thanks, SA always good to hear from you!
I'm doing OK, just quite tired from working more hours than I can currently cope easily with. It is what it is and should ease off soon.
Hiya... and thanks for your recent support.
I find it's always hard to find a balance when it comes to work. The need for money and but also the need for stable mental health.
Take care, S.A x
I have some time off and I've fallen apart, a little bit. I'm having so much fear, anxiety and guilt going around inside of me.
I'm just trying to record my thoughts, to have some sort of record of them. I've got a lot of fear inside me but when I was sitting thinking about it, I managed to think in a way that felt a bit lighter and more helpful.
I was thinking about how there's actually nothing another person can do, to make it better and take away this fear. It's existential. I had it when I was in my last relationship of any length. I had an appointment that I was scared about. I sat in the chairs in the waiting room, with my then partner and felt scared. I noticed that it made no difference that he was there. It actually made it a little bit worse. Because I could see he was scared. In that moment, I felt angry that he wasn't being strong enough for me. I wanted to look at him and feel safe. Do you know what, though? I couldn't have been that strong for him. So if he was bad, I was bad. We can't ever guarantee that another person will be able to be there for us, at any given moment. We can't guarantee that for anyone else, either.Â
A similar thing happened when I had a turn at A and E, when I was splitting up with my husband. I was really scared and none of the medics would comfort me. I know they were busy, again, I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong. I just wanted someone to hold my hand and tell me it was going to be OK. No matter how many friends, family or partners we have in our life - we might still end up alone and scared.Â
Maybe this is why I ruminate on it. There is no solution. No magic wand. No fix. A lot of people end up this way.Â
I noticed I felt happier, when I was busier. I think a lot of people find themselves in this position. It's sitting alone, with the fear, that is hardest. Maybe the answer is facing it. Living with it and sometimes forgetting to notice it. Like the ticking of a clock in a room.Â
Wow, been feeling some deep things, the past few days. Just read that last post back.
I'm alright now. It'll be down again soon, no doubt - then up again. Such is life.
Freda i hope this doesnt come across as condescending.Â
But here goes, the way you worked through how you felt on the 10th is really strong and i admire how you worked your way through each point and really thought about your thought processes and steps to alter it or get yourself into a better frame of mind i find extremely strong from you. To see it from someone else`s perspective and that they may have been vulnerable too shows great maturity and care for others.
I believe in karma, and have no doubt you will get your reward, what a fantastic, caring person you really are, seriously well done.
Awww, lidsy! Thanks, mate.Â
I love myself very much. It took 44 years to get here but I do. I've shifted so much over the past week or so, it's like I've lived a miniature lifetime. My trust in myself has been restored. I was influenced by an extremely manipulative, cold, heartless person, who had me doubting my own knowing and wisdom - as well as doubting my basic value. Never again. To expose myself to such disrespect, is a waste of life-force. It's anti-life.
I've been to Glastonbury and back, this week. Was like a cheese dream. Mental. A lot of healing was done, though. I feel like I can access my heart again and can be effective and of service. So grateful!
Good to hear you are on the up!!
You rock Freda.
Cheers Lids,
Appreciate the big up. Will try get into chat tomorrow, just been a busy bee.
Just posting about my feelings and an experience that shook me up a bit.
It just reminded me of my tendency to find anything that feels good, addictive.
I had a snog on Friday night. It was so nice. I didn't initiate it and wouldn't have, as the guy had a girlfriend. I don't feel guilty, it was him who crossed the line. It was really enjoyable though - but do you know what I noticed? it wasn't worth it. It left me wanting more. There's no way I'd go there again because it's wrong. I don't mess around with people who aren't single. So it just caused a lot of frustration in me. It made me feel a bit sad, as well. Instead of being able to enjoy something with someone, see if they wanted to do it again - a selfish man kissed me, it was really flipping good but I can't have any more. Even if he split up with his girlfriend, I wouldn't want to go near him because he can't be trusted. I know this is magical thinking and I can't have reality bent to suit my wants, but I want all of the great kissers to be single and faithful, so I don't have to be in this position! The great kissers should not be bad people! It makes everything harder and more frustrating!
