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In a strange mood this morning but I recognise it and I know how to deal with it. Possibly too tired to start off on a Monday. Working long hours to pay off debt but in hindsight need to take it easy as this leads to trouble. Going to some new places today so the chance to have a sneaky spin ar in front of me. However I am aware that the demons are lurking so I'll be 100% on my guard. Just keep focused on what I'm doing. No urges to gamble and the real thought of playing makes my stomach churn. Thanks

Posted : 12th September 2011 7:30 am
Posts: 0


Hope you get through the day ok. I feel that I really must comment on your dedication to this forum. I do not post much but I read it several times a day, and it would be hard not to notice how often you post on other people's threads. Both new and more established dairies. You always give such good advice whilst at the same time showing great empathy to the writer.

I have read and taken note of some very wise words for that I thank you .


Posted : 12th September 2011 7:47 am
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Many thanks Kaza

I am just like anyone else on here I just take my recovery very serious (too serious maybe). I vcan't afford to slip again. Not for losing people around me etc but for my own sanity. I have battled this for years and just getting thehang of what is going on in my life. It's not a problem though asd I have the rest of my life to perfect it! Thanks again

Posted : 12th September 2011 7:49 am
Posts: 4881

Hey smiler.. thanks again for your support.. top man! 🙂

I see your posting quite alot recently... great stuff. I always think, that at any given time these diaries need a few folk who post quite alot.. it helps to keep the place ticking over and helps newbies especially to realise that they are not alone etc. I use to fill that role for sure but take a bit more of a back seat at the moment.

Anyway keep up your own momentum with your own recovery.. am sure you will... S.A 🙂

Posted : 12th September 2011 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Smiler just wanted to say thank you for your support to me. I have tried so many times to stop gambling. I am 8 days today thanks for your support


Posted : 13th September 2011 4:03 am
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I am very tired this morning after over doing the work. This is a trait of mine and I need to be careful. I do nothing by halves. Complete madness so I have to control it. I think if I am busy I don't have to lok at me. Not sure if that is correct. Maybe I tink too much. It's a crazy world inside my mind but I'll keep going. No urges of gambling and will not today as I have too much good work put in place. Tomorow I'll reasses the situation but that can wait till then. Take care and if you can make any sense of my post well done!!

Posted : 14th September 2011 7:45 am
Posts: 0

I totally get this post. I to fall into the trap of working to hard, and add to this by doing too much for my family. I find it very difficult to say no when people ask me to do things, I am to quick to volunteer and find that I add even more to my load. This is done to the fact that I am a people pleaser, which is not a good thing.

When my life gets like that, that is a big trigger as I feel I should reward myself, or get to chill out away from it all, I did that by standing in front of a machine loosing crazy amounts of money.

I know as a big part of my recovery is about putting myself and my recovery first that means that I need to be far more selfish with my time.

I hope that I have not board you with my post , I just thought you might be interested as it relates to yours.

Have a good day , don't work too hard


Posted : 14th September 2011 8:24 am
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Hi Kaza

Tahnk you very much for the post. It is a stark reminder that I must ease up. Not sure how to but I must. Something for me to think about!! Please keep posting and maybe start your own diary you have good insight into this menace please keep posting.

Take care

Posted : 14th September 2011 8:39 pm
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Here I go again

Let people, who I have no control over, wind me right up. I need to get another job before I lose the plot and gambe. My recovery is the most important thing in my life for without it I am finished as a person. I have to go to work tomorrow and face a stupid woman who has more issues than anyone but loves to wind the whole office up. She is so insignificant so why do I let myself take the bait. I need to wait till tomorrow and face the idiotic scenario. It's not even serious just dopey and fantasy. Ho my goodness some people are just nasty. Let you know what happens tomorrow but one things form sure I will not gamble first and foremost.

Posted : 15th September 2011 7:58 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi Smiler,

I really sympathise with your work situation. It is very difficult in the current economic climate, because even if you decided that swapping a good salary for minimum wage would be worth it to safeguard your wellbeing - there are very limited choices out there.

I took a gamble to get away from a toxic person, and it did not pay off financially as I am now out of work. However, for me, it had got to the point where it was essential for me to get away. I had been putting up with extreme stress for 6 months or so to try and find something else, but had reached my limit.

I hope you have a peaceful day at work today, and find the strength to ignore this woman's bad behaviour.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 16th September 2011 1:15 pm
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Thanks Freda

Day passed without too much ups and downs. However other issues arose. I should let it go as it is not my problem but it affects me in the workplace. This person clearly has some sort of issue with something but reacts out of proportion on smaller things that no one else worries about. It is a strange world. Problem is I take things to heart and run the scenario over in my mind and come to crazy conclusions. On a better note I did not gamble today. Thanks

Posted : 16th September 2011 6:10 pm
Posts: 168

Hey Smiler, I too take things to heart, we are sensitive souls! Work life can be stressful and could easily lead to us gambling to de-stress but we would probably end up even more stressed when we have lost all our cash! Have a great, gamble free weekend x

Posted : 16th September 2011 10:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Pink

I'm working most of today and then the cash I earn goes on shopping lol so definately no gambling. Not had any strong urges for a while where I've gone close to the edge.

I have been reading some posts on supporting gamblers forum and it is a stark reminder of how I used to live my life. It is devastation to the Nth degree. I can't believe I became that person. I try to live my life as openly and as honest as I can today as lies take a poweerful hold over me. I kill this power by being open and honest without offending people. I genuinely feel sorry for the partners involved in this madness as they really are kept in the dark until we decide we have nowhere to turn. I'm glad I got out quite lightly compared to some. Even though it was enough for me. I am woring like crazy to pay off debts butr maybe should take it a little easier as this has been a pattern in the past. Rant over!! Off to work. Take care

Posted : 17th September 2011 8:06 am
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I am very aware that I amosting like mad this weather. It is the only thing that works for me to stay away from gambling. I have tried to move away from Gamcare and the inevitable happened. I will get it one day but for now I'll keep using this forum. Sorry if I keep appearing on your diary but it really is helping me with other people writing so much. Thanks for listening

Posted : 17th September 2011 5:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Smiler

I love that you post a lot. If it hadnt been for you i would not have had replies lately and i was so thankful for those so remember you are helping others with your words.

I think you are doing an amazing job and i think i agree. If you stay close to here it will help but going away and not having any contact with other cg's i know where that leads too. Im here to stick around for a while too. I am on day 3 again. Who knows maybe the last time i ever say that. Have a good day smiler


Posted : 17th September 2011 10:32 pm
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