Festina Lente

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That is a good chat up line, hopefully it won't get me beat up or arrested. It's better than the one I've been using lately....'excuse me miss, does this rag smell of chloroform?' Off to the gym now, cycle, weights, swim. Au Revoir mes amis, je suis parle, plus tard. Stephen

Posted : 10th July 2012 12:07 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Steg,

I really hope you can start again in September. I have no doubt that as far as "value added" is concerned... and in that I am talking about the "true" value added, not the cr** the government talk about, is something you really have and will contribute to in many childrens lives.

" life isn't perfect, it's full of ups and downs. Don't take either too seriously, they come, they go, part of life, seasonal, changeable"... thanks for that... I am one of those that need reminding of that. I think all too easily we pile all our problems onto the gambling addiction, and relate all our up and downs to it aswell. But life is like that... what we must remember is we used gambling to forget about life... to lock it outside so that we didn't have to experience it... with all the ups and downs. Gambling gives you control of them to some extent... one knows you are going to experience 20 downs for 1 up... our choice now is for life.. your choice is for life.. as you have stated before.

I raise a glass to you my cyber friend... (any excuse here)... and wish you continued growth and prospects in the new year (term).


Posted : 10th July 2012 6:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Steve,

Thank u 4 ur support on my diary 2nite, it really means alot 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 10th July 2012 9:12 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks 4 your post steve just checked and mayo is playing sligo in the connacht final on sunday so il let you know how use get on but dont worry even if use get beat use will have 1 more chance in the back door system haha

Posted : 11th July 2012 3:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Steve,

Ummmmm...Lets see...........

Where do I start???

Seem to remember a little conversation last week about a shhhhhhhhhhhhhh....certain Mr. Grey.

Now am reading about.....shock..horrer...camp walking past workmen!!!!!!

Bleeding love it......Keep on making everyone smile!!!

Sue x

Posted : 11th July 2012 4:18 pm
Posts: 0

My super hero

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 4:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Steve

How are you? Hope all is going swimmingly well, I am sure it is? Just popped in to say a big thank you for all your help, advice and inspiration, (promise, I wont thank you again), but I do appreciate you, wishing you all the best and more


Posted : 11th July 2012 11:30 pm
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Day 98, week 14 and I'm feeling good. I'm walking like a young Sean Connery, without pain or discomfort. Just dropped Maisie off at school so a bit of shopping then I'll trim the grass. Later I'll go for a swim. Maisie's parents night last night, went well, bought her a Luis Vuitton handbag as a reward, she's put her laptop and crayons in it, such a philistine. One day she'll look back and wince. Couldn't believe it the other night, happily reading in bed about midnight when I felt something on my arm. Only a bloody horsefly, flown in through my window! My days now are surely numbered, they know where I live. I've still got it in a jar, going to keep it as a pet like 'Little Shop of Horrors.' it's lookin at me now buzzing 'feed me.'

Walked past one of my favourite bookies yesterday, like seeing an old lover, a good one, only thought about the good times briefly, had to remind myself of the bad times and how it turned bitter. Bit like horseflies bookies, indiscriminate and they'll bleed you dry. Glad I walked by, be like walking into hell going back in there.

Today I'm not going to gamble, it's a rest day for me so I'm going to chill, fishing later, I've mended my rod and I'm raring to go. It's good that I never win at fishing because whenever I get good at something I stop doing it. Can't work this out, maybe I prefer challenges as opposed to success. I like working towards the top rather than being at it, it's frustrating at times but if that's me then that's me.

Anyway take care everybody peeps, be kind to yourselves, we are what we are, be happy with that, grateful even. Steg

Posted : 12th July 2012 9:22 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post Ste.

Those horseflys have tracked you down now, they have been camping outside your house undercover for days. You must have some tasty blood ste.

I think next time you walk past the bookes you should show them your camp walk and give a little wave or the V's as you go past singing I will survive at the top of your voice.

A louis vitton bag for a good report god what happened to a 10p mix up lol... Well done little maisie.

Keep working your way towards the top Ste. i totally understand what you mean Im a bit like that to, once ive grasped it I get bored quite easily, its just a case of repackaging it differently, I.e Once you get first place in fishing, next time you want to do it quicker, or catch a pink fish instead of a brown one lol.

