you set me off again with the water works. Obviously I'd never listened to that Crazy frog song for a while, but it really did touch me!! Lol ;0))

You three 'ladies' really have been a great support to me during my recovery, especially over the last 10 months or so.

You really are some trio!! And I like to think of you as a collective at times, i kind of picture you three in many different ways, sometimes it's as Ade's Angels, other times it can be Gamcararama or The Three Divee's!! The Witches of Gamcarewick springs to mind also actually!! Haha....I could go on! ;0)

Anyways, I best start manning up and stopping this incessant crying that you females seem to be allowed to do at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason. Because when I was in hospital, I had so many wonderful nurses looking after me. There was only one male nurse out of about 18 females. Marius was his name. He was Romanian and let me just tell you ladies, he was Devine!!

I actually said to my Father-in-law that "if I was a woman I'd have snapped him up!!" I would have married him on the spot. He was funny, caring, attentive, and extremely professional in every bit of cardiology nursing!......;0)........the look my Father-in-law gave me was priceless!!

Keep strong all


Posted : 5th September 2015 5:53 pm
Posts: 7073

Ohhhhh Adrianne ☺
What has happened to you? :-0 lol..you sure Marius wasn't a Maria? ;-)...is he single? (Just asking lol..sounds like good personality 😀 and am sure you asked that too)

Oh..thank you for your kind words towards us trio ☺..i had to dig old vid of us just to double check you mean these angels 😉


Have a peaceful evening and good rest tonight.

Ps. X factor on tonight! Don't forget to watch it so we have something to gossip about tomorrow ☺

Later my dear! 😀

S x

Posted : 5th September 2015 6:29 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the vid clip. I only watched the first 5 seconds, that was enough for me in my condition!! ;0)

Seriously though, that is very funny stuff!! Never seen that spoof one before...

Time for bed rest

Keep strong all

Recovery is possible


Posted : 5th September 2015 9:32 pm
Posts: 7073

Hahaha...sorry but just tried to show our fighting skills lol..obvs ya was more interested in first 5 secs 😀 lol...keep breathing, don't want any complications now!!!

As of the "air bags" - it's not me! Lol...you have 2 choices to pick 😉

Sleep tite, you need rest after this sort of performance today ☺

S x

Posted : 5th September 2015 9:36 pm
Posts: 0


Charlie's Angels ummm, defo, not the one either with the airbags 0: lol, I may need to nick some of your tissues lol, as I can't stop

crying with laughter lol.

Hope you are getting plenty of rest (in between the crying fits ohh) otherwise I may have to get on my gamcare broomstick and sort you out ohh noooo. have a Blondiee wig you can borrow, if needed, HDs.

Take care Adeee and get plenty of rest, your ticker would not be up to me flying in on a broom stick 0))))))

Suzanne xxx


Posted : 6th September 2015 6:24 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the posts Angels!!

Just added a new profile pic of when my brother (who is visiting from Gundaroo, NSW, Australia for 6 weeks) came to visit me in hospital last Wednesday.....just four days after my heart had been wrenched out. We enjoyed a nice sweet mug of tea on my first expedition down Mount Staircase, then navigating along the trecherous Corridor of Death before finally reaching our Holy Grail of the Hospital Cafeteria!! It was tough, but we made it back!! - Without the aid of a compass, I might add! ;0)

He is 3 years older than me at 49. I reckon he must die his hair!!

And as for me in my grey sweater, maybe not the best colour to go for post-op!!

Keep strong all


285 days since last bet....

Posted : 6th September 2015 8:17 am
Posts: 7073

Oh Adrianne 🙂

This is lovely!!! And golf ball senior in ur pic ☺

Nice stuff! Where is Maria? (In ur case Mariussssss 😉 )

Hope you had a lovely day! Tissues were out this way 🙁 us ladies huh..now ya know how it feels to cry without any reason 😀

Enjoy ur Eve! And keep breathing of course

S x

Posted : 6th September 2015 6:18 pm
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