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Thanks Flowers

It's the only thing that works for me and I have been trying for years. I moved away from posting a while back as I felt "I was getting too reliant on here". Well so be it if it keeps me away from gambling, I'll stay om here forever if I have to.

Another thing, my wife talked me into getting skysports put back on. At around 9 last night I went very quite and my wife noticed it. I just have to be careful as I think this used to be acatalyst for my gambling. Only do a couple of quid on C/S or something, but that got me in bookies and around those machines. I will be careful for the next few weeks and if push comes to shove Skysports will go again. Glad I wrote this down as it is a good reminder. Now going to attemt to play golf. Have a good day. Take care

Posted : 18th September 2011 7:25 am
Posts: 0

Hi Smiler,

We all have our different reasons as to whether to post like mad or stay away for a while then come back. If posting like mad is what you feel is keeping you away from that awful, evil world of gambling, then please carry on! 🙂

I did the same then I thought by coming on here too much that I had too much on my mind to do with my past haunts of gambling so I decided to ease off a bit. That has not stopped me from reading daily just to remind me of what gambling WILL do to people.

Your support for others is admirable and I am sure that this will have saved people lots of money so well done!

As for your own fight against this evil addiction (which is far more important), you seem to be going strongly.

Just keep making the right choices, eh?

All the best,


Posted : 18th September 2011 2:05 pm
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Thanks GT for popping by.

Just like to say I have watched 2 and a half football matches today and need to be careful as the old memories come flooding back. I am strong enough, on a daily basis, to keep these urges at bay. If it gets too much then Sky will have to go. My life is so much better today. Played golf, very badly, this morning. Prepared and cooked lunch and dinner. Sitting relaxing. No crazy thoughts about lottery wins which used to take up most of my sunday mornings. I live my life at an easy pace and no lies. Take care

Posted : 18th September 2011 4:46 pm
Posts: 0

It would be a crying shame for you not to be able to enjoy watching football matches for the right reasons.

Football and all sport should be here to play and enjoy watching, not to make stupid bets on the outcomes. If ever my football team of over 30 years had a gambling company on their shirts, I would write to them to complain.


Posted : 18th September 2011 5:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Smiler

Thanks for posting on my diary.

I agree with Getting there it would be a shame to let your sky go.I watch the footy even more now.Well when i say even more what i mean is i actually watch more of each game instead of just tracking my first goalscorer.Keep playing golf m8 that soon gets addictive but its better than gambling.Stay strong.You are doing excellent .All the best Jeff.

Posted : 19th September 2011 7:12 pm
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I am in one of those moods where I just hate going to work. The place really gets me down. I have to get back to basics and just take it very easy. I think the added pressure of needing the money is driving me insane. The people I work with are probably not that bad but my demons tell me they are. I really don't know. If I take a dislike to someone they can never do anything right in my eyes and it just so happens it is a manager who, in my opinion, couldn't manage a glass of water. However we 'll soldier on and see what the day brings. I thought about the situation last night and the raw emotions that came through felt good in a peverse way, as I didn't go and gamble on them I just experienced them. So I have that to be thankful for. Have a good day! Take care

Posted : 20th September 2011 7:33 am
Posts: 0

Just a thought mate...

...if you weren't working, would you be bored out of your mind?

And would those evil, demon gambling thoughts spot that person who is not working and bored out of their mind from a mile off?

It would then be a massive battle to keep those thoughts away.

Whenever I am on holiday, I feel like that after the initial "Whoooah, I'm realy for a break!"

Let's all be grateful that we are able to go to work and put in a productive day to keep this planet going.

Enjoy your evening.


Posted : 20th September 2011 7:16 pm
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Thanks for the reply GT. My day was better today. It is a struggle though and I have to question myself and not others. The demons are waiting with open arms but I will resist. Thanks again and take care

Posted : 20th September 2011 10:04 pm
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Another good day as things have settled down for today. Not going to worry about tomorrow as it isn't here. No thoughts of gambling but if there was I have the tools to deal with it. Hope others on here are having an easy time of it. If not please take it easy and it will pass however bad it is at present. Take care

Posted : 21st September 2011 8:35 pm
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That's the weekend for me. Off Friday and Monday so I can take it easy for a few days. Walking down the road today and for a split second went onto auto pilot and thought about going into bookies. It was a split second, as I said, but it still turned my stomach. Once I realised my thought process was stuck in the old habit I switched round and kept walking to where I needed to go. Strange experience but I coped, even though it was brief. Take care one and all!

Posted : 22nd September 2011 8:49 pm
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Hi Smiler,I know what you mean about nearly wlking to the bookies.Its like all addictions,Many thoughts are triggered by habbit association, I.E you would always go to the bookies when you went to a certain shop as a habbit.Or maybe pop in at lunchtime as a habbit.The key is to break the habbit that links it to the bookies.Instead of popping into the bookies develop a new habbit of going into another shop or doing another activity at the time you always used to go to the bookies or have a bet.Once you break the mind link then it becomes so much easier.You are doing fantastic and keep up the great strength and determination you are showing.You are already winning as everyday you dont bet you are a non gambler.

All the best and keep strong.


Posted : 22nd September 2011 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi smiler,

its not that i am amazed i have not gambled.far from it.i am grateful i have not gambled.I also said i dont know what to say on my diary as i have not gambled and i have no intention of doing so.The thing is i need to keep up my diary so i dont gamble my friend,You are doing so well though and it gives me pleasure to read when people are doing so well so keep up the good work. By not gambling it makes us winners as we keep our own money, stay in control and beat the bookie my friend.Take care and stay strong.

All the best steven

Posted : 22nd September 2011 11:34 pm
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I hear people arguing on here about different points of view. One of the Cg and one of the partner. There is no correct point of view but what there is, is two points of view. The CG sufers from an illness/disease whatever we call it. We don't intend to hurt anyone but we do. The partner has a right to be cross and judge us. We must accept that everyone has a point of view and an opinion. Hopefully we can all respect each other. Personally I don't mind hearing a few home truths about how my gambling has caused destruction. It reminds me what is awaiting me should I decide to gamble. I do hope that people will draw a line under their arguements and move on in recovery. Sorry to sound like I'm going on a bit but there is no one way to recover from this and we are all victims of a cruel addiction. Let's get stronger as a community and help each other kick this into touch for one day at a time every day. Take care

Posted : 23rd September 2011 2:59 pm
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Here we are another saturday here and I've just finished work. Wife has given me orders to go shopping for clothes for littl' un. How good it feels to do such a simple thing in life and be able to afford it without robbing Peter to pay Paul. Hope everyone else is having a good day. The sun is even threatening where I am! Take care

Posted : 24th September 2011 2:19 pm
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Here's a strange one!

I just went a did the weekly shopping and had £70 or so in cash in my pocket. I paid for the shopping on the debit card. Why did I do that? I think it is because I'm off tomorrow on my own and that was a pattern I had when I gambled. Store up as much ready cash for when I'm off. Glad I realised it. Told my wife I have £70 in cash so that solves that. Funny how the old habits are deep roted though!!! Take care

Posted : 25th September 2011 2:43 pm
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