I am stronger than I thought!

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Hi char,thank you for your post.I am really struggling today with the urge and can do with some advice please.

Good luck

Posted : 29th June 2012 9:55 pm
Posts: 0


Hope you are ok. Thank you for you post earlier in the week.

Cause I don't do chat, iPad won't let me and also talk so much probs be barred , I do not always find it easy to follow your thread, as a lot of the time it relates to conversations you have had in the chat room

I think if I have got right that you are thinking of training as a paramedic, what a fantastic idea. Do not think I cope with all the blood and seeing people in distress, have to close my eyes tight just watching Causalty sometimes lol

Anyway, it's great to have a goal my 19 year old has turned her life around from being homeless ( walked out at 14) to getting herself a job in a half way hostel for people with mental problems whilst at the same time taking a access course into Uni . I am so proud, follow your dreams honey anything is possible , my daughter has proved that.

I wish you well, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart .

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 30th June 2012 2:30 pm
Posts: 0

Glad things are going well Charlotte, stay strong.

Posted : 30th June 2012 3:35 pm
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Thought i'd update my diary 🙂

I realised 2day that I enjoy wknds, it's time when my bf is not working and we can enjoy time 2gether as a family.

No thoughts of gambling 4 a couple of days now 🙂

Yesterday we drove to see a friend while we were there we had a look round the shops.. I got a dress 4 my bf's m8's engagement party that we r going 2 soon... just need 2 break it 2 him that I will need some shoes 2 match now lol 🙂 he will be pleased!

Then on the nite, I went in2 town with my friends, lots of drinks I should not have started on the shots tho. I was up in the nite being sick i'm not use 2 it nemore.

2day was really nice, my sister is down from uni and my mum and dad were nagging that they wanted to look after Maddison 4 the day.. It's weird but I don't like leaving her 4 long. But 2day they looked after her and me and my boyf spent some time 2gether we went out 4 lunch and then we were gonna go 2 the cinema. But we changed our mind and went bowling instead.... I was rubbish at it lol and I don't like the shoes. But we had a good laugh, mostly at me. I have had a gr8 wknd, I have had my down days on this journey and i'm sure there r many more 2 come. But 4 now I am really happy and i'm gonna remember this feeling. No stress of gambling I was just able 2 enjoy my day.

Hope everyone else is doing well x

Posted : 1st July 2012 7:44 pm
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Hmmm I'm not really sure wot is really going on, I have just seen a post on some1 elses diary and I guess that person is refering 2 me. I don't have the energy 2 get involved in anymore disagreements, I find it draining and it does truly affect me. So like Flagg said, my diary is honest and I wear my heart on my sleeve so.... Me and Lmm, had a small disagreement over nothing really. I apologised and as far as I was aware she posted back 2 me and all was cool. I have not been on 4 a while really so I have no clue wot's happened but Ronnie's message the cats on the street know u didn't deserve what happened to you... if this is refering 2 me well... I just don't get it!!

Sorry but i'v gotta be honest!

We r human, ppl disagree, I thought we'd sorted it neway who knows!!

These seem relevant atm

Take The Good With The Bad

Smile With The Sad

Love What You Got & Remember What You Had,

Always Forgive But Never Forget,

Learn From Your Mistakes But Never Regret,

People Change & Things Go Wrong…

But Just Remember, That Life Goes On.

Don’t undermine your worth by comparing

yourself with others,

It is because we are different that each

of us is special.

Don’t set your goals by what other people

deem important,

Only you know what is best for you.

Don’t take for granted the things closest

to your heart

Cling to that as you would your life, for without

them life is meaningless.

Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living

in the past or the future.

By living your life one day at a time, you live all the

days of your life.

Don’t give up when you still have something to give

Nothing is really over until the moment

you stop trying.

Anyway I'm gonna get some sleep, nite.

Posted : 2nd July 2012 12:03 am
Posts: 0

I was refering more to what soph said to lmm

Posted : 2nd July 2012 12:07 am
Posts: 0
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I'm really sorry but I did not know Soph posted 2 Lmm, I missed that. So I don't know wot's going on here. It was a minor disagreement between me and Lmm, who I have supported all the way thru that I believed was resolved. This is the problem when other ppl get involved it gets out of hand. Lmm knows from our chats how much I have tried 2 help. Like I said we r human and maybe I overeacted that nite. Again I apologise, I only try 2 support ppl and in no way was it ever my intention 2 upset someone I truly cared about!

