99 (virtual) red balloons winging there way to .
I used to hate that song, Karoke should be banned .
No I mean it , might start a campaign . That will keep me busy stop the gambling thoughts.
Think it's great you are teaching Maisie Karate , great for fitness , self discipline , confidence. Plus I think all girls should take some type of self defence training these day .
So good on you , as for 100 days well I can not top your message from the queen lol
Shiny xxxxxxxx
Well done Mr Steg.
Hope things are good today and you find time to treat yourself to excesses of cake.
100 days today and I'm made up. In that time I've had to say 'no' to myself and protect myself on plenty of occasions and I'm glad I did. I've changed my habits and I've changed my life, sounds dramatic but it's true.
Everything is good especially physically. I touched my toes yesterday, I can bend again. I can walk without pain and with full movement. I even ran away from Maisie yesterday at a hack canter, she shouted 'oi peg leg wait for me,' no chance, I had the sweets. Even swam a width front crawl, couldn't swim a single strike of that, the pain was too much. Made up, really am, miracle. Feels like I've got a new body after 3 years of frustration and misery. Mentally, this is a Godsend.
Maisie's watching the telly at the mo' with one of her friends. Afterwards we'll go somewhere, not raining for a change so plenty of options. She's with her nan at 1 so I can recharge the old batteries then.
Been asked to do another painting, I know I said I wasn't going to take on any other commissions this year but it's an easy job. Modern art, phooey! Went round to her house yesterday to see where she wants it to hang. Colour schemes, size etc. modern art is the easiest bullsh*t in the world to be honest. You sell it more through patter than technique. A while ago, a client wanted two works for his second home in France, in the style of Paul Klee, I did one, Maisie did most of the other whilst we watched Balamory. He loved them, paid really well, it's all nonesense to me. It's not art unless it appears unnatainable. I'll do it this afternoon, it'll take less than an hour. Can't let Maisie get involved this time, this one's not as easy as a Klee and besides she's at the age now where she's beginning to think too much. Thoughts only get in the way, they scream for reassurance, best leave thoughts out of the old noggin and work on alpha waves only. The brush strokes then appear confident, effortless, easy on the eye.
Well, I'm going to love you and leave you all, have a nice day. If you see a fella whistling, smiling and skipping down the street then that's me. It wouldn't have been me 100 days ago but it's amazing what you can achieve in a measly 2400 hours.
Bye for now Steg
Lovely, lovely post and a huge well done on a majestic 100 days!
It just goes to show how our lives can change when we don't gamble for a long period of time.
Keep remembering those dark days (just the one or two, perhaps) and this will ensure that you won't ever go down that horrible route ever again.
Onwards and upwards, now for 200!
Have a great day.
Hi Steve,
100 days!
Well done, u should be sooo proud of urself. U have stayed strong and 100 days is a gr8 achievement 🙂
Thanks 4 making us laugh and smile along the way 🙂
Have a gr8 time with Maisie 🙂
Decided to split the painting up into 3 big canvases rather than one huge one. One down two to go. Times like this I'm glad I'm not married and single, music on loud, house stinking of turps and oil paint, standing at a mabef easel, bliss. Freedom, can't beat that, no spilt paint or turps yet but it's bound to happen, always does. My last carpet looked like it belonged to Jackson Pollack. Trying my best to keep tidy but against my nature.
The good thing about modern art is that you can dance as you paint and allow yourself not to concentrate. Working at a big easel allows you to do this, best dance I've had in ages. Might get tiddly tonight and have a takeaway to celebrate today, we'll see.
Just spilt dirty turps over cream carpet, spoke too soon I'm afraid
You sound like your having great fun stegg . Enjoy it , dancing and painting, now I paint fight would be ideal now might add a bit to the picture. Enjoy your day and congrats again on the 100 days. Have you seen the new craze on u tube paint pouring with acrylic paint ? Enjoy you day blondie x
Cheers Steg, a little stiff.. but it ws worth it.
It does sound like you are having fun... I may join you this evening with a couple of well timed SC's. I will raise a glass and toast you and your century.... you could upload a pic of your painting for us to see?
Have a continuously fun day.
Steve im delighted 4 you on the 100 days you deserve it so much mate and also to hear your able to touch your toes again its just brillant you said its a miracle maybe it is.
Your commitment to your recovery from your gambling addiction and from your physical injury is insipiring to say the least.
As our 2 footballs clubs say Youll never walk alone
Enjoy your take away haha
Hi Steg,
Congrats on the 100 days......All I keep hearing on radio and news nowadays is about the awesome mr. grey.......Me thinks news nowadays should be about the awesome Mr. Steg!
Sue x
Today it wasn't easy but I didn't gamble......
I was going to join you but I am filling up with a cold.. and feel like S***e.
Your paintings are good, esp the animals... the Gorilla and the chimp... you get their eyes.
But my fav one is the bleak blocks of flats, with the mother and child and the cyclist ( motor-cyclist?). Reminds me of Athony Browne... writes kids books. ... with a lot of Gorillas too.
TWas watching a programme on David Hockney recently, and he was painting a country lane not unlike the 2 you have shown me.
Anyway, thanks for sharing them... look forward to seeing more sometime.
Have a good night... don't forget it's Carboot morning.. or just carry on and dance the night away.
A Doubler occurred
Day 101, and I'm putting gambling, just for today into room 101. My next target date is 132 days which will be roughly 1/3 of a year, love fractions. Probably down to horse racing. Going car booting now, not raining, then off to the gym. No fishing tonight, got a hospital appointment first thing tomorrow, besides it's freezing.
Since this government got in they've ruined and interfered with everything, even the weather. Whoops, keep politics and religion out of posts, I'll delete this later.
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