How do I get back the value of money

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Good for you, I hope you've had a really positive weekend. You've got to celebrate the little things and spending time with other people whether that's family or friends is definitely a good distraction which will make you feel good in the process instead of then alternative.

Good luck for tomorrow, just try to remember that your councillor will have heard it all before and nothing will shock them so you should feel comfortable and free to speak your truth.

Well done on another day GF too.

Posted : 5th November 2017 9:00 pm
Posts: 55
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Just had my first session. So felt great not being judged and getting to know myself! What has gambling ever gave me!!! Nothing and what has it taken almost everything!

Posted : 6th November 2017 12:38 pm
Posts: 0

That's great Dogg1414. So pleased you had a good experience and it helped. Still GF here too. Day 3. Stay strong!!

Posted : 6th November 2017 12:47 pm
Posts: 55
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Howsoonisnow1983 thank you for your support and kind words! I’m three days free also... let’s keep the momentum going

Posted : 6th November 2017 2:44 pm
Posts: 55
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After everything that I said and promises made I failed tonight and gambled so gutted with myself it’s unreal

Posted : 7th November 2017 10:06 pm
Posts: 0

You’ve got to go harder at it Dogg, you have to confront the problem head on. Do all you can to prevent a relapse. Give over responsibility of your finances to someone you trust. Talk to someone about your problem, break the cycle and be free. We are so hard on ourselves, accept your mistakes and wise up. Our past does not define our futures, tomorrow is a new day my friend.

Posted : 7th November 2017 10:11 pm
Posts: 55
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Need some advise! Since I accepted that I was a addict my gambling has gotten worse! I manged to stay gambling free for three days however I was waiting to a payment to return! But I never reversed the payment! Feel like I have a split personality! One min I hate gambling can’t stand it hate it with a passion the next min I’m on throwing away all my money! No one understands! Tried to speak with family member about it and they just didn’t get it! One day at a time isn’t working for me at the moment.... can’t stop chasing a loss! Please any advise?

Posted : 8th November 2017 10:24 pm
Posts: 0

Dogg1414 wrote:

Need some advise! Since I accepted that I was a addict my gambling has gotten worse! I manged to stay gambling free for three days however I was waiting to a payment to return! But I never reversed the payment! Feel like I have a split personality! One min I hate gambling can’t stand it hate it with a passion the next min I’m on throwing away all my money! No one understands! Tried to speak with family member about it and they just didn’t get it! One day at a time isn’t working for me at the moment.... can’t stop chasing a loss! Please any advise?

Hi Dogg
Sorry to hear about your recent relapse. But you can't dwell on this. You need to understand why you are betting is it escapism or is it really just about making a quick buck? Because compulsive gamblers like us can't do that. We can't walk away. If you don't address this now head on it will only get worse believe me. You've got to accept that gambling has won the battle but don't let it win the war. You have a very supportive partner who you need to pay back by sticking to your side of the deal and stop gambling. Luckily every days a clean slate. Good luck.


Posted : 8th November 2017 11:00 pm
Posts: 0

I also struggle with the value of money... I have had to now learn to live on a budget. I work hard, I have a good job, but currently I am working for nothing. All my money is going on debt I accumulated through poor money management and thinking I'll pay it off next month and that never comes.

I started gambling as a dabble to see what all these websites were about. Then won some money, thought might be a way out and pay my debt. No... got myself in more and then chased the losses and just carried on chasing... now I have no access to credit. That isn't a bad thing as if I did I would of just s****** the lot.

I then started spending my entire months wages in the first hour.. chasing the wages from last month. I need to pay my mortgage.. serious case of loosing the house if I carry on like this.

I've had to learn the value of money to survive. I'm having fun putting a budget together and sticking to it. I used to get off on how much I spend, now it's how little!!

What helps me at the moment although early stages, try to think back and remember when you lost the money and the feelings involved. That soon stops me and snaps me out of it.

Try and just put some money back a month, reward yourself once you hit a goal. 🙂

Good luck 🙂

Posted : 8th November 2017 11:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Dogg

I'm really sorry that's happened. It feels really awful and I wouldn't wish that feeling on my worst enemy but you cannot change it, it happened, you can only change the path you travel going forward.

I don't have all the answers you probably need but from someone who has fallen and then got up a few times, ok quite a few times, I'm willing you to get back up and keep going and keep fighting. You are not alone, the forum is here and Gamcare is only at the end of the phone too. You CAN do it!

