Enough is Enough

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I'm exhausted! mentally, physically and emotionally! 

I've had enough! And today is the day of stopping! 

I have always been very good at finding different avenues, whether that be.. conversation avenues, problem solving, making money or the worst of the them all finding a way.... any sort of way to gamble! I put self barriers/ blocks in place and I find a way around them!

It's smart and clever but it's not good! Really isn't good! 

Today's tasks! 

Today I've signed up to GamCare! To find permentant barries that I can put in place! 

I'm self excluding my mothers account (she didn't use it, tried online once and didn't like it) 

I'm deleting my mates banking details! So that I can no longer send him money! 

I have read there is a software or app that can be installed on your phone to stop accessing gambling sites! 

My wife knows that I gamble a little... a wee coupon here n there and a the odd shot at the machine in the bookies. When in realtiy it's a football coupon evert weekend, Saturday and Sunday! And I'm in the bookies almost every day, losing up to £500 at a time! Obviously winning sometimes, but not really overall. I could be up a few grand and then be down £500 spending 4/5 sometimes 6 hours in the bookies when I should be working!

We are struggling as a family financially due to the cost of living! We would be so much more comfortable if I didn't hide part of my salary to accommodate my gambling addiction! I'm also in 5 grand debt that with my wife doesn't know about.

On top of my salary job, I do beer line servicing in a mates pub every 2 weeks. I do deliveries 2/3 times a week plus I do an additional on call job through my own work. So working 4 jobs! Just to keep gambling, when I could be working less and be a bit more comfortable! 

It's taking its tole on me! I'm physically exhausted with all the work I undertake! Tired all the time and little energy to do things that I should be doing as a family and with the kids

I'm mentally exhausted with the worry about money! The debt and how I can make more moeny to gamble!

I'm emotionally drained! My emotions are all over the place when I've had a win I'm on cloud 9 until the next day when I lose and I'm feeling low! Feeling angry but them getting emotional! 

I've only told 3 people about my addiction. My mum- who always bails me out and supports me. My dad who thinks I just had a mad spell loosing 2 grand and loand me the money and lastly my mate who also has a problem.

I don't want to tell my wife! The thought of being treated like a child, like you can't be trusted to go to the shop or not being able to have any control over finances makes me resent the idea. Plus the look of disappointment is unbearable! Knowing that I've put us into this debt when we are already struggling! 


I know this is a lengthy post, but hope others can relate and share their experiences of what they are going through and how they are coping! 


I plan on updating this weekly for now, with an honest update on what or how I've progressed in the previous week. 

Time to take back control! 

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 28th June 2023 3:41 pm
Posts: 15

I know the feeling pal as well will a lot of people on here. I'm going through something similar spending time in the bookies instead of work its not a nice place to be when you know you shouldn't be there and spending money you shouldn't be.

tried everything to stop gave my bank card and credit card to the misses I'm in the process of getting counselling through gamecare to try and help early days still something you could possibly look into?.

I'd definitely suggest telling the misses and your mum etc the whole story it isn't easy but can definitely help as they will try to guide you along the way.

Plus stops the feeling of utter guilt and the lies you need to tell where your money going etc as lies are easy with a gambler if your anything like me and in my experience that's what hurts your partner more the lies and deceit.

Anyway mate good luck with it all only one winner in the end though as my papa used to say no such thing as a skint bookie.

Posted : 28th June 2023 5:25 pm
Posts: 6
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Cheers for the advise mate.

Not quiet ready to open up to the misses about it. But who knows maybe when the journey to recovery kicks in I might feel differently. 

I'm quite a stubborn guy, which is why I'm feeling I need to focus on this stubbornness to stay away from gambling

It's hard though especially when almost everything on your phone is gambling adds! Especially on social media!

But day one down! I'm determined that I'll be saying 1 week down this time next week. 

Posted : 28th June 2023 8:08 pm
Forum admin
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Thanks for this. Much appreciated. 


Posted : 29th June 2023 9:23 am
Posts: 6
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It sure is! 

Day 2 and not even the afternoon yet... and my heads telling me bookies! But I'm nit giving in and I'm NOT going! 

This post was modified 1 week ago by Forum admin
Posted : 29th June 2023 9:25 am
Posts: 405

@ka2dlxi5mb stay strong mate i noticed the same pattern gambling gets a hold on you early days the longer you refrain the easier it gets you can do this mate

Posted : 29th June 2023 10:15 am
Posts: 6
Topic starter


Cheers mate! 1 day at a time! 


I'm actually out doing some work to keep my mind off the bookies 

Posted : 29th June 2023 10:25 am

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