I will no longer allow gambling to ruin my life….

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I am starting this diary so that when the urges kick in and/ or things get hard I can come back and remember how bad things were.

My name is Emily but everyone calls me Em.

I’ve been gambling on and off for more than 35 years.

At around 5 years old my grandad would take me to the pub where I was mesmerised by the flashing lights of the one armed bandits.

He would sit me on his lap and feed the parasitic machine with coins and I would ‘push the button’. When we won and the machine emptied with lots of shiny coins, grandad would let me keep it all.

And so my problem began….

By the age of 19/20 I was a regular in my local slot shop, I used to enjoy playing the 10p machines until they introduced the fatal £250 jackpot machines. Everything went down hill from here. The amount of money I lost on those machines was eye watering.

I literally had no life and this went on for 4/5 years. I would be in there with creepers either sitting or standing behind me watching me lose until it closed at 10pm. Then I’d reserve whatever machine I was losing on and be back in there by 8am so nobody else could play it.

Cue maxing out credit cards, payday loans and every type of borrowing you can imagine.

Gamcare, and ‘self exclusion’ didn’t really exist back then (or certainly most casinos didn’t implement it). So I came up with a terrible idea to get myself permanently banned.

One day I walked into the only local slot shop in my area with a hammer and I put it right through a machine that I had lost £4000 that week on.

I was young and stupid and this was a terrible solution which I wouldn’t recommend to anyone but it had the desired effect and I was permanently banned from the shop. I was very lucky that they did not call the police and have me charged with criminal damage. Like I said, young and stupid.

I then had a complete break from gambling for 4/5 years until one day when I was 30, I got a call from a friend asking me for a ‘favour’. She had been playing a slot online and her internet had gone down. She wanted me to video call me and for me to login and play on her behalf because apparently it was ‘paying out’ - What a joke!

Anyway, I did what she asked and played for about an hour before withdrawing her winnings for her. My life as I knew it would end that day.

The very next day I created my own account and over the next 12 years, I was able to regularly gamble all through the night in the privacy of my own home. I started drinking whilst playing and then my deposits increased, my bet per spin increased, my time playing increased and my debt increased.

The amount of sleepless nights and days that I spent hating myself for how much I lost were endless. The craziest thing was, even when I won, I would literally sit there and keep playing until I lost it all only to deposit more.

I was on Gamcare years ago, I implemented every single tool available but like most gamblers, I can be very resourceful.

My partner put Gamban on my phone and laptop but I just easily uninstalled it.

I signed up to Gamstop but then I just created accounts in my partners name. When he found out he immediately signed up to Gamstop  so I could no longer do that but then I would just use another relatives details. I’ve previously handed all finances over to my mum but I just created PayPal accounts. 


I am a relentless idiot.


I have realised that unfortunately these tools just won’t work for me. I need to make a commitment and stick to it before I literally lose everything and am made bankrupt. I am lucky to have a supportive partner that has been so compassionate and kind and recently took out a loan to help with some of my more urgent debt.

How do I repay this act of kindness, I spent Friday night and most of Saturday gambling and losing a small fortune.

I can’t lose my partner and that’s exactly what will happen if I don’t sort myself out. No more excuses.

Everytime I used to come on here, I’d say I’ve hit rock bottom but that just wasn’t true because the next rock bottom was always worse than the previous. Things can always get worse.

No more despair, panicking that I can’t pay my bills. No more sleepless nights and self loathing. I haven’t eaten or slept in 2 days and I feel and look like death but today I’m taking responsibility for my actions and I vow that I will overcome this wretched addiction.

I’m reading as many diary’s as I can and subscribing so that I can gain inspiration from other people and maybe even help someone else on my recovery journey.

Today I attended the chat but I wasn’t in the mood to talk. Even breathing feels difficult right now.


Today is Day 1 and it’s going to be my LAST

This topic was modified 2 months ago 2 times by Em1978
Posted : 19th January 2025 1:25 pm
Posts: 78

Hi Em,

It's heart wrenching reading your post as we all seem to be or have been there

Sleepless nights, not eating, just being consumed by online slots, spinning until we've spent everything 

I've just spoken to someone on chat, he was so helpful and will be referring me for additional help to overcome my addiction 


I do hope we can beat this together and enjoy a brighter life xx

Posted : 19th January 2025 1:39 pm
Posts: 34
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@traceyj Hi Tracey

Thanks for your message. There’s this warped sort of comfort knowing I’m not alone and other people are going through the same thing as me (although I wouldn’t wish this addiction on my worst enemy) Today I just feel broken. Can’t see tomorrow being much better.

