FBOT Got to stop !!

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My addiction is with the FOBT roulette machines.

I've played over the years far too much on these machines and lost far too much money which I could now be spending on my 2 beautiful kids.

I've won over 4K in the last month on these machine putting 2k back in I know it has to stop now before the rest goes in.

Used to play fruit machines quite lot years ago and just stopped as I realised how stupid they were but can't seem to on these at the moment.

Determined to sort this out though day 1 begins now.


Posted : 9th February 2016 1:54 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6177

Hello Leeders100

Welcome to the forum. Its great to hear you are dertermined to sort this out and there are some praticle steps that may help you in stopping gambling. It can be a good idea to restrict the cash you have available on a daily basis and to not carry your bank card with you on days that you do not need it. Another option available is to self exclude this is where you can ask a gambling operator to exclude you from gambling with them for a length of time starting from a period of six months or longer if you want that.

Please find a link to the information here for self exclusion http://www.gamcare.org.uk/get-advice/what-can-you-do/self-exclusion#.VsDvffmLQdW

There is also other support available if you want to talk with people there is group support with Gamblers Anonymous http://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/index.php/ga-meetings/find-a-meeting and there is also counselling available throughout the uk. You can find out more about the counselling if you wish to by calling the Gamcare helpline on 0808 80 20 133 and through the gamcare netline http://www.gamcare.org.uk/support-and-counselling/frontline-services/netline#.VsD0bPmLQdU

Keep posting Leeders100 we are here to support you

Posted : 14th February 2016 9:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lee , my problem was also the Fobt's along with many more folk on this site , these machines just suck you in all the time , they promise so much but deliver so little and just keep taking from you !.

It's great that youv'e stopped befor pumping the rest of the money straight back in , the problem for us Compulsive gamblers is we cant win because we can't stop , it's not about the money anymore just the buzz from playing , if your'e lucky enough to win with maximum stakes on one number say £500 , what happens ,You think shall I walk away ? Nah!! I'm on a roll now I'll keep playing , my lucks in and you lose the lot , then do you walk away ? Nah!! I'll go an get some more from the cashpoint and try and win back what I already had but just lost !! . Sound familiar ? how crazy is that and so the cycle continues on and on until were broke and in debt !.

My best advice , put all the blocks and self exclutions in place , forget any losses , any thoughts of chasing it and get on with youre life !.

I wish you well my friend and say " welcome to recovery "

Regards .............Alan

Posted : 14th February 2016 10:28 pm
Posts: 19
Topic starter

Hi Alan

Thanks for your advice I will definitely try to take it on board.

I completely agree about it not being about the money sometimes I feel better when I've lost as I know I'm really P****d off with myself about losing it, it might help in me not going back on those machines.

Unfortunately I had a relapse after my first post and put some more back into the machines but haven't be back in them now in 2 days.

Just really annoyed with myself how much I've put in them over the years and what I could have done with the money but know it's gone and not coming back.

Have to beat this for my kids future.

Will try to post on the site even if just a few words each day and hopefully it will help.

Posted : 18th February 2016 7:09 pm
Posts: 19
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2 full days without putting money in those evil machines now feel quite strong about not playing these machines now.

Actually went in the bookies today to see cricket score and felt quite sorry for a women piling money into one of the machines just like I did, hopefully not me anymore

Posted : 19th February 2016 4:22 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi leeders,

Well done on 2 days of freedom and keep good work up ☺

Wouldn't suggest visiting those places dear soldier, it can trigger you off instantly and in early days of recovery you need all barriers up and tight as much as possible.

Keep up good work and keep claiming your life back one day at a time


Posted : 19th February 2016 10:00 pm
Posts: 19
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3rd day without going anywhere near the machines and to be honest at the moment I really don't want to. I can't understand how I got dragged into putting so much money into them in the past, maybe my last loss was the moment I needed to realise how stupid it's been wasting my money in those things. Having a great day with my son while the girls are out not done it enough, things are going to change for the better!!

Thanks for commenting on my diary I really appreciate it.

Posted : 20th February 2016 5:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lee , glad you've managed a few days away but seriously mate do you rink it's wise to still be going in the bookies , I admire you for not going back to the Fobt's but there's an old saying " if you hang around a barbershop long enough , your gonna get a haircut " I'm not trying to tell you what to do as your the only one that knows if you can control your betting but as compulsive gamblers once we go over that edge it becomes difficult to control ! Maybe think of self excluding? Just a thought ! Take care buddy !

Posted : 20th February 2016 5:44 pm
Posts: 19
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Hi Alan

yes your probably right I just wanted to prove to myself I could go in there with money and not use the machines.

I'm not being cocky about the situation I know I've got a long road to travel but I honestly haven't felt this determined to knock it on the head in the past I have to for my families future.

thanks for your helpful words definitely helps knowing people are listening.

Posted : 20th February 2016 7:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lee , and fair play to you fella , only you know yourself and how you feel and I'm alway's listening and dont miss much just in case this lot start talking about me , LOL !! .

Stay safe my friend and best wishes >................................Alan

Posted : 20th February 2016 7:45 pm
Posts: 1789

Hi Lee I have to agree with Alan don't put them temptations in your way. W I started GA with a lad and the 2nd week he came back and said he stood outside a bookies with £200 in his pocket to prove a point I've not seen him again 4 months on. For me the easiest solution is to SE from the bookies find Robf diary and he did it the other week and explained how easy and how good it felt afterwards knowing he slammed a door shut.

I wish you the best mate


Posted : 20th February 2016 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Lee Im in the same boat on fobt- they are killers sucking you into their bright lights and fantasies of winning such high amounts of money when the reality is they cause stress, worry, guilt and anger. Your doing brilliantly, there is a life to be led without gambling though I guess its a bit hypocritical for me to say when I've been battling with them for years.

Hope each day that goes by is another day where you didnt gamble


Posted : 21st February 2016 12:47 pm
Posts: 19
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Hi Rich

Thanks mate feel good at the moment another day without playing on them 4 now. Terrible machines the fact you can win big is what drew me into them used to play the fruit machines a bit but lost interest as it seemed I never won anything thing with these was it let me win big a couple of times and then I was hooked but deep down I knew I could never win on them just felt good occasionally leaving the bookies well up, I just wish I would have saved all of that money now then I would have been truly well up!

Don't feel the urge to play them at the moment this week will be a test used to play at dinner and after work so hopefully can get through that, also worried how I will get in after a few beers with the lads that is normally when I'm drawn into them as well.

Got to stay strong hope I'm not boring people to much so far

Posted : 21st February 2016 7:17 pm
Posts: 19
Topic starter

Didn't have chance to post yesterday but if I get to the end of today will be day 6 without going on those machines.

Bit upset at the moment as not being particularly nice to my family at the moment need to snap out of it pronto !

Cheers for everyone's support much appreciated.

Posted : 23rd February 2016 2:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lee , firstly well done on the 6 days buddy and secondly , just think oif how much money and stress time youv'e saved over those 6 days , you know the feelings , guts in knotts , chasing all those near misses the Fobt pretends to give you ?, you didn't give in this time , what's not to be happy about ? .

Now be nice or else !!!!!!

Posted : 23rd February 2016 2:10 pm
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