Done it again... another relapse

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Day 17

Thanks for your message Brum. You're quite right, the further along you go, the better you feel.

The real challenge for me will be when payday comes along. I have a few outgoings that really can't be put off much longer (car service/repairs) but the rest of the money is mine to spend. I am planning to stash a decent amount away each month, as the long term goal is to eventually move out and get a place of my own.

I've never owned a credit card or been in massive amounts of debt, so I do have that going for me. However that doesn't mean I should feel "lucky" in any way, I've had this addiction for the best part of the decade and have absolutely zero savings to my name. That all changes on the 26th, and this time next year I will hopefully be posting with a bit of money behind me and happy thoughts ahead.

Here's to a clean future!

Posted : 14th October 2015 7:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi Elproducto,

Well done so far. I have quit gambling for 7 days so far.

I had a bad lapse a week ago and lost a few hundred in savings. I was gutted. That low feeling after losing.

Good luck in your recovery.

Ribit'gambling toad

Posted : 14th October 2015 7:48 pm
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Day 20

Another mini milestone reached.

9 days til payday, that's when the real challenge begins.

Posted : 17th October 2015 6:45 am
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Day 22

1 week til payday, just 7 more days of living like a monk. This time next week I will have some money, and I'm determined to keep hold of it. Them gambling companies aren't getting a penny.

Thanks for the post GT. I have set up blocks on the computer, and typed in a gibberish password (hit a random bunch of keys without looking) so there's no way I'll be able to reset the settings.

I really hope this week doesn't drag.

Posted : 19th October 2015 6:36 am
Posts: 0

Hi I'm paul, reading though your post pretty much in same situation as me, had to giggle about when u chucked your controlla even tho I shouldn't but I did the same last night including the game and if your anything like me it's fifa 16 lol all.the best mate keep strong can beat this

Posted : 19th October 2015 8:16 am
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Day 23

6 days to payday, and a new beginning.

Funnily enough Paul, yes it was Fifa 16 that caused me to lose my rag!

Posted : 20th October 2015 7:34 am
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Day 25

The stress of work is beginning to overwhelm me. I did have a day's holiday booked tomorrow, but due to staff absences I have been told I have to come in (we're only a small office of 8 people).

To say I'm livid is an understatement. I've worked really hard these last few weeks, and to be told in no uncertain terms that I can't have a holiday is a real kick in the teeth.

I suppose in some ways it's a blessing in disguise; at least things are so busy at work it's taken my mind off gambling somewhat. If I'd taken a day off in the past I would probably have gambled to alleviate my boredom.

It just irks me that I cannot take time off when I want to, but that's another matter entirely.

Hey ho, onwards and upwards... 4 days til payday, this weekend's gonna be a quiet one methinks!

Posted : 22nd October 2015 7:42 am
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Day 28

4 weeks have passed since my last relapse, and payday is tomorrow.

The weeks ahead will be very tough, but I'm determined to beat this addiction once and for all.

Hoping to report back on Tuesday with 30 days under my belt.

Posted : 25th October 2015 8:51 am
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Day 29

Payday is here, the real challenge begins now. Nice to see four figures in my account, I'm planning to keep it that way. Feeling pretty nervous about the prospect of relapsing once again, desperately need to muster up some willpower.

GT, I think it is a good idea to treat yourself every now and then.I've pre ordered a PS4 game for mid November, if I gamble even a penny before that date I will cancel.

Busy week ahead at work, hopefully that'll keep me occupied enough.

Posted : 26th October 2015 7:05 am
Posts: 504


Well done with your progress. I have been on the site a long, long time as its a great deterant. I tend to notice by what people write if they are going to gamble and I think you need to be on red alert! You mentioned you would cancel the PS4 game order 'if' you gamble so if I am honest I think you are going to shortly. Not critisising but trying to be helpful as I know you will feel awful when you lose more money. Maybe you should move that money so you cannot touch it ie give it to someone to look after or put it in a savings account so it's not easily accessible. If you leave it where it is it will be gone within the next few days I fear.

You are doing well so please don't spoil it.

Best wishes


Posted : 26th October 2015 8:07 am
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Hi Dave,

You're absolutely right to think that, at the moment I am more likely to gamble that money away than I am to spend it.

I have set up a standing order with my bank to deposit a set amount into my savings each month, and am planning to put in any leftover money before my next payday.

I have to beat this addiction NOW; no use putting it off until next month or next year, it has gone on for too long and I am sick of wasting my hard-earned pay every month.

Feeling pretty confident going into work this morning. I have a trip to London next week, and am really looking forward to that, and want to go into that day without any worries or fears of gambling.

Posted : 26th October 2015 8:35 am
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Day 30

As Muse/Nina Simone/countless others sang; it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling good.

Put a large chunk of money into my savings today, and that's where it will stay. I will continue to add to this every month.

If I can get to next payday gamble free (which would be 60 days) I will have overcome a massive obstacle. I can, and will, beat this addiction.

Posted : 27th October 2015 8:19 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for your message elp,

Yes it is a new day and a new life,and pleased to see you are feeling good lol.

30 days is a great achievement keep going and keep winning.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 27th October 2015 8:33 am
Posts: 0

Yes El... get to 60 days. Will be awesome if you can get to the end of the next payday! Do it!

Posted : 27th October 2015 4:05 pm
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Day 31

Was at home on my own last night and had a massive urge to gamble, managed not to though. Just need to keep this up and have money in my account by the time next payday rolls around.

My goal is to never have a balance under 4 figures ever again. Few necessary expenses coming up which is probably going to push it down to 3 for a while, but I also need to remember that I put some money into my savings for the first time in months.

I have a couple of days booked off next week, and am actually looking forward to it for a change.

Posted : 28th October 2015 7:42 am
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