'this could be heaven or this could be Hell,'
Hotel California... The Eagles:
Mine used a few James Taylor songs.... good chillout music for me JT.
Might make the next puzzle a little more challenging... no googling or youtubing allowed.
Here's my leg. Now you can see why I hate Horseflies, I think I react badly to them. This is what happens if you spend your life indoors gambling. Your body becomes sanitised to nature and goes into shock at the merest intrusion. I'm going to go for my first jog now for 17 months (taking a leaf out of Flagg and NT's book). If I don't post again it's because I've dropped down dead at the sight of a kestral or gone into amphalytic shock over brushing past a nettle. Night all, sleep tight, watch the Horseflies don't bite.
Steve Nobett (Ovett)
OUCH! Steg, that looks like a horse was attached to the fly when it bit you. ?
Hope the running went ok, just imagine a big swarm of horsefiles are chasing you that should get you doing a 3 min mile very soon. lol.
Sorry about the little challange jon set, im not competative one bit.. but I kicked your a**, ner ner na ner ner... lol
Blondie x
Morning all, off out now, keep this short and sweet. Day 103, will I gamble today? No. Why? Because it ruins lives, fills you with false hope and despair, it prevents you from facing your responsibilities, making you less of a man. It encourages greed, dishonesty and selfishness. It weakens you financially, mentally and emotionally. It depresses you, tricks you, hurts the ones you love. It's a mirage leading you into the fiery bowels of a lonely desert.
Instead what effort I can muster I shall focus on other, more positive things. I will resist any urge and fill that void.
Will I gamble today? No. My mind is now focused.
Must fly, Steve Kent.
Hi Steve
Like that statement, "what effort I can muster...". That is really all we can do, until we develop new habits, just keeping trying to break through into the things we know we should do, but just don't, as long as we keep them in focus on a daily basis, at some point in time, things will begin to move. Keep trucking along,
Big thanks for the post in the wee small hours! Feel part of an elite group now Ive hit the hot 100! Actually in all seriousness both on here and at GA the success rate of people managing to abstain from gambling is worryingly low and in some ways we should be immensely proud of what we are achieving! I often refer back to your first post but I see much of myself there and at first glance I don't think either of us looked top candidates to reach the 100! Often it's the actions more than the words that matter and we seem to have all the right moves!
Speaking of moves if you are going to try the running again I strongly suggest wearing tracksuit, leggings, tights whatever it takes cos that's one hell of a red leg!!
Hope you have a good day, your post this morning was brilliant one I'd have been happy writing myself the great thing about it is you have spent the last 103 days backing up what you write! No greater inspiration than that!
Hi Steve, thank u 4 ur continued support on my diary. It means alot 🙂
I'm glad ur hospital appt went well yesterday. U r doing brilliant, thanks again 4 making me smile with ur posts 🙂
I hope the running goes well!
Have a gr8 day 🙂
Hi Steve
Big congrats on 100 and beyond so pleased for u with all the effort and hard work u av put in , would av to agree with Flagg I look at ur opening post and where u were then hoping and wondering if u could do this , well Steve u av my 1st post said to u to do a month then another and another , well u can now stick another one on top of that as well
It's great that we can share our achievements together and appreciate how hard it really is and what's really great we av all helped and supported each other along the way throug the good times and the hard ones to
And it is so pleasing now to be able to look in that mirror and start to be proud of who we are
Take care
Everything in moderation....
hi steve!big well done for your 100 days! i know that a man with that sense of humor wont gamble again in his life!you are a winner!
take care and many greedings from athens!
sooooo these concrete boots then... How does one go about arranging them like ?
Glad the running went well, I always come back wetter and muddier than woody when im out with him, puddle splashing is mandatory.
Was reading your post to castle and my heart melted a bit, its so lovely to see it jump out of the pages the realationship you have with maise its the simple pleasures in life that she will remember its not about stuff, although she will love the designer handbags when shes older, its getting to spend some quality fun happy times with her dad.
Loving the piccys 🙂
Blondie x
Shall I shan't I
Shall I shan't I
Shall I shan't I
Oh sod it I will.
Just stole your 500 post from right under you nose.
Maybe you hands were other wise occupied .
Painting of course .
Shiny xxxxxxx
Good Morning Steve,
Well it was good till i saw a picture of a very angry looking leg lol lol
No breakfast for me then!
Well Steve, you continue to remain strong and even managing a jog/run , wow that is brilliant, your resolve to fight both of your afflictions is amazing Steve, you really are doing this and with the humour to make us all laugh even in tough times helps loads 😉
So Steve i hope the day goes well as i'm sure it will 😉
Keep Strong Steve you are doing great
Smiling , slightly leg phobic Lucy 😉
Dey 104 and Steve's still inna hoose. Me mam's been on the blower and warned me about my last picture, she said that it was offensive and brought shame to our good family name. Don't know who snitched on me but I think it was that poster 'Nurse Ratched,' (One flew over the Cuckoo's nest).
So from now on I'm on my bestest behaviour.
No exercise today, rest day yippee. Good cos i feel knackered. Been out shopping this morn, nice. just cooking a three egg omlette now with all the trimmings, hank marvin. Go to the library later then Maisie time, whoppee, seems like ages.
It all sounds so normal, dull even. Just the way I like it. Will I be having a sneaky bet? On your way Riley. That type of excitement I don't need. Besides there's nothing more boring than a gambler. Take care everyone
Me mam x......
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