fed up with myself

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i feel so sick as i wake up this morning and remember how i lost the plot last nite and ended up losing 300 pound .i have been here before many times but i really had enough this time and must stop this madness as its ruining who i really am .been gambling for around 10 years and like everyone else it started small in the arcade now i think nothing of just blowing hundreds on the online slots but its money i can't afford but just can't seem to control myself its crazy ! so anyway this time i can and will do it with the support of all you lovely people and together we can all beat this : ) X

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:04 am
Posts: 0

Good morning Sunshine ,

And welcome to this site .

You will find a lot of support on this site .

Do you gamble online ?

If so you really need to put a block on your computer.

I do not know a lot about them as I gambled in the bookies but if you read a few of the threads they explain you can get one that is free for a trail period.

Keep posting , keep reading , and be proud in the flack that today you said enough is enough . Today will be the start of me turning my life around. It can be done, lots of fine people on this site are testament to that.

Take care ......

Shiny x

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:11 am
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thankyou so much Shiny for your reply and yes im defo gonna look into get blocks in place as its online slots that are the problem ! just really need to do it this time for my own sanity and health .I went to bed last nite so stressed and with a major headach and i know it was all cause of the gambling ! its crazy not sure why we do it when we all know in the end we will lose .i thankyou for your support and i will keep posting like you said .Have a good gamble free day : ) X

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:20 am
Posts: 0


I love the name , and if there is one thing we all need at the moment is some sunshine lol

I was in a very bad place mentally last time I hit rock bottom. But this site has taught me, that if I look forward not back, forgive myself , accept that the money has gone, this recovery journey is a bit easier.

Above all being positive , embracing the future is by far the best way to go.

Take it one day at a time Hun , those days will soon mount up , and as they do your mental health will improve .

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 11:15 am
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lol Shiny yes we could do with some but don't think its gonna happen this year ! Well im onto day 3 and feeling loads better and more positive .im going to be busy all day today so defo no gambling for me ! just going to take each day as it comes and not set big targets as that's when i end up relapsing so one day at a time and i will do this ! keep strong everyone : ) X

Posted : 18th July 2012 7:43 am
Posts: 0

Good Morning Sunshine

Like Shiny said , great name!

Sunshine already on day 3, feeling better and positive is great.

I honestly know how you are feeling , i too tried loads of times and failed after a few days or a week or so but i now know it can be done, it will take alot of hard work and commitment but can be done.

Each day you will become a little stronger and as you said take it a day at a time.

When i started i did not have any blocks and wish i had from the start as they really do help.

You can do this sunshine and i will try to keep up to date with your diary to offer support where i can.

Well Done on starting the best journey you will ever take 😉

Keep Strong Sunshine


Posted : 18th July 2012 7:57 am
Posts: 0


Miss Sunshine , well done you.

Another day under your belt . They do mount up , truly and it does become easier .

Keep that positivity , even if it's raining, cause that justs makes a rainbow..................

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 18th July 2012 2:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine,

You do realise that with a name like that everyone will keep posting to you just because we can type the word SUNSHINE......Lol

Anyway...welcome to this wonderful site. It sounds like you are really ready to fight this devil!

I was pretty much like you always trying, always failing.....My change came when I started my diary.

I had lost over £2 000 in just a few days...and it was just getting worse...thats the nature of the disease.

Well no more for me...Im on day 33

You too can be in a happy place...with effort and determination.

Good luck Sunshine........god I love saying that word!!!!

Sue x

Posted : 18th July 2012 3:52 pm
Posts: 0
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had a great day out taking my boy swimming with friends then had lunch so no room for thought's of gambling ! thankyou so much Lucy Shiny and Sue for your post's . It really does make a difference and keep's me positive . So glad you all like my name so thought i would share why i picked it .Basically it sums up how i feel when im not gambling ! i wake up in the morning with a nice warm feeling inside ready to fight another day and that make's me feel like sunshine lol anyway keep strong everyone and thanx for all the positive comments it mean's alot : ) X

Posted : 18th July 2012 6:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hello little miss sunshine,

Mr tickle was my favourite mr Men and little miss sunshine was my favourite little miss.

Nice to speak to you in chat sorry i was a bit distracted. Welcome to the site btw , nice to have you on board. Have you signed up for flaggs 90 day thread , it might be worth thinking about will help to keep you focused. ?

Well done on what you have achieved so far, it doenst matter really how many days whats most important is we make the right choice every day.

Keep strong, and keep heading in the right direction

Hope the little one gets off to sleep eventually.

Blondie x

Posted : 18th July 2012 9:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

It was really nice chatting 2 u 2. U r rite lets do it 4 our little ones, they deserve a better life 🙂

We can do this 🙂

I hope ur little boy as a good nites sleep 🙂

Stay strong xx

Posted : 18th July 2012 9:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Sunshine,

Forgive me for muscling in on your diary. I look outside this morning and see SUNSHINE. I look on my fave forum and I see SUNSHINE.

I notice your diary has no male entries yet so Hello and welcome. This really is a fantastically supportive place and if you stay close it will really help you in remaining gamble free. Ultimately that is why we are here.

I also notice you are already acquainted with some of the wonderful ladies on this site. I saw on the first 2 pages Shiny, Blondie, and Womble all posting. When I see 3 women all together I automatically think of the opening few scenes of Macbeth. Fortunately, these ladies are nothing like that but us men are always on guard lol! I will get a verbal beating for that comment I am sure lol!

Anyway, you have made a really positive start. Keep reading and keep posting. I will look out for you 🙂


Posted : 19th July 2012 8:21 am
Posts: 0
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thankyou Flagg for your post it made me lol and your so right this place is so supportive its a great help everyone pulling together and giving good advice wish i found it years ago ! well im onto day 4 and feeling positive but having loads of thought's like i'll just play 10 pound that won't hurt but then we all know where that leads so i just have to be strong and fight these urges off .so one day at a time and today I WILL NOT GAMBLE : ) X

Posted : 19th July 2012 4:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine.....beaming smile...lol

See you have met the famous Flagg! He really needs a talking to.......stirring my cauldron as we speak...lol

Day 4 for you hun...fantastic!

Please, please do not be tempted by just £10 it really never ends there. For a very long time I kept 1 site open with a £10 weekly limit.......thought I could manage this........ All it does is fuel the fire.

Yeah...normal gamblers can handle that but we are all compulsive gamblers and our brains are different!.......were special......lol

Anyway hun keep going.......total abstainance is what you need.

Sue xxxxxx

Posted : 19th July 2012 4:35 pm
Posts: 0
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thankyou Sue your right 10 pound won't end there and luckily i have no site's open as i e-mailed them all asking them to close them .I love the way you said how we are special ! its a great way to look at things ! and yes Flagg did think he would be in trouble for that comment lol anyways im still fighting strong and hope your having a good day too : ) X

Posted : 19th July 2012 5:16 pm
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