Posted : 2nd July 2012 12:15 am
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I will be speaking to gc about this in the morning.

This is crazy!!!!

Posted : 2nd July 2012 12:17 am
Posts: 0

3 of sophs posts about lmm on your diary have been edited by gamcare adminstration.

Its not your fault what soph said on your diary you have no control over that charlotte

I dont want to talk about this anymore charlotte

have a good day

Posted : 2nd July 2012 7:48 am
Posts: 0

hiya Charlotte...

Thanks for popping by lovely...am in for counselling today...seems by your posts your getting out and about and have a lot going on to occupy you ...am guessing Maddison also keeps you entertained and busy ...

Not too sure whats happening with misunderstandings as I only tend to read people who post to me (which is selfish i know) and I don't go into chat.....

With posts and texts there is always misunderstanding I find so your not alone love...Im sure this will be resolved and you seem to be riding the storm very well and not letting it bring you down..

Keep posting ur thoughts and feelings and you too are an inspiration...a breath of fresh air.....

keep us posed on the paramedic side of things ...im sure you have all the info you need on it...a very noble line of work and one im sure you can do well ...am a bit squeamish too like Dusty though with the blood...xxxxx

Rach and Doo xxx wuffss

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:43 am
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All I will say is as far as i'm concerned this situation as got way out of hand. I thought it had ended days ago, obviously I was unaware and wrong!

Like I said ppl r going 2 disagree sometimes that's life but it's how we deal with it afterwards that matters. And I have no problems with how I have dealt with it and I'm not going 2 beat myself up over this. I am not willing to lose focus of y I am here and that is to stop gambling and in a way I guess it never was or is about making friends altho it is nice to receive advice and 2 be able 2 give it! 4 me I am drawing a line under this matter now, it's a new day and time to 4get and move 4ward!

Soph, I saw ur post b4 it was deleted... I'm really not sure wot's been going on. But yeh in the circumstances with everything u r going thru. U can have my email address. Just ask GC for it.

Off 2 softplay in a bit with Maddison, have a gr8 day all 🙂

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:48 am
Posts: 4422

charlotte. Without sounding like a broken record, i will again say this please just keep what you are doing, take a step back and see what you have achieved in your recovery so far and be very very proud. You have such humility for someone of your years and i say that from my heart, i know and accept i cant change my past like you cant yours but today we do have a choice and keep making the right one. Just for today. And i know your little one will have such a richer life all the time you keep making the choice, it is not about the money oh its the time you will have that is priceless. Another massive well done from me. Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 2nd July 2012 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi Lotte, I like a lot about you but what I like most is your positive attitude. Personally I think you've been castigated too much for something which blew out of all proportions. You hung out countless olive branches and tried to move on, if anything you were more guilty through association than direct conflict and I'm not one to condemn anyone for that. Stick it out, keep that outlook which you've been gifted with because it'll get you through life and it'll be the best quality you can pass on to little Maddison. Remember, you're not here for the sake of others, primarily you're here for you and your future. Keep smiling, enjoy life, keep positive, Steve.

Posted : 2nd July 2012 12:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Thanks for your message on my diary. I just wanted to say that you are doing great. The only people that truly matter are your friends and family. Keep doing right by them as you have been doing and you won't go far wrong.

I hope that you are having a good day. Take care.

Dave 🙂

Posted : 2nd July 2012 2:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hey char u alright. remember what i said to u the other night f*** wot every1 else says to ya babe and concentrate on sorting ya self out hun. if people r gonna moan about things then they aint worth the time n effort. people on this site should be sticking together and helping eachother and not fricking moaning and bickering. any ways i hope ur alright hun and ya have had a good weekend. and u have enjoyed ur day with maddison :). i might drop ya an email later when im back from playing footy. i done a stupid thing at the weekend. but not prepared to say over here. but dont worry it aint to do with gambling. hope ur all good xx

Posted : 2nd July 2012 4:15 pm
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