I am stronger than I thought!

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Hi Charlotte,

Life is really precious. Good friends are really precious. And good hearted people are precious. That means that you Charlotte are precious! You give a lot. And I think you deserve a lot

You are doing great by not gambling. And I believe that gambling only leads to a dark and ugly place. But enough of that.

It's great to hear that you feel you are starting to turn a corner. So I'm very glad for you. And don't forget that you are a very special person! Because you are!


Posted : 29th May 2012 6:07 pm
Posts: 0

HI Charlotte,

lol i think i missed the bus 🙂

Its always nice to catch up with you in chat, thank you as i always say for your support on my diary.

and your right days like the day you have had make you realise whats important and its NOT and never will be gambling.

Take care

Blondie day 36 xx

Posted : 29th May 2012 9:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi charl

you never cease to amaze me, your inspirational and one of the most kind and considerate people i have ever come across, your young and have a young daughter, but you have so much empathy, i strongly advise you to look into a career as a counsellor, you certainly have way of making people realise they can do better and feel good about themselves.

stay strong

your friend always Karl

Posted : 29th May 2012 9:27 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks 4 all ur kind words and support on my diary it means alot 🙂

The ppl on this site r amazing!

I like to offer support and advice when I am feeling strong!

Thanks again 4 all ur kind words, it means alot 🙂

Time 2 get some rest I think x

Stay strong everyone 🙂

Posted : 29th May 2012 10:43 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Charlotte.

Great to see how strong you are becoming.

You are doing really well and seem in a great place. Keep doin what you are doing for you... it is working.

Best wishes


Posted : 29th May 2012 10:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Jon, it was something that was said earlier.

I am not saying nething bad about ne1 just that it was never my intention to upset anyone thats all. I have deleted that part of my post 4 u. I was actually trying to apologise to the person that I was suppose 2 have upset. I just don't know wot I did wrong guess it hurt. Anyway u do not know the full situ so pls don't judge me.


Posted : 29th May 2012 11:04 pm
Posts: 298

Far from judging Charlotte...I have changed my post too. It was just a little advice... and as I said I do not know what happened, and as I only ever see you being positive with people, I did assume the other person must have been having a bad day and not taken what you said as you intended it.


Posted : 29th May 2012 11:08 pm
Posts: 0
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I only ever try 2 be supportive I don't like hurting ne1 and if I have I am sorry. I truly don't know how.

Posted : 29th May 2012 11:11 pm
Posts: 298

We are all different... and we all respond differently.

Do not lose sight of the good you are doing on here ... for others and yourself. But it will never always run smoothly. I am always reading about the people who appreciate all your help and advice.. long may it continue.


Posted : 29th May 2012 11:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Yeah it's been a tough day I was prob just a bit over sensitive earlier, u r rite 🙂

Maybe it is time 4 me 2 take a bit of a break from here...think i'l sleep on it.

U support a lot of ppl 2 Jon, well done 🙂

Posted : 29th May 2012 11:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Ok my lovely , .................".did you get that, it was a big virtual squeeze of a hug.

Never been on chat, maybe cause I would not let people get a word in. I would probs be barred in the first 2 mins lol

So not really in a position to comment . But what I do know, is that you kindness and the level of support you give on this site, is well bloody fantastic.

Take a break if you need one , but please do it for the right reasons, it is difficult sometimes to get your point across in the written word, so much of what we say has to do with body language , or the tone of our voice.it is so easy for someone to missinturpt what any of us write.

I will miss you , if you take a break, but understand that each of us need to do what is best for them .

Sleep well honey, maybe in the cold light of day , things will look different.

Dusty xxxx ( with her feet firmly on solid ground, thank goodness no more climbing trees for me )

Posted : 30th May 2012 12:24 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

You have to do whats best for you Charlotte, if you need a break then take it but make sure you come back if you get any bad thoughts!

You are a great support Charlotte and do not forget that , alot of people on here love to get a post from you!

Keep Strong girl as i know you are!

Take Care

Lucy x

Posted : 30th May 2012 7:40 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte 🙂 remember me...??

Just thought I'd say I miss chat...I cannot access it from here..However, I do read still...Glad to see you are lending support...Well done!

Easy li£e

Posted : 30th May 2012 7:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte, hope this post finds you rested in body and in mind.

Im glad for you that yesterday is over, it can't have been easy for you knowing you had such a sad day to get through. But get through it you did hun and that shows just how strong a person you are.

I agree with all who said that you must do what is right for you, but I will miss your positive, encouraging and funny posts. Do what you must do hun, but don't go too far, your very highly thought of and a very valued friend on here.:'(

Wishing you a good gamble free day, Take Care,

All the very Best


Posted : 30th May 2012 8:06 am
Posts: 0
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Morning everyone, thank u 4 all ur kind words and support 🙂

Yesterday, I was just over sensitive lol ..... I guess it is allowed sometimes... I am learning so much about myself on this journey and I still feel very positive.

I think this site is amazing, the strength I get from all your support, kind words and encouragement keeps me going on this journey.

2day is a new day and I am not ready yet to take this journey alone.

I am glad that I can offer some support back 2 u all, u r all gr8 and deserve the best in life 🙂

Hope everyone has a gr8 day xx

Posted : 30th May 2012 9:15 am
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