Its so hard to not be able to let go of that loss and I think we all have that in common thinking, if I just keep going, I'll have a decent win and it will sort everything out and then I can quit. It's not going to solve anything, it never does, because we can't stop once we start, however big the win.

You say that your family member wasn't very understanding. Could you point them in the direction of the GamCare website to read some of the information? Addiction is a very foreign idea to some although we are surrounded by it in one form or another everyday.

In terms of the fact you don't feel you can stop chasing - this is stressful!! Do you think it's also time to get some blocking software as an emergency thing you need to do right now? I had a really bloody terrible day yesterday and I tried to get round mine but couldn't. You do need someone to set up the password for you though. Was really straight forward. Perhaps your partner could help you as they are aware of what's going on? It would give you a much needed safety net whilst you continue counselling. I don't say this because I'm an expert by the way It's taken me to about my 20th relapse to realise that the advice everyone gives on here about gambling blocks is extremely valid.

Have a re-read of some of your wonderful positive posts above on your GF days and think about being that version of Dogg again. It felt good didn't it?

Be kind to yourself and stick with it, keep posting.

Posted : 8th November 2017 11:29 pm
Posts: 55
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Today has been a gamble free day! Thanks for the kind and true words above! This time last week I was in tears that I had gambled myself in £4000 debt, I have since cleared that abs keep reminding myself of how sick I felt! Hopefully this is enough to drive me forward in my quest to stay GF! Last week I was ready to hand over all my cards to my partner... now I feel like that’s a move to far for me.... nightmare! Normally I’m a action man! But now I feel like I’m all talk.... really trying to dig deep! The casino don’t need my money I need my money!

Posted : 9th November 2017 10:36 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on another day GF. Just keep bringing up that feeling each time you have the urge. Remember how you felt, the sickness. Don't put yourself through it again, your worth more than that. 🙂

Posted : 10th November 2017 7:08 am
Posts: 55
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I’ve got worse since I’ve accepted I have an issue! Yet again I failed again, lost 1k today! In 30 mins. Feel like everyone else is doing so well and yet I keep failing the most I’ve managed to do is 3days! On my post it says 9 days and it’s stressing me out as I know it’s a lie! This is the worst I’ve ever been chasing that big lose from last week I’m so afraid that I will only learn my lesson once I hit rock bottom! Was going to smash my phone to stop me from gambling and by the time I got it fixed I would have been days gambling free, as I thought £900 Phone or 1000s of pounds however changed my mind as this is not logical, I’m angery, disappointment, embarrassed, can’t believe the casino and gambling is so easy to access! I’ve lost 100s from the comfort of my bathroom! That surely cant be right!!! Why can’t I be gambling free, everyday at a time doesn’t seem to be working for me! If I hit rock bottom it will be more that money I lose! (The stakes are high family I mean) 15 years ago I won £36 from £1 and was top of the world! And judged at a man who had lost £400 as I couldn’t understand how that was possible... flash forward and I’ve lost so much more, karma! Need to stop....

Posted : 10th November 2017 6:22 pm
Posts: 1098

Ddog, you reallt do need to grit it out for the first week or so. Once you’ve got a week or so on the board, you’ll begin to feel like a winner again.

I’m finding it much easier to abstain from gambling, the longer I’ve abstained. I’m on 19 days now. But the first week was hard.

My mindset was, well, it won’t take me long to get back up to 3/4 days gamble free, so I may as well....

But now I’m at 19 days, I feel much stronger about resisting any urges because I know it’s a long way back from that.

Take it an hour at a time to begin with. Download an app called ‘quit app’. I’ve loaded on how much money I would use every day in gambling and it is so nice to see that total rise, every minute. It gives so much satisfaction to see this go up.

Don’t let yourself hit rock bottom.

What have you tried so far?

Posted : 10th November 2017 6:52 pm
Posts: 55
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Not going to allow myself to hit rock bottom I’m going to stop gambling Ano I’ve said this before however I wanted to win back my losses no I’m just content to let them go! Going to use will power, everything else will fail! I’m smart enough to find work around! So will power it is! No matter how much I win I never get to spend it! Always give it back so no more, going to fight the urges, keep reading what Other wrote and that’s that

Posted : 10th November 2017 10:06 pm
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