Having said that, maybe it's better to have all the signs explicit, that I must not attach to this man. I can always think of it that way. Saves a lot of time and energy. I miss affection. He wanted to stroke my hair and my back, which was strange in that scenario. He wanted to be affectionate, it wasn't about you-know-what. It was unusual and very confusing. I thinks that's probably what made it feel so good. But no more. Not with him.
There, that's my little rant. I will forget all about it and move on with my life but it stirred up feelings in me that are annoying to have stirred up. I've dealt with it the only way I can. Doing whatever I want, in my imagination, until it leaves my system.
I hate being reminded how sensitive my attachment systems are. It feels vulnerable and scary.Â
I'm struggling quite a lot, emotionally, atm but I wanted to write a post about the progress I have made and the wounds I have healed. This helps me when I feel bogged down with what I HAVEN'T healed/overcome yet.Â
I don't have to have mastered everything. Progress is OK.
1) I have more control over reacting in anger, now. The best control I've had, in my life.Â
2) I'm more trusting of myself, that it's OK to feel angry about things.
3) I feel less responsible for people and distance from them, when I need to, without feeling shame or guilt. There's a woman at the workplace I'm leaving, who has cancer. She is only early 50's and lives alone. A lovely person, who deserves to have support around her. I feel like this is a scary thing to be facing and I want to be supportive of her - but I'm struggling with too much of my own stuff. I forgive myself for not being in contact with her, more.
4) I'm getting more confident at disregarding the judgements of other people. I used to hang around in "woke" circles and have increasingly felt it's getting a bit silly. People accuse you of all kinds of phobias trans, h**o etc. from the slightest imperfectly worded comment. If you don't agree with the wokest attitudes, you're a fasci**. It's immature and silly. They presume the worst of you and judge and shame. Can't be bothered to engage with those people anymore. I trust myself, that it's not me, it's them.
5) I communicate really well with people and it's improved my relationships. I have found ways of saying that I am overwhelmed with my own stuff right now and that I'm sorry I can't be there for them. There is a lot of struggle and suffering out there and I can't support everyone through it.
6) I'm more accepting of my flaws but more discerning with who I talk to, about them. I've been processing how my ex best mate would treat me and speak to me and it was not respectful or kind. She was harsh toward me, while doing worse herself but concealing her stuff. That's so mean and low down.
7) I have compassion for how strong my emotions are. It's really difficult to manage. I feel the appropriate emotions but they stay with me for hours, sometimes a day or more.
8) I've lost weight and since I was overweight, this has helped me feel better and have more energy/feel less tired.
9) I've learned to take responsibility for myself in lots more ways. I'm financially responsible. I save money and maintain a safety net. It helps me to not spiral into despair, if I have to leave a job, due to my mental health.
10) I do things that are good for my soul, like singing in a group. These provide me with feelings of joy.
I gambled on Tuesday. A really stupid thing, was the trigger.
I saw a video on social media of a man who had bought his own fruit machine, for his home. He wanted to show what a rip off they were and how much money you had to put in, to win. Problem was, I started reading the comments and there were people saying they knew people who play them for a living and know how to make money from them. How to hack them. I stupidly started looking up these hacks - spoiler alert - they don't work, surprise surprise!Â
I don't know why I got sucked in, by this. Afterwards, I thought - what if these tricks HAD seemed to work? That would be terrible, as I'd get sucked back in to playing them a lot.Â
Anyway, I discovered I still struggle to walk away without a win. I play more than I intend to, yada yada. I walked away without a financial loss but will not be going back. Maybe there are people out there who do know the tips and tricks to make money - either way, I'm not going to find that info on the internet. Daft that I even briefly thought I would.
It is what it is.
Hi fredaxxxx
Maybe now youve hit 250 pages of this autobiography of a lovely lady gamcare can print it and put it in waterstones !!!!
c u on chat soon xx
Aww, adam your kind nature is balm for the heart. Thank you xx
Hi Freda,
Sorry to hear you’re a little below par tonight and hope you ascend a little to rise a little above it 🙂Â
Wishing you well.
Thanks, guys
I'm really low at the moment. Struggling with my mental health, massively.
I feel shaky and I'm not sleeping well. I want to hide in my house and garden today but I have work. I just want to cry and cry.
Affected by gambling?
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