I think your strong work ethic and value system, put you at risk in any toxic system where people don't do their fair share.
Ideally, everyone would be like you and there would be shared strain between everyone. Which would amount to manageable strain for everyone. What you do, is do more than your fair share, equalling most of the strain on your shoulders.
I used to be like you, then I had several nervous breakdowns and realised, it's OK to have limits. It sucks for the sick people depending on others but I can't shoulder all of the responsibility AND be well. It's OK to need to be well. I do my fair share but not more, now.
Had I not adjusted my values and attitudes, I'd have gone to a very premature grave.
f x
Thanks Freda.... To reflect on your thoughts I honestly think I should have died by my own hands many years ago, but I didn't am still here. I am alive!
Its been a rollercoaster couple of weeks and emotional. I broke down at my dads funeral, much to my surprise. I'd been very unemotional right up until the point that I walked into the church and Requiem : ‘In Paradisum’ by Gabriel Fauré was playing. At least I think it was this. For Inspector Morse fans... it was the music that they played when Morse had his heart attack in the last episode. Anyway that was the trigger. Music was the trigger. The tears flowed. I then had to read a poem whilst fighting back the tears. One of the hardest things that ive ever done.
In retrospect am glad that I cried. Loved my dad I did. He was so well respected. He had work colleagues from 30/40 years ago showing up to thank him for kick starting there careers etc and being such an effective team player. He was highly analytical as well, developing systems and formula's for this that and the other. Talents that often go unseen and unacknowledged. And then there was the kindness as well. Helping others when he didn't have to. he's gone to heaven that's for sure. R.I.P x
Iv'e come to realise that my whole family are much the same, which I guess is no surprise. I watched my sisters forensically going through my dads estate. Using charts and formula's to put together a visual representation of his various investments, savings etc. I felt a bit useless really, because am not an executor of his affairs. My sisters and my dads wife are and that's where it gets messy. Cos my dads wife has a very different character and has a degree of narcissism, which will make settling his estate difficult. It may all end up with solicitors... but that's a whole different story.
As for me, well at some point I will inherit something but what that will be I don't know. Apparently and unsurprisingly discussions have been had about me and the wisdom of money coming my way but as it stands and as far as i understand, money will come my way. At that point options and possibilities will come my way which of cause does excite me. Iv'e lived on the financial edge my whole adult life so to have more than "just enough" does excite me. As a prelude to what "maybe" coming I have already been given a rather expensive rollex watch, which i could have brought home with me but I decided just to leave it in my sisters care, so all thoughts of pawning it are gone.... not that I really have those thoughts... but as fellow CG's am sure you understand.
Am doing ok on the not gambling front. I wonder how it will effect me to have several thousand pounds sitting in my bank account. Its never been my MO to put large bets on something or fly to Vegas to put it all on black. The danger for me I think would be the slow frittering it away on the machines that iv'e always gambled on, which would make no sense, but then gambling addiction makes no sense does it? It never has been about money really. It only feels like being about money when you haven't got any.
Options and possibilities maybe coming my way. I tell ya what i would do. Several pairs of decent running trainers and go travel to races and a decent sports watch and iv'e got a big list of stuff to sort out in my flat and god forbid some new clothes and and and.... 🙂
Thanks for listening.
Morning world,
Well I don't think ive had two full weeks off work in the last decade and certainly not since the pandemic started and this last two weeks has also proved to be the case as well. Yesterday I had the call asking me where I was? My shift hadn't even been marked off as needing cover, let alone anyone actually trying to cover it. I decided to go in with a smile on my face and do the shift with no grumbling. In truth I expected it. The senior did check on the system and yes it was correctly booked as me being on annual leave but they didn't have anyone to cover so it was just left. She has now marked my last annual leave day on Sunday as needing cover, which of course it won't be and rest assured I will get a call later today asking if I will come in anyway.