Keep finding your way towards your top whatever that may be.

Good luck tonight. I predict a riot... or errmmm 3rd place.

Blondie x

Posted : 12th July 2012 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Yo ,

Enjoy your fishing tonight , already picked out the celebrity picture lol

But more importantly , look after you dinkel, do not forget to put on your superman underpants !

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 12th July 2012 11:24 am
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Well this is it, I'm off for the match, the sun is beating down, not a good sign, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I'm wearing my wellies filled with fish from my own pond, hopefully no one will notice. Got my insect repellant, Murray mints, bait and my sun glasses. Can't wait. Have a good night everyone, enjoy the moment and just being what you consider 'yourself.' (your not really who you are, just a bunch of neurons whirling round an ego giving you the feeling of a stream of consciousness, well that's what I think, takes away the responsibility of existing and makes me chuckle at the same time too. Cogito ergo sum. Poppycock. Ciao, Stg

Posted : 12th July 2012 4:37 pm
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Can't win 'em all. Came last I think. The most beautiful sunset though, worth it just for that, Steve.

Posted : 12th July 2012 11:23 pm
Posts: 0


It's not the winning that counts it the taking part.

Think that was said to me once by this fat spotty kid , in the back of my class called Daniel. Looking at me all doey eyed ( he obviously had a crush on me like the rest of the boys in my class..... Not) Never won a thing in his life so how would he know...

Anyways glad you had a great time ,

Maybe it was the kilt, .......

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 13th July 2012 6:21 am
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99 Luftballons

Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

I was dreamin I wrote this

Forgive me if it goes astray

Cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over,

Oops out of time

So tonight Im gonna party like it's nineteen 99

Life's a karaoke, and if you haven't worked out the musical references yet then I'll enlighten you. On Friday 13th of July I reached 99 days gamble free. Yes 99 days. 99 days of not giving away my money, 99 days of not beating myself up (I can afford big Shirley down the road to do that to me now, twice a week, three times when Tony, her fella's on the rigs), 99 days of not wasting time occupied, totally, with gambling, 99 days of living life, free.

Tomorrow I reach the big 100 and I'm going to celebrate by not having a gamble, that's the highest reward I can ever give myself.

Today I stick to my routine, back in the gym, physio, swim. Then I'm going to spend a wedge and buy a new rod, why not? It's my second birthday, everyone should have one. Then Maisie and fun and games. She wants to get fit she said so I think I'll teach her karate, did it for years and years before my injury, it's the only way I know you can beat your kids legally so I'll give it a go, she'll be good at it I think too. She's quite flexible and strong. I still have my punch/kickbag and the stand is still in the garden so I'll hang her on that whilst I demonstrate the ropes. (important notice, child cruelty is wrong and everything above is strictly tongue in cheek).

Anyway Take care all, don't gamble, make the effort to protect yourself and fill the void. If you're doing something else then the chances are you won't gamble. I know it's hard though sometimes. You could do what my mate 'mad Eric' did to cure his urges. He used to gamble all the time until he started carting around a car battery in his backpack, every time he got an urge, no matter how small he gave himself a 5 second electric shock. This went on for weeks until he finally retrained his mind to associate urges with pain and fear. Never gambled again, never even considered it. Went on to work for the government, ironically he died not so long ago playing golf in a thunderstorm, we were all shocked, not just Eric.

Today I will not gamble even if you try to make me. Adieu Steve

Posted : 13th July 2012 9:27 am
Posts: 0

das ist ine cugal schriber... That is a fountain pen lol that’s all I remember from my German classes in school. 😉

So tomorrow you will get a telegram from the queen right?

Dearest STEG,

I would just like to say a massive well done on this auspicious occasion in reaching the big 100, I have been following your story for some days now, I like a bit of a flutter myself on the nags, but ive realized its a mugs game, init geezer !!

I have much admiration for you and I know that this year will not be Horribilus a**s for you now that your gamble free.

Keep up the good work honorable steg, jolly hockey sticks and tally hooooo.

Best wishes



Posted : 13th July 2012 10:43 am
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