Festina Lente

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Good Morning Steve,

A belated WELL DONE on your 100 days , go Steve, go Steve lol lol

Huge achievement and one so well deserved for your commitment to remain bet free and also in your physical improvements!

Good to see the pain is easing and i hope the hospital appointment goes well tomorrow 😉

Boot sales, i've been thinking of doing one, never done one but got soooo much stuff that needs to go and could do with some dosh lol lol

Not sure if standing there in designer clothes , high heels , made up to the nines and looking uber glam is right but hey maybe the punters will buy more ! only joking wellies and a raincoat is prob more apt!

Enjoy your day Steve!

Smiling Lucy 🙂

Posted : 15th July 2012 8:43 am
Posts: 0


I will join Lucy in congratulating you on reaching 100 days. I remain 3 days behind you and I hope that forever remains the case. When I first logged on there was a girl posting she was one day ahead. I fear now she has returned to gambling as no posts for weeks now! I guess that means I am tagging on to your tail now and being pulled through the days. Sure you don't mind though!

Room 101 brilliant show well actually a bit hit and miss but some epic episodes. Not sure if you ever caught it but best one I ever saw was Spike Milligan. He tried to put his own house in. Awesome!

Anyway, seems like a busy Sunday you have ahead. I think I referred to your first ever post before but seriously you have made remarkable progress. Hats off to you!


Posted : 15th July 2012 9:46 am
Posts: 0
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Back from the boot sale, more junk bought. Drove past 'Strawberry fields' and John Lennon/ Paul McCartney's old houses. IMAGINE there's no gambling, it's easy if you try. All you need is love, just 'Get Back' to the way you was before gambling took over. Don't be a ''Fool on the Hill' and end up back on that sh*tty 'Helter Skelter.' which will make you 'Cry Baby Cry'. Just do 'Something' else instead and if you can't be arsed then just 'Let it be' 'Because' everything will eventually 'Come Together' with 'A Little Help From my Friends.' and on that note I'd better go and sweat.

'P.S. I Love You'

Steve Starr

Posted : 15th July 2012 10:54 am
Posts: 0

Lucy in the sky with diamonds!

Well diamontes now as can't afford diamonds cause i gambled it all !

Lol lol

Posted : 15th July 2012 10:57 am
Posts: 0
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Good day today, not an inkling of temptation. Looking forward to the hospital tomorrow. Going to do a forward role through the door. All the best, Steve

Posted : 15th July 2012 4:02 pm
Posts: 0

Vidi printer alert

mayo getting beat by 2 points at half time by 2 points

Final score

mayo win by 2 points with the wind on there backs in the second half.

Mayo now in the all ireland quarter final probably in 3 or 4 weeks il keep you updated steve haha

Posted : 15th July 2012 8:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Posted : 15th July 2012 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

Good morning,

Just a quicky to say hope your appointment goes well today.

Loving the pictures,

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 9:25 am
Posts: 0

I Like your post yesterday ste, so i just wanted to send this from me to you. I hope it goes well at the hospital today I want to hold your hand while you do that rollover beethovan but i know you will be ok.

The doctors will be Glad all over when they see what progress your have made and they know about your eight days a week training programme.

Enjoy your day.

Hello Goodbye

Blondie x

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:13 am
Posts: 0
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Hospital went really well. Hopefully this mobility will last. Off to the gym and pool. Hope everyone is ok and not tempted by gambling.

Keep strong

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:49 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

This is for me kin, back in the old country...

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:57 am
Posts: 0


Gosh that was early appiontment , looked like you got seen quicky , what a great start to your week.

So that I do not feel left out ,

Just wanted to say IMAGINE what life would be like if we stopped gambling , We would have enough money to lay a coins down the length of PENNY LANE .

Sosssss best I could come up with .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ps please note we do not need to imagine cause we made that dream a reality . Well done to us !

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:58 am
Posts: 298

Hi Steg,

I am glad that you seem to be over the worst now, and you deserve a clap for what you have achieved. Your day to daly ritual of exercise etc can only benefit your recovery. In a roundabout way you seem to draw strength from the things that others would probably give in to. With Blondie, Rach, Shiny and you and I supporting each other, I am sure that we can win the battle.

Google is your friend?

Put in Bold to make it easier.. song titles not lyrics

NEW GAME: ? For the week.

Not just Beatles songs... any from any group/singer. Game is to identify the group/singer... with no bold clues either. Minimum 5 songs.

Done mine... its up there... sounds a little contrived.


ps Added some music to the post before your " Gallery" so that people can fully enjoy the experience ;O)

Posted : 16th July 2012 1:32 pm
Posts: 0

YES ! YES! YES! and thats not an impression of when harry met sally. 🙂

Blondie x

Posted : 16th July 2012 3:03 pm
Posts: 298

Blondie Wins !

Just listening to "To Be Over".. one of my favourite YES songs.

So Blondie your turn... best if we post on our own threads...

Unlucky Steg... Youtube is also your friend.


Posted : 16th July 2012 3:05 pm
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