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Hi Lotte, just a quick line to say I hope things went well for you and that you're ok, take care, keep smiling. Steve.

Posted : 19th June 2012 10:33 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks all x

Not been on here for a couple of days, started 2 try and catch up on here 2nite. Posted 2 a few ppl but my hearts really not in. So I will just say a big thank u 2 everyone who as posted 2 me here for their kind words!

I can't really say wot I wanna say right now... So i'm gonna sign off.... Nite all xx

Posted : 19th June 2012 11:19 pm
Posts: 0

HI Charlotte,

Hope things are ok for you and that you got something out of your meeting.

Onwards and upwards your doing really great.

Blondie day 57 xx

Posted : 19th June 2012 11:24 pm
Posts: 0


I've just logged on quickly and saw your post.. been thinking of you!

I haven't been on here all day either what with work and then went out to watch the footy... just got back a little worse for wear!

Hope you're ok petal and everything went well yesterday.

Btw, I'm ok really.. was just having a whinge day yesterday.. it was just a tiny dip on that rollercoaster!! Hopefully it's on it's way up again! 😉

Take care sweetie, sleep well and hope to hear from you tomorrow xxxx

Posted : 20th June 2012 12:51 am
Posts: 0

Hey Charlotte,

I too have been thinking of you, and I hope your meeting went as you wanted it to.

Just read your post on mine, and I swear to God lovey, it wasn't you what made me angry - promise. You could never make me angry, you're much too nice to be able to do that.

I have masses of respect for you little one, you are one brave, honest , determined, and honest little cookie, so, never in a million years could you make me angry. So get that daft thought right out your head :))

As has been said, it is hard to express feelings, and sometimes depending on how we ourselves are feeling, we may read things the wrong way or mis-interpret what someone 's saying, but Im totally calm now, done and dusted 🙂

So, having said all that and using up your diary space, I hope things are going well for you. Im sorry if you're a bit down atm, but stay strong lovey, things will pan out.

Much respect and admiration for you,

Take care


Posted : 20th June 2012 5:17 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks 4 the posts... I'm not down.... just thinking about things..

Not much 2 say or add right now .

Hope everyone as a gr8 day x

Posted : 20th June 2012 9:34 am
Posts: 0

Just want to say...

we're all here for you buddy xxxxxx

Posted : 20th June 2012 9:49 am
Posts: 0

Hiya lovely... .....

Am catching up with all the diaries this morning charlotte and hoofing it round the underground catching trains etc to get me to work today..(dont have to be in til later)

Just caught a few posts there and sending you big hugs,...currently skim reading to get round everyone but when i get settled in my room tonight i shall

post with greater awareness...

Did see a few last posts on your diary hun and i understand how you feel....just to reassure you Charlotte you are not someone that could upset anyone on here as far as I can see....if anyone is going to do that ..its me...so hope you won't worry and give it any more thought..

Everyone on here is all at a different stage of recovery not better or worse and again to reassure....I know a lot of folk avoid my diary as it can stir up horrible feelings and one chap once said in his own diary post he avoids mine as he feels its negative and could impede his recovery....

I went into hiding for a few days after that but bounced back.

You are all heart and coming from a place of good intention hun ....the people who can see that and know you will be there through thick and thin...the good bad and ugly......

I value your input tremendously on Supporters side...its fantastic that you care and have interest to read our posts and contribute ...it takes a lot of courage to do that and we need all the help we can get too as sometimes it feels like the blind leading the blind......you give people like us answers and insight in to the questions we don't know and wrack our brains over ....

big hugs lovely...battery low now,costa coffee down the hatch and rushing for another train,....

All here for you as Lmm said

Rach xxxx

Posted : 20th June 2012 11:09 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter
Posted : 20th June 2012 5:25 pm
Posts: 0

HI Char,

Just wanted to pop by and say keep your chin up kiddo.

