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Haven't been on here for a while, so was sorry to read about your slip and you feeling so down.

You were such a help to me when I first came on here, supporting my son, and you gave me so much hope for the future.

Try to focus on the future and the life you can have, I know it is hard to pick yourself up and start again, but please please try to focus on the good in your life and not dwell on the bad that has happened

Write a list on all the positive and wonderful,things you have in your life ... It will make you smile, keep it with you and read it when you are down, it will make you smile again and again, trust me xx J x take care and hope to hear from you soon

Posted : 25th March 2014 9:45 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks everyone xx

I have not updated my diary in so long. I last gambled on the 31st March 2014 so I am over a mth gamble free. It has been a struggle to be honest and it has took a lot of lows 2 get here.

I will not say this time feels different etc, cus I have said that b4 and messed up. Now I take it day by day one step at a time and so far this is working for me.

I don't post much nemore but I read most days, I will post on some diaries when I have time but atm I'm so busy, I hardly get a chance 2 sit down, it's a good thing really keeps me occupied.

I just wanted 2 give a little update, I will never give up this fite. I have 2 much 2 lose. I have 2 keep fighting.

I hope everyone's ok xx

Posted : 14th May 2014 8:42 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Charlotte

Great to hear from you

Havre to agree this journey is such a fight at times and like you find it hard at times but we both know how to keep trying as we both want that better life for us and our kids

Hope Madison is doing well , jess is fine and still my motivation , keep doing what works for you with this site it will always be here for you and that much needed support if you.ever need it


Posted : 15th May 2014 5:05 am
Posts: 974

Nice to see your ok even though you still having trouble giving up gambling as I am

All the best


Posted : 15th May 2014 7:31 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey there,

Good to see your post pop up and well done for keeping the fight going. Be kind to yourself and take it day at a time.

All the best to you and your lovely family.

Keep making the right choice

Sandra x

Posted : 18th May 2014 3:24 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I gambled again yesterday, I'm starting 2 worry that this will just keep.happening and il have 2 learn 2 live with it 🙁

Posted : 19th May 2014 7:17 am
Posts: 4422


My dear friend you face a set of choices,the first is to accept your a compulsive gambler and do everything in your power to arrest the the punt,to admit the you are powerless when you gamble,to admit it has you beaten.

This does not come easy,it takes all the willpower,knowledge and a life time of effort,there is no cure,no medicine we can take,believe me I wish there was,I would give my all to gift it to everyone who wants it,what a gift it would be.

To arrest the punt you have to want to,you have to have the will in you to say 'thats it no more'

it really is about a choice.

The other choice carry on gambling,stay in the cycle of win/lose chase and the emotional termoil that comes with it.

You are at that folk in the road,there are two routes,the path you tread now,the familiar one,the one which you know the outcome of,the one I walked for twenty years before I said enough.

The other road,the recovery road, in truth we don't know where it will lead,life may not in truth become better,life can be brutal at the best of times,but on the untrodden path of recovery I promise you this

You will have control of your destiny,the outcome of a the random outcome that is gambling of which you have control over will be left at the start of the recovery path.

We all in truth stand at that pathways beginning each morning,we all face the same choice you do today,we are all equal.

This choice is solely for you to make my friend,I hope the right one in terms of your life is made.

My unconditional support to you.

I have walked in those shoes for many years.

May you find courage and strength

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 19th May 2014 7:40 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte

Sorry to hear you are struggling with your gambling again. I agree with all Duncs says and as with him, im here to support you as I feel how much you really do want to give up and do whats best for you and Maddie.

Take care and remain strong.


Posted : 20th May 2014 4:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Charlotte,

Its been a while since iv been here, just had a little read through your diary.

Iv been silly again thought I was over the addiction but its just smacked me in the face 🙁 , this really is a strange journey with many ups and downs.

I see you've been struggling recently aswell and wondering if this is something you just have to live with, I think you do as there are so many ways/places you can have a bet that its always there, its learning to be able to control the 'want' to gamble.

I hope your little girl is well and you've been enjoying the recent good weather.

Sorry iv not been on here for a while, I thought I had cracked it but I guess its proof that it is with us just need to learn to manage the urges.

Bye for now

Shaun x

Posted : 20th May 2014 8:42 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Charlotte,

You've done it before and will do it again. Never give up giving up..support is here, we will beat it together.

Be kind to yourself and stay safe..day at a time my friend...tiny steps forward

S x

Posted : 21st May 2014 11:00 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I just caught up with a few diaries, I don't post much nemore with my Job and Maddison I never seem to have enough hours in the day lol!

Things r going well 4 me atm, I last gambled at the end of may so I am a Cpl of mths gamble free, tbh I have stopped counting days now, I just know every day that I do not gamble is a better one!

Maddison brings me so much happiness and I know if I stay strong I will be creating a better future 4 us 🙂

I hope everyone is ok and staying strong xx

Posted : 6th August 2014 4:56 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Ya Charlotte,

It was great hearing from you and I am sooo glad that you and little Maddison are happy. You deserve so much happiness!!! -joanxxxxxx

Posted : 6th August 2014 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Charlotte and lovely hearing from you again.

Take care and remain strong.


Posted : 7th August 2014 12:15 am
Posts: 0

Well good to hear all be good with ya girl and just keep living that life that makes ya smile. LOL

Posted : 7th August 2014 1:17 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Charlotte,

As all of the above, i am chuffed to see you marching on and enjoying your life. It is too short for the regrets, make your days wiv little girl count, kids grows too quick 🙂

Really good to see you in high spirits.

Take a good care of urself

Sandra x

Posted : 7th August 2014 12:36 pm
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