Cheers Steg for your support and your post.
Not sure how I am feeling today... it almost feels like I did it on purpose to spoil things.. or to reaffirm I have a problem... or to give myself a kick up the 4rse... who knows?
Anyway... not feeling sorry for myself... just need to make changes to my life. I can cope with not gambling, but I need to find other interests than sitting at my computer all the time... putting myself in the place where I can gamble.... it's almost like standing outside a bookies all day when the FOBT's is your problem... I need to stand outside a different shop.
Thanks again anyway... and it's good to see you continually moving forward with your recovery.
PS Kim Bassingwa was lying about the money.. but promises me that she has destroyed my bank details... it never rains, just pours ;O)
Poor Maisie!! I'm sure she will thank you for it one day...
Enjoy your blustery weekend.. blowing a gale down this way but at least it's dry (at the moment anyway)!
Have a good one 🙂
Thanks for the post ste just got back from dog walking soaked to the bone but cleared the head. Glad you had a nice night with maise lovely name by the way. I am watching night mare on elm street tonight we was talking about scariest films ever last night and this was mine years ago. I will be hideing for most of the night lol. Enjoy your evening. Blondie
Thanks for your post on mine Steve, love your terminology, peeling away the layers of an onion, brilliant way to describe this road we are on !! Never looked at it that way, and its such an accurate description of our plight, one layer at a time 🙂
Congrats on coming 3rd in the fishing btw, great result !!
Your daughter sounds a proper daddys girl, those cards she makes are made with so much love, even though we do encourage them what to put on them ( I too have a drawerful that my grandsons made me, and I wouldn't part with 1 of them) 🙂
Glad the leg/back pains settling down, lifes tough enough without being in constant pain, so good on you buddy.
Hope this evening is a good one, just settling down to watch footie.
All the best
Good Morning
Well Done on the fishing the other night, i take it their was just 3 of you then! OJ lol a huge WELL DONE on 3rd!
I'm laughing again thinking of the swimming pool senario , thank you i need it at the moment
Poor Maisie lol , she must really love her Daddy and as today is your day i hope it is filled with all good things for you
Glad the legs eased a little for you too
Keep Strong your doing just GREAT
Keep the posts coming i look forward to your exploits!
Thank you all for your posts guys and gals, always lovely to hear from you. Hope today is kind for you. Just got back from a car boot sale, love them. I love junk, my dad used to be a bin man and back in those days, as a treat, he'd let me play on the tips with the seagulls. Couldn't do that now, health and safety gone mad. I was like 'Steg of the Dump,' loved it. Bought a camouflage outfit today, ex army, for fishing. Feel dead 'ard and s**y in it. Only problem is I left it in the garden and now I can't find it! (b*m, b*m. Thanks Les Dawson circa 1975, for that classic. Going to another one now, I'm getting to be like Mr. Trebus (nobody will no who I'm referring to over that eccentric character), then I'll go the gym.
I'm not going to bet today, if I did I'd have to give up my junk obsession which would throw me into meltdown. So I'll get through my 73rd day which incidentally is how old my dear, sweet mam is tomorrow. I must go and visit her soon but seeing her in prison is always too emotional for me, still if you go round head butting bingo callers then you're going to do time. Only kidding, she's lovely, kind and sweet, keen on guinness and can burp for England. Everyone loves her and I'm lucky to be her son.
I used to go to GA meetings about 9 years ago, I remember that there were people there who hadn't gambled for years and still attended. I used to arrogantly think 'losers, after all this time you'd think they'd have moved on with their lives and stopped attending.' I realise now that I was an idiot to reason that. I left and quickly returned to gambling whereas they were the dedicated ones, they were in it for the long haul, they truly understood the nature of the illness. Maybe this condition is incurable and we have to keep reaffirming our promises and affirmations. They weren't losers, they were winners. This site for me is my medicine, my mind physio and counselling rolled into one. Will I always need it, who cares, of it keeps me living then I'm not going to denounce it again. I want to be in this for the long haul now. There are bound to be difficult, testing times ahead but if I keep posting, keep remembering what brought me here then I'll be less complacent, ready.
Better go, Steve
Great post steve!
Steve i remember ur 1st post and u wanted to get to 40 days a day at a time and you have put such effort into your recovery and now up to day 73 i would recommend anybody new to read your diary frm start to finish to show how this forum really does work with your sense of humour but also your support to others and great advice you give people and personalise your replys to people which i think is always a good thing.
Glad ur pain easing too your doing great steve a day at a time
Have a vision of you being a member of the ATeam.
Wondered if amongst your junk you have hidden some very thick fake ( of course) gold chains.
Needless to say I will be humming the theme tune all say thanks for that.
When I went to GA one guy had been in recovery for 10 years then had one almighty slip. Lost another business and started again he was in his 6 year this time around. I myself was clean for 5 then crash bang whallop managed to dig myself into a bigger hole than I had been in before.
So I believe my CG membership will be a life long one, regardless of the fact that I do not want it to be.
Does that mean that when I am the age of your dear old mum , I will still be posting , still be in recovery , I bloody well hope so...
But for now I have made a choice not to gamble today and if I continue to make that choice then there is every possibility that I will have put in 25 years of service to this site . Lol
Hope your mum has a good birthday , will be watching out avidly for any programmes about the hoarder next door, should that chap be wearing combat gear , be prepared you will have been rumbled.
Have a great day.
Dusty xxx
Hilarious post once again Steve!
You have a habit of putting a smile on my face and for that I thank you mate!!
Enjoy the car boots.. hope you're not dragging Maisie around again, especially if you're in your combat gear!! 😉
Have a good one!
I, too, love car boot sales although I'm not a keen collector of junk. You never know what to expect when you go to one and this is certainly part of the excitement of browsing around them.
Hi Steve, once again Im laughing my head off at your post, Mr T indeed !! "get some nuts"(snickers) and all that 🙂
Massive congrats on 73 days, way to go friend.
Like a good boot sale, I like rummaging, its the beaver in me.
True inspiration is what you are, and I agree that your diary sets a great example of how to do this, and get it right.
Have a good day mate
Hi Steve, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂
Haha u make me laugh so much, u make alot of ppl here smile and that helps us get thru the tough times. So again thanks Steve 🙂
U r doing brilliant, I hope u r enjoying ur day!
Stay strong and keep going 🙂
hi steve,
thnx for your post!heroes are fighting like greeks!lol
i was in an island near athens watching the game on a big screen and couldnt believe how we took the stop germany...we have to show to madam mergel that we are not the slaves of germany!lol
still bet free 71 days !
take care my friend
Hi Steve
Just saying hello and hope you are having a wonderful holiday?
Ps Halfway through the 40 day challenge, its amazing how 3 weeks has flown by.
Hi Steve, how u doing friend ?
Hope this post finds you in fine fettle and pain free.
Ive had a goodish day, 1 wee blip, but not of the gambling sort !! I let something get to me, and that made me angry and I don't do angry. Apart from that. all good here. No gambling urges or thoughts.
Take it easy buddy, all the best
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