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So I've finally and with some relief have hit rock bottom.. sounds crazy but now I can get help and start recovering.

I manages 2 weeks without gambling and I felt good and back in control,   until pay day... the usual thought I could just spend 10.00.. didn't even deposit till after lunch (usually its first thing)  and it's spiralled again.. the panic. Trying to win back 100.00 and losing 400.00  stayed up till 5 this morning (not done that for a while) frantically trying to get my money back.. no chance.. I've stopped myself gambling the lot.. but i now feel awful.. overtired.. anxious and low.. been here before  but this time feels different.   DAY 1.. female , 53, happily married,  2 grown children, gambling addiction started during lockdown  and gradually got worse.   I'm ready for my life back.  

Posted : 30th June 2024 3:03 pm
Posts: 549

Welcome to the forum. You’ve come to the right place. Take some time to read everything on here and take all the advice you can. Put blocks in place, Gamban, GamStop, bank blocks. It will feel liberating. Be honest with yourself and start a diary. It’s something to look back on when you are tempted to gamble. I look back at mine and it makes me feel sick. Puts me right off gambling instantly!

There is loads of help available here. Lots of success stories to inspire you. One day at a time is all you need to do. 

All the best in moving away from this. Stay strong 💪 

Posted : 30th June 2024 3:25 pm
Posts: 45
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Thankyou for taking the time to reply,  I've been following Yr journey well done!  😊 

I've finally had enough it's now effecting my mental health,  how I felt not gambing for 2 weeks is how I want to feel all the time 

Posted : 30th June 2024 3:52 pm
Posts: 185

@lrw50 hi, well done for posting on here. 

Put all the blocks in place and grab hold of at much support as you can. Do not leave any door open - double / triple bolt them! If you had won some money back, the chances are it would have all gone back again!! 

I too hit rock bottom last July - I took out debt in my husband’s name (tens of thousands of pounds) without him knowing! I was going to be faced with 4 loan payments and 2 credit card payments totally around £1500 that I physically couldn’t pay and he was going to find out!!! 

My determination and motivation is that I never ever want to feel the way it made me feel ever again! 

340 days gamble free today!! Take each day at a time and be kind to yourself.

Claire x

Posted : 30th June 2024 6:59 pm
Posts: 45
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Hi Claire

Well done ! That's amazing please god I can say the same.. I've got into debt and ruined my credit score all in 4 years! I'm tired of juggling money so no one finds outs I'm gambling ( hubby knows and very supportive), but not about this weekend.  I'm just tired of it..its fun for the first 20 mins if that.. 

Was your husband supportive ? It's an awful awful feeling isn't it? Like your trapped 

Posted : 30th June 2024 7:34 pm
Posts: 59

@lrw50 Hello. The guys above gave you straightforward and very helpful recommendations that I can even say are crucial for your success in staying away from gambling. All I can add is to love yourself and forgive yourself for gambling in the past. Also, find a little space for regular reflections on your experience. I can't give any certified advice because I'm only 10 days gf, but I wish you all the best and wish you to stay strong. You will succeed!

Posted : 30th June 2024 8:30 pm
Posts: 185

@lrw50 yes he was but understandably worried. The debt is huge! 

This time round I’ve told more people, it’s such a refreshing feeling being able to talk  openly about gambling and how it makes me feel.

If you told your husband about this weekend, how do you think he’ll be? Lapses are part of the learning journey and recovery, so don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself, let go of the guilt and don’t think about the losses. Any negative feelings towards yourself will only drive you back to gambling. The evil demons want you to feel worthless. 

It does get easier I promise, you’ll think less and less about it, but you have to do the work. Could your husband take over financial control? My husband does now so he can see everything that goes on. 

Keep coming on here and write down anything and everything. You’re not alone x


Posted : 30th June 2024 9:22 pm
Posts: 649

Hi there.

You were one of the few people I first spoke to on here when I stopped gambling 90 days ago.  We said we would both check in on our first payday after last gambling. I can only say that as I have continued to remain g.f, everything feels so much better and life is just so much calmer, less stressful and more fulfilling👌. Get those essential blocks in place as mentioned above and you too will quickly start to reap the benefits of a g.f lifestyle. 

I wish you health and strength and look forward to joining you on your journey.

Take care and be kind to yourself 🙏.

Pink Lady🩷🍎.

Posted : 30th June 2024 10:02 pm
Posts: 406

I had many of those relapses in my early days made many mistakes on the way since learning about the addiction i have improved, blocks handing over finances are very important has it makes it more difficult to relapse, i spoke to few guys in Ga with 10+ years gamble free each of them have been very extreme in their approach blocks handing over finances and having small amount cash, they come every week to Ga usually 3 meeting a week one of the guys has 29 years gamble free experience and attends 5 meetings a week and when he missed one he contact the group via wassaup, for some it might be extreme however his record speaks for itself, at the time i didnt take my recovery has seriously its a life long illness and all it takes is one bet

Posted : 1st July 2024 2:18 am
Posts: 45
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Recently beeb payday and paid all my bills in full and on time,  I haven't fully quit but I'm getting there and this time didn't blow all my salary and had 500 left to transfer to hubby for holiday spends,  off to portugal with the family and soooo looking forward to 7 days not gambling and hopefully breaking the cycle 

Posted : 4th August 2024 12:23 pm
Posts: 649

@lrw50 Lovely to read and enjoy your holiday. 😎🌞.

Stay strong and committed and trust me, your “paydays” will just keep getting better.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 5th August 2024 9:31 am
Posts: 45
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Thank you 🙂 

Posted : 20th August 2024 4:46 pm
Posts: 45
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Well after quite a few blips I've gone the longest time without gambling a penny , granted only 2 half weeks but I'm on my way ... so why do I feel worse than when gambling.. I've felt low and sick to the stomach with anxiety. Is this normal in the early days of recovery?

Posted : 13th October 2024 9:23 pm
Posts: 649

@lrw50 Hi there.  Nice to hear from you again 🙂.  This is very normal indeed.  Firstly, your gambling has probably been such a habit and now that it has gone, naturally, you will miss it at first and no doubt feel down for lots of other reasons, i.e, if you have lost more money? Your emotions will no doubt also be unsettled, which then brings about anxiety and low mood.

Please be proud of yourself if this is the longest you have gone g.f 👏👏👏👏. If it helps, read my diary.  I know we first chatted to each other on here, after we had both spent our pay salary virtually.  For me, this was over 6months ago.  The changes that have come about from being g.f since then and the changes in my frame of mind have been ten fold.

Stay strong and committed and believe you me, things will most definitely start to feel better, sooner than you think.

Rooting for you.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.


Posted : 13th October 2024 9:38 pm
Posts: 45
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Hi Pink Lady 🙂

Yes I read your diary regularly , you've have done amazing and helping so many others ❤️

I think that's it.. the thought of gambling and all the stress that comes with it makes me feel anxious with fear .  My days were filled with thoughts of gambling, actually gambling or trying to cover my tracks..  I've been ill the last fews days so that hasn't helped.. I was trying not to post until I reached the month mark , god knows why lol.. but struggling a bit mentally,  but I know this will fade.  On a positive I'm also really proud 🙂  thank you so much x

Posted : 13th October 2024 9:46 pm
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