Take care

blondie xx

Posted : 20th June 2012 9:56 pm
Posts: 0

An interesting point Charlotte, do we 'just go through the motions?' let me think..... Hmmm. Well, personally, and I'll try to be honest and I only really communicate with a handful of people on here because of limitations/time etc. ok firstly I support others because by doing so I reinforce my abstinence, by advising others I reinforce my own mental blocks and aid my own recovery. That's the cynical bit over with. Secondly, I don't like the idea of the bookies winning, I really don't like the gambling industry, I think they're morally bankrupt and make their millions/billions out of misguided individuals. If I can help someone prevent the bookies from squeezing out another penny/emotion from them then I will. Thirdly, I, like you and the rest of us all on here want others to succeed because we all know the absolute misery gambling brings. The pain, the anxiety, depression, lost jobs, broken families, lost homes, broken relationships, stealing, lying, loss of dignity. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. I don't want anyone to make the same mistakes I've made. I want them, we want them to regain the qualities of life they once had and enjoyed. This is why we all must carry on supporting each other and stick together. We're all recovering, we're bound to be negative or tetchy at time to time, we must accept this and work through it. We can't afford to do otherwise, this support network is crucial to our recovery and we'd be foolish to allow it to fragment.

So is our support unconditional, mine is, we're all human beings with faults and imperfections. I respect and accept you all. You can't prevent me from thinking like this. I'm thick skinned, too pig headed, too stupid too caring, I want you all to succeed and I expect nothing in return, it's condition less.

Well that's my ten penneth's worth, better get some sleep because my daughter wakes me up with breakfast at 6, cold tea and burnt toast, take care Steve.

Posted : 20th June 2012 11:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I'm pleased to see the meeting went well and you could take something from it.

I would like to say that i cannot speak for other people on this forum but i use this with an open heart, honesty and totally unconditionally, maybe that is part of the person i am but i know without this support system i would not be on week 16 , would not have been strong enough to deal with the other difficulties in my life and would not be sitting here smiling like a cheshire cat because i still remain bet free lol

Charlotte, every person is different and deals with situations/ difficulties in different ways

I personally will not post on others if 1, i feel i have nothing positive to put or 2 i cannot relate to their post so for me when i do it is with all i have.

Sometimes we cannot relate to others maybe due to different experiences , different socially, different s*x/age etc , that's perfectly normal, be boring if we were all the same !

We cannot support everyone and if just one other can take a little something from each of us then that is just great

Charlotte keep doing what your doing as long as it comes from your heart which reading your posts and having your support i know it does 😉

Chin up Charlotte

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy xxxx

Posted : 21st June 2012 6:04 am
Posts: 4422


all I will say to you Charlotte is you are approaching your recovery in a fantastic way and please take a small step to the side(never back!!) and just see how far you have come, then give yourself a massive pat upon your back followed by a huge hug because simply you did earn it.

Just keep doing whats good for you and your recovery I myself went through a period of frustration (js123 started his diary at the same time as me slipped and has not returned just one of many about the same time.)of which came about through my recovery and the simple fact I wished no wanted the same for all upon this forum. Be kind to your self and just for today NO BET,keep inspiring and being inspired.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 21st June 2012 6:17 am
Posts: 0

Charlotte, please don't stay away because of me lovey, you mean too much to so many people on here, and if I were staying then I know I would miss your posts sooo much.

Im too old to get involved with all this, and I really don't need any added stress, so I feel the best thing I can do for ME is to walk away.

You're a wonderfully supportive friend to so many on here, and your inspiring posts and your own recovery is nothing short of remarkable. So keep on doing what your doing, fight the good fight, and keep on here... you're needed 🙂

All the best lovey


Posted : 21st June 2012 8:02 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte

Not much to say, Steve and co have summed it up pretty much, for a while I have thought (maybe wrongly), there should be another bit of this site for those who are through the urges and are beginning to deal with other issues, seperate from gambling, but that have gambling as the outcome, I think we would have a lot in common as to why we ended up gambling and could learn from each other.

But thanks for all you are doing, keep staying strong and hope your bf and daughter are fine,


John (would never hurt a fly)

Posted : 21st June 2012 10:26 am
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