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Hi Pelle,

Thanks for your supportive post on my diary the other day.

Like you and NT, I too saw the yellow banners in the bookies windows 'promoting' gambleawareness. I too have made my point of view about this on my thread.

Keep strong my friend

All the best


Posted : 26th January 2015 12:12 am
Posts: 899
Topic starter

Week 6: no gambling this week (42 days clean).

I am feeling a lot more relaxed as a person, certainly compared to where I was six weeks ago when I was still trapped and at the mercy of my addiction. Even though I still have enormous debts, they will gradually diminish. I couldn't pay off much this month, but at least my tax bill is paid. I managed to scrape enough money together in the end, but it has left me with precious little between now and payday. Still, it should last - you start to realise how far you can make money stretch when you are not stuck in the gambling mindset. I used to think nothing of staking ВЈ1k on a single betting event and anything less than £100 wasn't worth betting with. Bonkers.

I haven't had any urges this week and have, instead, taken pleasure from more mundane tasks such as a bit of DIY and sorting through clothes to take to charity shops. I am going to the cinema tomorrow to celebrate seeing out the first month of 2015 without betting.

Good luck everyone.

Posted : 31st January 2015 8:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi guys. I'm new here but I need to share this my gbling addiction has only been broken through the power of Jesus Christ the son of God Before i became a Christian I was prefuse ROULETTE ROULETTE AND SLOTS I got free Then last year as a Christian I fell back into it , again I lost 1000,s but my only!! Way out was jesus , praying to him And wise Council

There are many good preaches on YouTube on gambaling that I listened to and still went back and gambled But I'm free and came across this forum And I feel for everybody struggling God loves you all and can help you how he helped me Please don't hesitate to respond I can show you guys some great resources And tell you how only through jesus I got free and how you can too

Posted : 31st January 2015 9:46 pm
Posts: 899
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45 days clean and looking forward to hitting my half century on Sunday.

I am feeling better and am keeping any urges at bay. There have been a few moments where I have been feeling fed up recently - mainly about my job - and have thought about gambling. However, the blocks are firmly in place so no chance. I also have next to no money until payday. Anyway, it got me thinking why low points in my life often seem to lead to gambling - all I can say is that I have used gambling as an escape mechanism - I use gambling to escape misery and frustration, but all it does is make things much worse and compound my misery. I don't want to return to the self-loathing, the stress, and the catastrophic consequences that only gambling can bring.

Roll on Day 50.

Posted : 3rd February 2015 6:30 pm
Posts: 0

I agree totally with your last post pellakin you could be writing for me. Good Luck to your continued recovery.

Posted : 3rd February 2015 7:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle,

Thanks for your supportive post on my diary the other day.

Well done on 46 days mate....roll on the big FIVE-OH!!

Keep positive and keep that focus. Your self worth will slowly rebuild and gradually the strength of recovery will come shining through.

All the best


Posted : 4th February 2015 5:23 pm
Posts: 899
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Week 7: no gambling this week (49 days clean).

I found out this week that I have been granted a 2% pay rise at work - not much, but better than nothing. I didn't even bother telling my wife because she won't benefit from it - all my disposable income will be thrown at my credit cards each month for the rest of the year and beyond.

I saw in the news that Tony McCoy has announced his retirement from horse racing - great - he was always my favourite jockey, but his retirement has given me another good reason for turning my back on horse racing for good. As for football, I haven't purposefully looked at the results for weeks. I simply cannot afford the risk.

I celebrated being seven weeks clean with a trip to the car wash with my son - he loves it - but last time we went there (on 20th December 2014) I was deep in the gambling groove and was betting on my phone all day until all my lines of credit were maxed-out. I am still heavily in debt, but at least I am giving more attention and care to those around me.

Posted : 7th February 2015 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle,

Thank you very much for dropping in on my diary again with your support.

Well done on reaching 50 days bet-free. A fantastic reward for making that all important change.

Keep strong and keep posting when you can....

All the best


Posted : 8th February 2015 10:44 pm
Posts: 899
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I celebrated yesterday's half century with a t-bone steak and a glass of fine red wine.

My next target is 18th February, which will see me reach Day 60. It is also Ash Wednesday - the first day of Lent - which consists of 40 days (excluding Sundays). I shall hit Day 100 on 20th March. This will be the first major milestone in my recovery. I remember last time I got this far - 100 days was the platform from which I went on to complete 400 days of gamble-free existence. I was happier, my debts were almost gone, and I didn't give gambling a second thought. But I got complacent. I got too comfortable. I thought - I can control my gambling now. But I couldn't - I managed a month of "controlled gambling" before my house of cards came tumbling down and I crashed out.

The time has come to rewrite the history books. Total abstinence is my goal. I need to reprogram my brain. I need to become addicted to my recovery. I need to become the person I want to be. Day by day. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Posted : 9th February 2015 5:49 am
Posts: 4422


50days is a great platform to continue building your continued abstinence upon.

my friend recovery gifts a solid foundation to build the life you want upon it.

gambling for us does indeed build a house of cards to live our life upon,one swipe of the hand that we believe feeds us and what's left?

You did win because You did stop.

my advice simple.

Enjoy it!!!!

abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 9th February 2015 8:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle,

Thanks for your post on my diary, glad you liked the Mayo jar and 2 beers story.

It is inspirational isn't it.

As is your last post. Glad to hear that positivity in your voice, and the focus that comes with it. Time to start shaping that long road to recovery and total abstinence eh.

You can do it mate. Gambling is for mugs you know. Not us. Make that change for the better.

Keep strong


Posted : 10th February 2015 5:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle,

Thanks for your post on my diary. Made a lot of sense.

Glad to hear you on a positive vibe.

Look after your golf balls mate.

The rest is just sand......

Keep strong


Posted : 11th February 2015 12:51 pm
Posts: 899
Topic starter

Week 8: no gambling this week (56 days clean).

I have been busy all week and am neglecting numerous household chores to write this short post. Still, I am gamble-free and that is all that matters. My finances are still very tight and I have had to make savings left, right and centre. My wife annoyed me by using our car all week for her work but left me to fill up the empty petrol tank. I wouldn't have cared so much were I not broke and saddled with over 16k of gambling debts. Anyway, it is payday on Friday and I need to use my money wisely. I need to strike the right balance between destroying my debts and living a life that is not that of a wretched pauper. I also need to draw up a revised debt repayment spreadsheet - I just cannot face it at the moment.

Posted : 14th February 2015 9:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle,

Finding that balance is a tough one, twice I've paid off debt mountains just to rebuild them again, and each time its been a case of enjoying the small luxuries while making sure that the debt gets the majority of available funds. I've also used overtime and freelance money when I needed a pick me up, and made sure the debt got the chunk of my salary.

Well done on passing by the fifty day milestone, there's plenty more coming in the distance, just keep those legs moving and you'll get there soon enough.


Posted : 16th February 2015 2:23 am
Posts: 0

Hi Pelle.

Well done on 58 days.

Gambling debts can feel very daunting if we feel they are leaving us on a very tight budget.

I have now reduced my long term debts for the 2nd time to a very small monthly payment, one I can afford and still have enough money left to live on, knowing I am in control,of my debt and that it is not breaking my budget, makes it so much less daunting and manageable, and this helps keep me even more positive with my recovery.

Stay strong and positive and keep going

Suzanne xx

Posted : 16th February 2015 9:53 am
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