Posted : 19th January 2025 1:49 pm
Posts: 78

Me too Em, but I can't carry on doing what I'm doing, I could have a wonderful life and nice things if I could stop

I did 5 days and felt really good, but signed up to a dodgy site blew another few hundred and felt c**P again

Viscous cycle 

But today every block is in place, and today is my last day 1, I'm so determined to do this and I'm getting additional help


Good luck Em to both of us

As they say "we've got this 💪 "

Posted : 19th January 2025 1:55 pm
Posts: 34
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Those dodgy sites are killers 😓

I’ve tried to do a search for your diary so I can subscribe and follow. Do you have one?

Posted : 19th January 2025 2:16 pm
Posts: 78

I never did one, just browsed the site for peoples success stories and inspiration to help me

But I'll follow you and hopefully we can crack this x

Posted : 19th January 2025 2:45 pm
Posts: 546

Great honest first post, and well done on stating a diary. You won’t believe how much it helps. I highly recommend being brutally honest in your first few posts while it’s still raw, that way you can look back when you get urges and think, no chance! Why would I go back there. For me this was a huge saviour. It got me hating what gambling did to me. That hatred really helps.

I was in your position what only seemed like yesterday, but it was nearly 300 days ago. Life is amazing now. You deserve this, so go get it.

Good luck. I look forward to reading your diary.

Stay strong 💪 

Posted : 19th January 2025 7:12 pm
Posts: 643

Hi Em.  Wishing you strength and determination on your new g.f journey 💪🙏.

Look after yourself.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 19th January 2025 10:17 pm
Posts: 34
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Day 2

I’m absolutely exhausted. The older I get the more I suffer debilitating hangovers. The true reality of the damage caused over the weekend has seriously hit home and I’m struggling,

I’m trying to think of some positives today…

  1. I used just a few of my 533662778 McDonald points to treat myself to a freetoffee late this morning.
  2. I managed Day 14 of my push up/ sit up/ squat - 30 day challenge.
  3. I finally sorted some admin that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.


Today has dragged on so much and I don’t feel like I can do much writing/ talking right now but hopefully that will get better. Until then I’m trying to be kind to my body and think I just need sleep.


I know I need to eat but I currently have no appetite.

Thank you to everyone for your supportive messages.

Bring on Day 3

Em x

Posted : 20th January 2025 8:21 pm
Posts: 78

Keep strong Em x

Posted : 20th January 2025 8:26 pm
Posts: 34
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Day 3

As it stands, every night I go to sleep since the last ground hog day, I think that I can’t possibly feel any more wretched the next morning than I do right now…. And every morning I wake up, and I feel more wretched.

Today I managed very little other than more self loathing and hell of a lot of regret.

my only positive today is that I didn’t gamble and I won’t. 

@traceyj Thank you for continuing to check in on me.

Hopefully a better update tomorrow 🙁




Posted : 21st January 2025 7:33 pm
Posts: 78

Em 3 days is amazing, you should be incredibly proud of yourself

Remember you can't go lower, the only way is up from now on, be kind to yourself, things can only get better xx

Posted : 21st January 2025 7:37 pm
Posts: 3

I was very moved by your post I ama compulsive gambler as well today is my first day I am inspired by this because it’s nice to not feel alone and be judged support is so important I hope we are all successful and find happiness togetherness 

Posted : 21st January 2025 11:12 pm
Posts: 34
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Hi K

Thank you for your message and I’m equally sorry to hear about your struggle. I swear being a CG is like having a disease 🙁

I hope you are ok. Day 1-3 I found hard but I am starting to feel a ‘little’ better so it’s worth hanging on in there. Let me know if you start a diary so I can support you.

Em x

Posted : 22nd January 2025 6:20 pm
Posts: 34
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Tracey - Thank you so much for checking in on me. Seeing your message this morning made me smile and I haven’t been doing a lot of that recently so I really appreciate you. I’m still hanging in there!

I hope you’re ok?

Em x

Posted : 22nd January 2025 6:22 pm
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