The thing is... on the one hand I get it... its a pandemic, everywhere is short staffed, we all have to do are bit BUT at what point am I allowed to look after my own mental health and actually be able just to chill and do whatever I want to do including the option of doing nothing??.... all without feeling a slight pang of guilt. So today I kind of keep my phone off as much as possible and I know at some point I will switch it on and I will have some missed calls and a text message about tomorrow. Its just relentless. This has been my life for years and years and years. It never ends. I feel depressed today.
Anyway thanks for listening
Hey you,
I hear your frustrations and nod along..."at what point we are allowed to look after ourselves?".. true...I guess in this line of work you're expected to do your bit ...and some extra as its "part of the package ". Its truly wrong way to look at things but I doubt anything will change anytime soon..if ever.
My days off been cancelled too...just cause they need resilience. I can fume as much as I like deep down, it's not gonna change anything. When you think in this day and age...and esp knowing that mental health is so fragile to many.....some reforms should take place...but they don't. No wonder good people like yourself ends up suffering in silence and carries the load regardless. That is ever so wrong in my eyes.
Keep your phone off...is what I say!! I would do the same but guess would expect a door knock then ?..vicious cycle indeed.
Hey, at least there are some positives in you saying safe from evil addiction. This is the time where we may make nasty and regretful choices...but we keep clear mind open right.. let's continue this way...these short days will pass, sun will come out and warm our hearts, bodies and souls.
I'm a bit depressed too ?....but, since I have few hours spare till shift commences...I shall kick my sorry a**e into gear and go to exercise a bit. Sometimes we have to push ourselves huh...for the better good.
Somehow this reminded me serenity prayer " accept the things you cannot change and change what you can"...or something along those lines ?...balance is the key....try and keep balanced out, you are worth good things in your life!
Ciao for now
S&B xx
How I wish I could take the pain away. I am very proud of you for keeping that phone switched off. Every time you do it, it will get a little easier. Persist. Do what you have to do to prevent burnout, as even if you can't do it for yourself, ultimately, that would leave them short-staffed for longer.
Take care, you're doing great. Change is a painful process. Like being born again.
I'm so glad you had some time to feel your grief and process your Dad's passing, at least to some extent.
Savings accounts with 30 days notice required, or more, were extremely helpful for me, when my divorce settlement from our flat sale, landed in my account.
f x
As always thank you both for your thoughts. I think about what you say x
Well I did keep my phone off and when I did put it on I hadn't been contacted. So that's good 🙂
Well I have to note for posterity that am back on the running thing. On Friday I slow jogged for 2 hours and 15 minutes and this morning I slow jogged for 2 hours and 30 minutes. So basically with those two runs ive done the equivalent of the marathon distance. So well done to me!
Don't get me wrong am not fit enough to run the marathon in one sitting, but I am in reasonable shape just now. What's interesting is that when I was ill I lost some weight, only half a stone or so, but it doesn't arf make a difference. lets see if I can keep the weight off and maybe lose a bit more. As always bread is my downfall.
Anyway today is a good day, despite the fog and general gloom. I predict that this Omicrom wave will come and go without overwhleming the NHS... to me it just seems like its turning into a "cold" for the vast majority of people. I hope the government doesn't panick and introduce new measures when they don't have to.
Thanks for listening
Happy Christmas Eve S.A.
Sorry for not catching up with you recently. I’ve had a stressful few weeks snd been running around like an idiot. Sadly not running in the form of my preference.
Im booked in to run a Scottish marathon in May. I’ve got a decent base but I need to start training properly such as real speedwork. I’ve neglected this for years. I’m slowing down. One speed session and hill session per week on top of what I’ll do and I’d be grand but I need to get doing it.
Anyway, I hope that you’re ok and you enjoy your day tomorrow.
it really does make a difference - I hear you! I'm not running atm, for that reason.
Hope this finds you well, all the very best, let's achieve some solid positive change this year, eh?
f x
Thanks for your thoughts folks and a happy new year to all. Can't believe its been a couple of weeks since my last post. Christmas and new year has past in something of a work fog. Although I haven't worked rediculous hours like what I have in the past am still feeling very drained. I have a crop of mouth ulcers which I haven't suffered with for years really. I keep thinking iv'e got the Covid as everyone around me seems to be getting it, but nope, negative, negative, negative. No isolation for me.
Am now just staring blankly at the screen. Nothing else to say. Time for a little sleep. Like you say Freda.. make the new year a time for solid, positive change.
Thanks for listening.
P.s Running has suddenly died a death. It is what it is. I will get back to it soon enough.
Hey & Happy new year to you!
I hear you about Covid. A bit ashamed to admit but my heart also sinks when result reads negative. How come when everyone around me got it?
Had few days off already and only o r more to go but this time round my psyche is totally messed up. I did not recover from my phone shift yet and I sleep few hours and wake up stupid hours of the night just to fall back to sleep till late afternoon...and so the cycle continues. Very much so out of sync. Did more hours than I ever did before so may e it's actually taking its tool and I need to accept that.
Managed gym yesterday so at least something positive. How are your runs? Back to it? It was mild recently and what it seemed, perfect weather for a good outdoor run!
Feel a bit strange. Had a real dream about my boss (RIP) this morning/aft and we just walked and talked. ...of how s**t last year has been lol. Very surreal and also very Very pleasant to see his smile and hear his voice again...albeit, only in dream.....
Now I'm staring at the screen....enough Saif.
Look after yourself
S&B xx
Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022.
I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and enjoyed some time off.
I hope you can enjoy a gambling free 2022 and have a super year.
Ive got a really painful mouth ulcer, that doesn't want to go away. Errrr. Am trying to eat healthy and all the usual but it don't want to heal.
Also does it feel like everything is grounding to a halt. have just been to post mine other staffs covid boxes and the post box was full! Is the whole world just sitting at home with a few covid sniffles wondering what all the fuss is about?? It really is strange times. I think we should just let Omicron work its way through the population because its such a milder illness for most. Cancel routine hospital treatment for a few weeks until the worst is over and then we can get back on track. To have basically healthy people sitting at home and everything grinding to a halt is daft in my opinion.
Anyway that my ten pence worth. No gambling and thanks for listening.
happy new year fella, it’s been a while since I posted, I have the virus and therefore have been gifted time, granted even double jabbed I had four days in bed pretty beat up and wouldn’t wish it upon another living soul. I accept that the new rules left me in the firing line as all but one of the staff in the business I work have contracted the virus, for me it would appear herding immunity is the end goal. With honesty not something that us folk on the ground floor have control or choice over, so I accept it is what it is
back to you my friend I am glad gambling is dormant and you haven’t lost the ability to raise a smile on my face
I use salt water on my mouth ulcers, old school but without doubt the best solution to them.
I hope that the year ahead rewards you in the effort you give
look after yourself
Cheers for dropping in Duncs. Glad your basically ok and doing well despite getting the virus. Herd immunity well on the way me thinks.
Am back running. feeling good. I had the weekend off, two good runs, ulcer healing and I haven't been rung about going into work. Not yet anyway! 🙂
No gambling either.
Thanks for listening
Dear diary,
Things ok at the moment. Bit lonely perhaps, but ok in myself. Work has settled down. It looks like I will "just" be doing my contracted hours this week, which feels great. All I ever really wanted was a steady job and steady hours. I was really relaxed at work today and the shift was quite fun. Working with a good bunch of people.
Yesterday the council installed my new electric heaters, to replace my decades old heaters that I never used cos they were so expensive. Must admit that that item on the news about advice given to customers, (that everybody was so up in arms about), I didn't have a problem with it. Put a jumper on, hug ya pet, hot drinks... do what you have to do to keep warm. Iv'e been doing this sort of thing for years, cos have had to. people get too reliant on their gas central heating. If ya can't afford it then you have to adapt... that's life.
For my part I put all my heaters on for one night, just to see how much it would cost to charge them all up. The answer £5... which is too much for me. It would be a big monthly bill. So am just gonna use the bedroom one. It is nice to sleep in a not cold bedroom.
Got my hair cut as well in a place called a hairdressers. Only the second time in the last 2 years. Today I don't look like ive been dragged through a hedge backwards 🙂
Anyway no gambling and no gambling issues today.
Thanks for listening
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